CMDR Aldarion 3TwoAlpha 资料 > 航行日志

honest tuck [AL-27A]
(Asp Explorer)
27,157,189,051 Cr
Scorpius Dark Region MT-Q b5-4 2 a at coordinates {-38.398342 / 75.064644 }

Parked on Scorpius Dark Region MT-Q b5-4 2 a at coordinates {-38.398342 / 75.064644 }

14:21:00 UTC : Successful Landing at Geological Site 14: Not easy with such a huge vessel like the Beluga but I was able to make it. The terrain at the foot of some mountains elevating in all directions is rough. Entering the SRV to further investigate.

Parked on Scorpius Dark Region MT-Q b5-4 2 a surface 14:54:37 UTC : There are gysers of water (ice) at this sit; the terrain is rough but rich in materials: crystal clusters and fragments can be found at the geysers, which are closely spread over the area; sometimes there are two material sources placed in 1 loc.

--Parked on planet surface

13:30:18 UTC : Additionally I did find some Polonium and Carbon inside the area. Now I might fly through the canyon before seeking out the other signal sources.

One more site on GD 140 A 1 A surface and voyage notes

--Parked on GD 140 A 1 a surface 15:23:55 UTC : The area is classified as a magma field with sillicates; I found Ferrum (iron), Sulfur, Chrome, Selen and Carbon, some Germanium and Polonium as well.

--Supercruising: 13:00:09 UTC : Starting the second day of Distant Worlds 3305 Expedition. The next waypoint is an Asteriod Base at Omega Nebula; GalMap Ref is Omega Sector VE-Q b5-15.

13:02:06 UTC : Until the 18th of JAN 3305 this has to be reached. So I plotted a route, which is not directly leading towards waypoint 2 but instead towards another Nebula; I am aiming for Traikaae KT-P D6-5. This Nebula is located above the galactic Plain.

13:04:29 UTC : This Nebula (containing the system KT-P D6-5) is placed inside the Inner Orion Spur as well (as waypoint number 2) but aproximately 1kly away from the second DW2 waypoint.

13:14:34 UTC : After a few jumps I am reaching Lupus Dark Region Sector. The aim is not to follow the most likely routes but some alternate routes to be able to find undiscovered objects and phenomena. The ship is working fine.

13:17:32 UTC : Now travesing parts of Scorpius Dark Region Sector.

13:27:25 UTC : 3 Gas Giants, two ringed, several icy bodies, one with 40 and another one with 46 Geological Sites marked. I will further investigate these objects before jumping to the next system en route.

14:02:05 UTC : Scorpius Dark Region MT-Q B5-4 2A, the innermost moon of the second gas giant (one moon of three) shows 46 Geological Signal Sources and is placed relatively close to the gas giant's ring. I will land on this planet to investigate at least one signal source and to enjoy the view of a bright, nearly white moon next to a blue gas giant. The moon itself is moving at the rings plain so to get a good sight of the thin ring from this moon might not be possible, unfortunately.

--Above planet GD 140 A 1 a

13:41:50 UTC : I think the numbering of the geological signal sources is what it is: a simple numbering from one to 15 counting the geological sites on this moon. 13:43:45 UTC : Supplemental entry:- There are some really massive mountains of an elevation of ten kilometers and more. Compared to the size of this moon, these mountains are really tall spicking out of the surface shimmering in blue white ice under the sun light of the closest star.

Gathering Materials - Exploration

--Parked on planet at coordinates {-18.965141 / 169.401199 } 12:24:20 UTC : This moon is a relatively small body and close to its central planet as well as it star. 12:37:08 UTC : Supplemental entry:- The planet the moon is revolving around is classifyed as a terra-form candidate, so this moon gets light by a relatively close class A star and by its planet reflecting the bright star light. 12:39:11 UTC : Supplemental entry:- As a resu8lt nights are relatively short and relatively bright on this moon. The last minutes I saw the sun set and the contrasts of the landscape were high with long shadows. Now there is the last daylight on the tops of the mountains. 12:40:49 UTC : Supplemental entry:- But the valleys, plains and the canyons are dark. I will go with the SRV to collect some more materials and catalog the constituents of a geological signal 14. I might do with the other geological signal sources on this planet. 12:42:28 UTC : Supplemental entry:- The result would not only be the gathering of different materials but as well the gathering of knowledge about the codes of geological signal sources, which might be more valuable finally.

