CMDR Qprime 资料 > 航行日志

JUMPER [Q-005]
553,113,763 Cr
Almost there!

Made a pitstop at felicity's place to get my FSD tuned up. She added another 10ly/jump to it's range (well, when I use a premium injection anyway.) Either way - it made the return trip that much easier. Just gotta finish scanning the nerly 3-dozen bodies in this system then the next jump is my destination! wewt!

Space Truck'n -- MARK 2!!

Ok, got another pack of soontill relics and am on my way back to khun... again. Found an moon that had never been properly surface mapped and turned that data in, so that's neat. Otherwise not much to report.

Well that was a dumb move...

Messed with a white dwarf... got burnt. Specifically to cynders. On top of it I discover that a white dwarf (as opposed to a neutron star) gives the same effective range boost as a premium FSD injection. What a waste of a ship... and my CARGO!!! now I have to double back all the way to ngruii again! arg ;[

Death in the family, took a week off.

Apparently not everyone can be resurrected. No more needs to be said here.

Made it to the soontill relic vendor and picked up 3 of 'em. Well on my way back to the engineer now. Found new Babylon and Waterloo along the way of all things.

What's THIS button do?

Discovered FSD injections. WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Jumped a collective ~120ly in the span of a few minutes between 2 jumps. well on my way to niganii or whatever it's called.

Made it to khun.

Engineer wants some artifact I've never heard of and tells me it can be bought in a system on the other side of the bubble. FML. well, good excuse to go 'sploring on the way I suppose. Off to... uh... nuganii... or something.

It is done.

Every system I've ever visited, I've fully mapped with a DSS excepting the one I'm currently in. yay. and I'm showing 28% of the way to elite explorer too! Now I'm off to Khun to meet up with another engineer and make some progress after my little personal tangent :D

Only 3 more!!

Down to just 3 systems i've been to that aren't properly mapped out. Then off to new pastures, but today i'm doing a light day. I'll probably finish it off tomorrow! :D

"String Reference not set to an instance of a string. parameter name:s"

Ugh... bad night. CMDR interface bugged out after some sort of new backend software update. Couldn't even get my ship to start for like... hours. Finally got things working after some help from the good ol' Galnet -- managed to map a full 2 systems too! of which only had 1 planet... but hey, I'll take it.

I hate computers.

Halfway 'round the loop.

Made it through ~50% of my initial cluster. By numerical count, not by celestial body density xD -- seems I had a few 'nothing but the star(s)' systems in there! Plodding along best i can, should be done in a day or 2!