Profil komandéra Heavy Coyote > Deník

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Členem od:
16. 2. 2021
Vzdáleností potvrzeno:
Navštíveno systémů:
3 381
Systémů objevených jako první:
1 204

Some crazy Br’ish slammed into my anaconda while mining at Colonia. Now I wasted other 20000 credit of damage . Knocked out my life support forced me run to the nearby station for repair. The maintenance crew told me the life support was defective. They able to replace my life support. The crew was been very helpful toward me. I never expecting a great service at Colonia hub. Rated it 10/10 on Galp!

They replaced my defective life sensor from my anaconda . Gave me tips on taking care of the module for my intergalactic trip. Offers a 5 years free warranty on all stations

I’m promoted to the rank of entrepreneur . Took a break from a few mining runs. Sitting at my cockpit glimpse at the beautiful sky . Grabbed my tablet to read logs from captain smith.


February 15 2987

Our crew is preparing to plot a difficult witchscape jump to Maia. Commanding the most advanced ship the cooperative can offer. Capable of traveling through witchspace under a minute. With a new prototype drive developed by redacted with shady witchcraft no sane individual can understand. Capable of jumping to different destinations without external help. Only requires a special fuel and pixie magic, whatever you call it. Space traveling already drove me insane. I rather take a day cruising than jumping into hell space.

May 23 2987 It’s been months in the deep unknown. My intel rumored of an unidentified space object hovering near at site alpha. They describe the object non-human, organic , resembling a flying saucer from old earth tales. It hovers above site alpha and quickly vanishes from view.

May 30 2987 The Galactic Survey team was able to recover a small sample from the remains of the unidentifiable saucer that turns out to be thargoid origin. The main evidence for the ship's disappearance near Pleiades Nebula. I had ordered all the ground crew back on the megaship.

Professor Anand : My team found a breakthrough after analyzing the sample of the remains. This sample is the toughest organics metal ever. It’s better than Starlite alloy in every way. This thing is light , flexible and has unbelievable tensile strength.

Professor Corrin: For real ?

Professor Anand: Here’s the data from the rigorous testing.

Corrin examine the data and the photograph of the remains

Professor corrin: Thargoid ?

Professor Anand: Raxxla ?

Professor Corrin: [chuckles] It’s not raxxla anymore . Here’s my childhood story.Uncle showed me an old news article about the causes of disappearance near the pleiades nebula as an inspiration for my high school xenology project . Then Started creating a presentation explaining the theory of the thargoid race and alien abduction. Everyone at class started cheering me up for the presentation and my sketches . Except for the Xenology teacher who gave me a downright F . Told me it’s a hoaks promotes xenophobia, also not following the project guidelines. Took me to the office explaining the headmaster my presentation promotes genocide. Forces the entire class to watch a documentary of an innocent mudlark getting slaughtered.

Commander Newmann:[sinister laugh] You were forced to watch Federal propaganda.

Professor Corrin: Who are you ? An imperial spy ?

Newmann took off his helmet

Commander Newmann: I’m commander Newmann from the pilot federation.

Professor Anand: It’s nice to have you back Newmann

Commander Newmann: Captain Smith needs you all on the ship by tomorrow to survey the Col sector.



Today is my 5th day of the expedition. 15lyrs away from home. Collected 600 specimens,artifacts and Anomalies from unexplored planets. Also, found countless worlds teaming with life. Meanwhile , my fleet is preparing to set course to the next waypoint. Professor Solus will bring a surveyor to investigate the site at Planet “Floarps KI-Z d1-646 B 3” A ammonia planet that has a strong signal presence sent me a cryptic signal with an eerie pulse been automatically recorded by my ship’s computer “ANOMALOUS SIGNAL RECORDED”. I examined my ship’s spectral recording data reciviced me corrupted legacy data with huge text of scrambled hex code. So I contacted Profession Tah on the holo call. Explains about the mysterious data from that ammonia planet. Dr. Tah doesn’t have the skill to scrabble the data. Either safely transmit raw data without getting intercepted by bad actors. Dr. Tah able sent me a contact of Lena Holtzmann, chief of Cyber security works for Tir technology service corp specializes in encryption and cyber attacks for colonia region.
She was currently at the station where my anaconda landed ,Gagarin gate. Will be decrypting the data for me after her executive meeting. “DATA DECRYPTING” now my ship’s computer changed the hud to green. “ENTERING DIAGNOSIS MODE” The screen starts going matrix with a decryption loading screen on my left panel.
I quickly exited my anaconda with my pistol and pointed at the person accessing my ship’s computer “Who are you?”. “My name is Lena Holtzmann”draws my pistol into my hostler. She calms down and says ”Ram tah contacted me to decrypt your data”. “Here’s your decrypted data commander” She pulls out the data card from the computer. Then I grabbed the data card then saluted her for the hard work . Thanks for the work hard and apologized to her. “you will be honored at the next service” She thanked me with admiration. Went back to my anaconda then inserted the data card into the control panel’s data slot. Recivices me a file “full decryption” with many logs from year 2988 . I started playing the first log.

This is Fredrick smith I order to evacuate everyone from this facility !. For future explorers please stay away from Planet B 3 at all cost. You will be facing [redacted]. “ALL STAFF GET ONBOARD THE SHIP NOW !”.... [Thargoid noise]

Whoever made this log, the bugger ain’t going to kill us. We better get team of surveyor to check out that mess. This is commander Heavy Coyotes. I’m signing off.