Gathering Materials

--On the surface of GD 140 A 1 a 12:41:48 UTC : I mapped the route to the first waypoint of DW2 3305. From my recent location it is just six jumps out. It should be no problem to reach the destination in a couple of minutes. Now I did land on a rocky ice world (or icy and rocky world). 12:42:33 UTC : Supplemental entry:- I brought out the SRV to undertake some test drives and to gather materials and enjoy some nice views. 12:44:08 UTC : Supplemental entry:- I turns out that leaving the Beluga Liner after finishing a detailed surface scan and landing directli at one of several geological sights, I do have an amazing view. 12:46:51 UTC : Supplemental entry:- The body I landed on has several geological sites. I landed on a site marked with \ 12:48:18 UTC : Supplemental entry:- Geological Signal (14) 12:49:54 UTC : Supplemental entry:- Here are several fumarols and crystallic clusters. I need to inspect it. In front of me I do see the planet which the body with my landing site is revolving araound. This is an amazing view - GD 140 A 1. 12:52:54 UTC : Supplemental entry:- These do contain Chromium. There is a good amount of these crystals. --Parked on GD 140 A 1 a surface 13:10:53 UTC : I also found Germanium, Cadmium, Selene, Sulfur, Polonium and there are plenty of other materials out there. I will further investigate. This location is a good material hot spot. Log ends.

Material Optimization

--Docked at Stein Terminal Bernal 12:00:07 UTC : I changed plans: I optimized my material stock at the material trader of Stein Orbital; mainly I focus on what is needed for synthesizing Limpets, SRV-Repair and fuel, Life support and not to forget AFMU filling.

Turner Metallics Inc CraterOutpost

--Docked at Turner Metallics Inc CraterOutpost 11:28:12 UTC : I am starting to find some materials for a grade-5 upgrade of the Beluga's sensors. The aim would be to squeeze some more jump range out of this ship for the DW2 expedition. I need one specific material I might find in wreckage. Remark: The Engineer Upgrade could be applied successfully later today.

CMDR's Log: Mittwoch 9 Jan 3305

--Docked at Turner Metallics Inc CraterOutpost 11:28:12 UTC : I am starting to find some materials for a grade-5 upgrade of the Beluga's sensors. The aim would be to squezze some more jump range out of this ship for the DW2 expedition. I need one specific material I might find in wreckage. Remark: This mission was finished successful.

Conclusion 2019-01-06/07

Conclusion of tihs day: I successfully carried out a bunch of Blackboard Missions for TFRM at Wollheim Station using my beloved ship type T9-transporter. I also filled the cargo space with goods I sold at Wollheim for the most part.

Then I jumped over to Jameson Memorial using my T7 "Small Elephant" to pick up the Beluga I do outfit for DW2 Expedition as good as possible before I start this journey through the dark.

With this intention (improving the outfitting and modules of the Beluga) I wished to unlock Juri Ishmaak to increase the planetary surface probes I will use with the Beluga on DW2.

After succesfully collecting bounties I intended to unlock the engineer Juri Ishmaak but had to acknowledge I need to hand in combat bounties gathered in CZ.

So I travelled to one of the next systems in civilian war state, joined a few combat zones, lost one Challenger in the first CZ I entered but did not achieve what I wished to. I might be too tiered to fight at night time.

Considering the next steps, I come to the conclusion that getting rid of some weight of the massive class 8 life support system, which is used inside the Beluga, still makes sense. So the plans are to get access to one of the engineers, who are able to improve Life Support Systems as there are Bill Turner, Lori Jameson and Etienne Dorn as far as I see.