CMDR Erratic Spawn 资料 > 航行日志

Petal Plucker II [ER-11T]
(Alliance Challenger)
21,031,598,059 Cr
3305-04-20 ### Finally, On to Colonia - A Trip planned for some Time

On April 20th, 3305 I finished my work as evacuation pilot rescuing people from Haignere City station in the OU Geminorum system (which earned me a promotion to Rear Admiral in the Federation Navy). I felt sort of burned out and returned with my trusty Python to my Home Base at Grandin Terminal in DS Leonis.

Unsure what to do next I switched to my Asp Explorer to follow up on a Tip Off mission. Nothing exciting there except for some skimmers. But Maia was close by, so I visited Obsidian Terminal. The next brought a closer look at Maia B, the local black hole, incidentally my first one. Pretty exciting and lots of photographs.

And there it was again. The itch to finally leave the bubble and go out exploring in the black. Nevertheless I did not want into the cold water altogether, but play it somewhat safe on the first real exploration trip. So I decided to head for Colonia, but the slow way (i.e. economic route plotting) to get the necessary experience but still have some intermediate stop-overs. And I saw this as an opportunity to invest in a ship, which I had my eye on for a while.

A Krait Phantom equipped for exploration. And what better place to buy this beauty than Jameson Memorial in Shinrarta Dezhra. On April 21, 3305 at 17:19 UTC my Hyper Drive engaged to the first system LFT 926, one of many to come, heading towards my first milestone, Mammon.

Note: The number of systems visited will not always match the flight log due to the association with my local time. I may fly still after midnight, but will consider this to be the same day/leg, even though the flight log will not.