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hemorrhoid [11-00]
(Krait Mk II)
Členem od:
9. 12. 2020
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The End of Robigo and the Purchase of The Beast

The Beast! The Beast at Dav's Hope

I ended the Robigo Passenger missions with 1,019,000,000 credits to earn ‘My First Billion’ badge. This was more than ample to purchase The Beast.

I made my way back to Shinrarta Dezhra and made the necessary purchases. This left me with a healthy 350,000,0000 so a few rebuys just in case. I have now begun the engineering slog. Most of the modules I wanted to upgrade have been done but some are lacking that final grade 5* component and the Experimental Effect. I have visited a couple of the engineers to get the Experimental Effect and I did some multi-hop trading along the way. Loving the cargo space.

I have tried out some Assassination missions and I have hung out a Nav beacon to test the combat and to get some parts. The Beast has not disappointed. The turrets reduce most targets to slag pretty quickly, although The Beast is slow so they can fly away. However, the fighter can be launched to chase them down. Love the fighter bay, feels like Battlestar Galactica on launch. They are so fast and nimble, a good contrast to The Beast itself.

In order to get some more components, I have jumped to the Hyades Sector DR-V C2-23 and Planet A5 in search of the abandoned base Dav’s Hope. I have landed and launched my newly painted SRV to collect components and the data from the site. Pulling away from The Beast I can get a true measure of its size, it is massive! I’ll exit and reload a few times whilst here to fill up a bit on components.

Next, I think I’ll head towards the Eurybia system to get in with the Blue Mafia and unlock the engineer Liz Ryder. She is affiliated with the Empire so may get my linker mission for promotion too.

Combat: Expert & the Robigo Run

Reached Combat level Expert Robigo Mines

Right, it has been a month so I thought I'd better do an update. I have spent most of my time in the Fer-de-Lance, in between engineering it I have done assassination missions, combat missions and I have been hanging around Nav beacons and resource collection sites. This has been to make money but also to collect parts for engineering. Love combat at the resource collection sites as it gives a proper sense of speed in the asteroids and the Fer-de-Lance is very quick.

I have now pretty much fully engineered the Fer-de-Lance apart from one Shield Booster as I need Imperial Shielding and I need to unlock an engineer to take my Beam Lasers to 5*.

Along the way I also became ‘Expert’ in the Combat Rank and Chief Petty Officer in the Federation.

My next ship project is going to be a Type 10 Defender. I want a bit of an allrounder to do different kind of missions, kill things, trade but also surface missions. I am going for automated turrets, some decent cargo space, an SRV hangar but also a fighter hangar, looking forward to using that. I need a reasonable jump range and fuel scoop and I need to be able to scan planets. I have been past too many Earth-likes in the Fer-de-Lance and couldn’t scan them. I have constructed a list and named the new ship ‘The Beast’, which applies to the ship and the price tag, 743 million!!!

In order to pay for this new multi-purpose behemoth, I am going to see what this Robigo Mines thing is all about. From the facebook group I am a member they keep talking about the money you can make doing passenger missions from Robigo Mines to Sothis and Sirius Atmospherics. You must be aligned with the Sirius Corporation, which I already am but now I need a ship I can use as a tour bus.

A bit of messing with EDSY and I constructed a spec for a ship that will accommodate 90 or so passengers. It is a Python with maximum engineered thrusters and FSD. I have tried to eek out the maximum jump range and achieved just over 30 lys. This apparently makes the passenger missions easier as it will just be two jumps out and two jumps back. The ship is the Black C4b and cost 60 million. You’ve got to speculate to accumulate.

To get to Robigo was 20 jumps from where I was in the bubble. This caused an issue halfway there as I didn’t have a fuel scoop and I had to make a detour to a nearby system with a carrier in it. Now I am at Robigo the grind begins; starting cash 169 million.

Sol (Didi Vatermann 5*)

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Combat bonds did nothing to increase the rank of Didi Vatermann so I decided to go back to Shinrarta Dezhra and pick up my Vulture and upgrade that. First though I did some assassination missions to go with the Federal Combat Bond missions. In doing these I ranked up to Petty Officer and got the permit to Sol.

I took the Vulture to Didi Vatermann and upgraded it up to the point that she became 5 stars ready for the Fer-de-Lance. I then went back to Shinrarta Dezhra and picked up the Phantom to travel to Sol.

I visited Mercery, Venus, Earth and Mars, which has been terraformed so is an Earth like. I am now prospecting for selenium ready to upgrade the Fer-De-Lance.

