Profil komandéra WereNessWolf > Deník

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(Krait Mk II)
Členem od:
12. 10. 2020
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3 447
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2 098
SRV Circumnavigation and Pole to Pole

Star date 20-01-3307

Well nothing much really happend for me once I woke up this morning I still had the beautiful blue hue over looking the horizon so I made my coffee and breakfast then ate it while looking out from my seat it is a view that I will be seeing for quite some time which isn't to bad to be honest. But after breakfast I get dressed made another coffee then started my day. I didn't see much today but I did hit some smoother ground before I drove through some decent hills I could hear my SRV putting everything into trying not to stop but unfortunately she couldn't climb up a few hills so I had to detour around them which wasn't to bad. But all in all it was a nice drive I roughly drove another 15kms after having to navigate through a lot of rough terrain. But unfortunately that is where I ended after I slipped on a slope and the gravity took hold and dragged my down the shear drop and took my other SRV out of commission so now I've had to end up back at a fleet carrier to replace my SRV'S then I will be heading back to continue on my journey. Well I will be making another logbook entry tomorrow since this sort of helps keep my mind sain haha.

CMDR Ness signing off

SRV Circumnavigation and Pole to Pole

Star date 19-01-3307

Well today was the second day of the circumnavigation. I started the day as anybody would I had a nice MRE breakfast with some condensed coffee and milk had a shower while looking out the windows to see the nice blue hue of the nearby star then brushed my teeth got dressed and then started my journey. It was an interesting one to say the least because I have come across a few damaged Nav beacons which I find very strange considering how far away from the bubble these are in so it get's a person wondering how they came to be wasted and crash on this planet. So after a while of driving around and getting slightly lost due to a crater I have finally found my path that is leading to the Northern point to start from one pole to the other. I figured why not since I like a challenge and what bigger way to do it than a planet almost 8× the size of Sol haha. Trying to use thrusters is a no go since the gravity pulls you back down harder than you care to enjoy. I've lost one of my SRV'S today due to a fatal error which leaves me with one to go before I have to leave the planet in order to get another two and then start again. Being a little lonely isn't to great but this is what we explorer's have to expect in this line of duty. Is becoming one with the void I think I have travelled a total of maybe 30km as I was able to gain a little on a somewhat flat surface. Somewhat flat surface my face shh lol sorry Steph is my AI she can be cheeky at time's but anyway that is enough from me today hoping to make more headway tomorrow.

CMDR Ness signing off

SRV Circumnavigation and Pole to Pole

Star date 18-01-3307

Today was the first day that I landed on HD 148937 being a HMC world and a gravity of 9.77G I thought that I would keep a mission log to keep me sane while I live inside of my new home for what could possibly be 6 month's or more. During my first day I have noticed a massive difference with how my SRV handles with all my pips in engine's to try and give it as much power that I can I am having a difficult time getting up some somewhat small to small-medium sized hills. Honestly if only there was a way to customise the tyre's for much better grip I would think that would be awesome. But anyway I think I had travelled 10km during my first day. To the first of many logs.

CMDR Ness signing off