CMDR malcotch 资料 > 航行日志

Dirigentes Stella [MA-23A]
(Asp Explorer)
1,684,311,304 Cr
Day 12 ~ Equatorial Circumnavigation Tour 2018

Travelled 2,135LY from Gloomue JI-R d5-0 to Gloomoo MX-S d4-2

I damaged my hull for the first time since having this Anaconda, damaged twice by white dwarf stars. The first time was caused by getting to close when trying to get a jet cone boost and the second damage was caused by trying to land on a planet in Hypaa Proo FC-T d4-2 that was only 2ls away from the white dwarf and proved to be too close to safely approach. too close for comfort

Total distance travelled from start = 16,547LY/12 Days = 1,378LY/Day

Day 11 ~ Equatorial Circumnavigation Tour 2018

Travelled 1,770LY from Hypaa Pri DV-P d5-4 to Gloomue JI-R d5-0

Gloomue JI-R d5-0 is a green system with all materials need for FSD injections available.

I'm starting to travel 1,800LY below the galactic plane and can reach systems 2,000LY below the galactic plane, with FSD jet cone boosts. But there is a higher risk of getting stuck, unless the target system is a Neutron star.

Here's a good view from Gloomue JI-R d5-0 4 A towards the galaxy centre and the sinister looking Hawking's Nebula View of Hawking's Nebula

It's my 1st anniversary since obtaining my space commander license, I can't believe how far I've come in that first year!

Total distance travelled from start = 14,421LY/11 Days = 1,311LY/Day

Day 10 ~ Equatorial Circumnavigation Tour 2018

Travelled 1,542LY from Aaeyoe WT-Q d5-1 to Hypaa Pri DV-P d5-4

For the last few days I've been under time constraint and basically been winging it across the systems with no time for any exploration. Now I've crossed the Hipparcos Basin, I can start descending again, as I travel through the Scutum-Centaurus Arm.

At -1,000LY Neutron stars can be found which should help in travelling further each day. Neutron star view

Total distance travelled from start = 12,724LY/10 Days = 1,272LY/Day

Day 9 ~ Equatorial Circumnavigation Tour 2018

Travelled 710LY from Aaeyio NK-K c10-0 to Aaeyoe WT-Q d5-1

Total distance travelled from start = 11,203LY/9 = 1,244LY/Day

Day 8 ~ Equatorial Circumnavigation Tour 2018

Travelled 778LY from Aaeyio JR-V e2-0 to Aaeyio NK-K c10-0

Distance travelled from start = 10,527LY/8 = 1,315LY/day

Day 7 ~ Equatorial Circumnavigation Tour 2018

Travelled 454LY from Aaeyoea JP-K c10-0 to Aaeyio JR-V e2-0

Day 6 ~ Equatorial Circumnavigation Tour 2018

Travelled 1,291LY from Hypoea Prau ND-S d4-2 to Aaeyoea JP-K c10-0

Distance travelled from start = 9,296LY/6 Days = 1,549LY/Day

Day 5 ~ Equatorial Circumnavigation Tour 2018

Unfortunately no volcanism was found on moon 10 C A

Travelled 2,419LY from Gloomi QA-U d4-3 to Hypoea Prau ND-S d4-2

An earth like world was discovered in Gloomuae ET-L c10-0 Earth Like World

As I neared the edge of the Sagittarius-Carina Arm it got more difficult to keep travelling at 1,400LY below the galactic plane. I'm currently at -800LY and as I start to cross the Hipparcos Basin I will try and stay below -400LY.

Distance travelled from start 8,091LY/5 Days = 1,618LY/Day

Day 4 ~ Equatorial Circumnavigation Tour 2018

Travelled 2,811LY from Hypaa Prau LY-H c10-0 to Gloomi QA-U d4-3.

Gloomi QA-U d4-3 is a green system with all jumponium materials available.

Currently landed on moon 10 C A restocking on germanium and looking for methane magma volcanism. View from moon 10 C A

Total distance from start = 5,852LY/4 days = 1,463LY/day

Day 3 ~ Equatorial Circumnavigation Tour 2018

Travelled 1012LY from Hypaa Prau JB-X e1-0 to Hypaa Prau LY-H c10-0

Starting to come across neutron stars 1000LY below the galactic plane, that are useful for jet cone boosts.

Hypaa Prau LY-H c10-0 system has 3 terraformable planets, a water world and ammonia world.

A view from planet 10:

A view from planet 10

Distance travelled from start 3066LY/3 Days = 1022LY/Day