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Passage to Andromeda - Day #32

Finally made it to the Baade & Zwicky's Eye Nebula (Pru Bre PM-W e1-11) after a fairly quick crossing of 13500ly. Approaching the nebula I was greeted with a beautiful intense blue ball and upon entering it and avoiding the neutron star that met me, I took the time to take in the interior of this stunning nebula.

After checking the system map I realised that our Expedition Fleet Carrier, Endeavour, was also in the system and decided to pay her a visit, stock up and make repairs on my well travelled Anaconda.

Now it's onwards to Beagle Point. I've climbed vertically away from the nebula a thousand of so LY in an attempt to find some unexplored space and 'discover' as many new systems as possible between here and Beagle Point.

Out in the Blue

Escaping a neutron star

Aboard The Endeavour

Heading back into the Black

Passage to Andromeda - Day #31

Almost at the next waypoint after a 13500ly march across The Black. Will report more shortly

Two Suns

Passage to Andromeda - Day # 30

After a few days out out of the cockpit, I made some progress toward the next waypoint today. I found a few systems that were worth scanning but nothing really to report. I did come across this rather beautiful nebula but didn't record it's position unfortunately.

Out of the black and into the red

Passage to Andromeda - Day #29

No exploration today

Passage to Andromeda - Day #28

No exploration today

Passage to Andromeda - Day #27

No exploration today

Passage to Andromeda - Day #26

Today I made it to my next waypoint at the Greeroi Veil Nebula (Greeroi MT-O d7-3) after a few uneventful days. I actually decided to carry on straight through and make my way toward the DSSA Four Corners Monument (Ploea Auscs ZA-A c16) to carry out a few repairs and restock my heatsinks ready for the next phase of the expedition. I'm now back out in the black looking at waypoint #6 (Baade & Zwicky's Eye - Pru Bre PM-W e1-11) which I need to reach by next weekend.

Approaching the Greeroi Veil Nebula

Approaching the Greeroi Veil Nebula

Passage to Andromeda - Day #25

A very quiet day in The Black today. From where I picked up until where I finished today there were no sites of interest whatsoever. I discovered nothing, saw nothing. Very mundane indeed and certainly the most boring day on the expedition for me so far. Let's hope there are many more like that. I did find a photo I took yesterday of the four neutron stars I found in the Aikhtiar Almughamara System (Plaa Scraa EA-A e114) which I passed through. Pretty impressive to see, scary to navigate through!

Aikhtiar Almughamara System

Got too close!

Passage to Andromeda - Day #24

Today I passed through the Heliotrope Nebula (Plaa Aoscs HA-A e9427). The nebula has a large black hole at it's centre and surrounded by the most beautiful tourquoise and red gas clouds. It really was a sight to behold after weeks of blacks, blues and reds.

I'm making good progress toward my next waypoint and trying to visit interesting systems along the way and of course the continual grind of scanning valuable systems for their planets in the constant drive towards my Elite II Explorer rating.

Scanning Planets

Scanning Planets


Passage to Andromeda - Day #23

Nothing to report today. Just jumping, honking and scanning.....

Up close & personal with planet rings

Scanning Planets