Unlock Didi Vatermann

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The Fer-De-Lance has been upgraded with 5 Armour, 5 Hull Reinforcement, 5 Shield Generator and 3 Shield Boosters. I have been messing about shooting ships and getting some money from bounties and upping my Federation reputation.

I then noticed that I had an invite from Didi Vatermann and she takes shield Boosters to 5! Before I started getting into some serious combat and getting my combat rank up and Federation rank increased I decided I needed 5 Shield Boosters.

Didi Vatermann wants 50 tonnes of Lavian Brandy. This girl has a serious drink problem! The only place you can get it is Lave Station which handedly is right next to Leesti system where Didi Vatermann is. However as with almost everything in this game there is a catch. The catch is that they will only sell 24 units at a time!!! Grind!!!

I took the Python M0nt-33 as that had the best cargo space and did some trading and shooting on my way to Lave to get this alcoholic engineer her swill. She is now unlocked and the left-over brandy that I had, I sold to the settlement for a big loss and not much increase in her rating.

I have gone back to Shinrarta Dezhra to pick up the Fer-de-Lance. I have headed back to Leesti system to complete combat bonds from George Lucas Station (nice!). This will increase my combat rank, my Federation rank and hopefully I can swap the Combat Bonds at Vatermann LLC to increase Didi’s rank. She needs to be above 4 to upgrade my already 3 Shield Boosters.

For the Mug

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Decided to travel to Alpha Centauri and make the arduous journey to Hutton Orbital (0.12 of a light year from the arrival point!).

After 1 hour and 25 minutes I reached Hutton Orbital and docked. Got the mug, the EDSM Badge and some courier missions and left.

I’ve done the courier missions and now the linker mission has appeared for the next Federal rank.

Heading back to Jameson’s Memorial to get the Fer-de-Lance, going to tweak the load out for a better scoop and less cargo space. Then it is off to engineer armour, shields and shield boosters.

200 Light Year Jump

Just about to attempt to overload FDS

Got the Diamondback Explorer from Jameson's Memorial and used the Neutron Planner to find the first Neutron Star on the way to Colonia. Noticed that I could take DBX FDS engineering from 3 Stars to 5 Stars so did that before leaving the station.

8 Jumps to the Neutron Star. It is pretty and slightly terrifying. Took a right and aimed for the cone and overcharged the FDS. Plotted a route 215 lys towards Alpha Centauri and jumped.

The next badge is the Hutton Orbital…

Lei Chueng 5 Stars

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As I had enough materials I upgraded the Shields and Shield Boosters on M0nt-33. This took Lei Cheung to 5 Stars. I had dropped 187 Gold at the site but it only took him to 2 Stars and a bit.

Now back to Shinrarta Dezhra to pickup the Diamondback Explorer and do a 200ly Neutron jump to get the badge. I will also take one of the Pulse Lasers from M0nt-33 and replace it with a mining laser. This will hopefully make future mining a bit more fun and profitable.

Unlocking Lei Cheung

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Got the cheapest gold around to 'Donate' to Lei Cheung to unlock him. Only cost around 9 million!!!! Greedy whoreson!!

Now in the process of finding more cheap gold to up his star rating before taking my Fer-de-Lance to him. Getting some pirate bounties on the way too.

At the next gold drop off I'll look into ugrading the Python, resources dependent.

Unlocking Selene Jean

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Using the dependable Python M0nt-33, I have core mined enough Painite to not only unlock Selene Jean but get her to 4 Stars too.

I then engineered the Hull armour on my Python to take Selene up to 5 Stars. She is now primed ready to engineer my Fer-de-Lance.

I am off now to buy some cheap gold to unlock Lei Cheung….

The Fer-De-Lance and Unlocking Juri Ismaak

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The Fer-Del-Lance has been purchased, with all the desired modules, utilities and hard points. Opted for 4 medium beam lasers fixed with a huge gimballed multi-cannon.

Thus far I have fully engineered the FSD (no experimental effect yet), the power plant but I may swap this so that I have lower thermal. The Power Distributor has been fully engineered along with the Thrusters. I have now got Tod 'The Blaster' McQuinn up to level 5 and my multi-cannon is now fully overcharged with caustic experimental. The Beam lasers were pretty much unusable until I managed to get the Thermal vent experimental effect on them.

Whilst messing around with some combat I have got enough combat bonds to unlock Juri Ismaak. I went to see him and gave him the rest of the combat bonds he needed. I have made my wake and K-warrant Scanners faster and my sensors lightweight but I cannot complete the engineering because I have run out of manganese and open symmetric keys.

I have returned to Shinrata Dezra to pick up the Python again to do some mining. I now need to unlock Selene Jean and Lei Cheung for armour and shield boosters and generators.