Profil komandéra JKB > Deník

Jméno komandéra:
Současná loď:
Guido van Rossum [JKB-31]
Členem od:
14. 11. 2016
Vzdáleností potvrzeno:
Navštíveno systémů:
6 278
Systémů objevených jako první:
2 859
Cheers from Beagle Point

Almost six months after departing from Pallaeni I have finally reached Beagle Point. This is my second time here but the idea of being so far away from Sol is just as breathtaking as it was last time.

At the core

Reached Explorer's Anchorage, the new station that's being built near Sagittarius A* thanks to the community effort in Omega nebula. Of course it's still rather spartan and there are no station services to speak of, but another community effort should start shortly to remedy this and provide much-needed services for explorers at the very center of the galaxy.

Distant Worlds 2: leg two.

The fleet has departed WP2 and is enroute to WP3. It's a bit weird, this is a journey intot he black bu we've spent a week in and around a station, and this next leg has two stations listed as POIs on the way. These are welcome sights for rookie CMDRs who are afraid of being far from everything, though, as will the new station that will be built at the galactic center.

The Omega Mining Operations mining community goal has completed.

We did it! We've completed tier 11 before the deadline, that's a total of 3,000,000 tons of ore mined by 5,198 CMDRs even though we are 5,500 Ly from the Bubble. I can't wait to see the station that all this will be used to build near the galactic core.

Distant Worlds 2: community mining effort in the Omega nebula

Meanwhile the people at Omega Mining Operations have managed to set up a basic shipyard and outfitting facilities, just enough to build simple mining ships or get fancier ones transferred from the Bubble. I will be mining after all, the community effort will hopefully get a station built near Sagittarius A*.

Mining in an underpowered Type-6, that's something I didn't do since Colonia. My Python should be delivered in about 15 hours though, that will make things easier.

Distant Worlds 2: First stop

Just docked at Omega Mining Operation, safe and sound. Seeing so much activity in a system after several thousand lightyears in the black kind of makes me want to return once again to Colonia. I wonder how much things have changed there, does it still have this "wild frontier" feel? Anyway, this place sure has the wild frontier feel, and if you don't notice on arrival the station services list will quickly remind you that this is not a high-tech economy at all, hell they don't even have a shipyard!

Distant Worlds 2 Launch Night

Well, the EU launch managed to bring down Frontier's servers but everything was sorted out quite quickly (given it's sunday evening) and the US launch went smoothly. First waypoint is in the Omega Sector in a week, but there a many interesting places on the way there. First up is Shapley-1, or more precisely the Fine Ring nebula around it. I'm logged out there for the night, after having scanned all systems on the way, and mapped a couple of them. Love the new exploration tools, they make it so easy to find surface features!

One hour left until Distant World 2 launches

The hype is real!

Balance: 1,024,962,978 Cr

Now officially a billionnaire in cash. Of course most of this money comes from core mining, but I really wasn't lucky with void opals; good thing grandidierite and alexandrite also sell for obscene amounts.

Elite in trading

Just became Elite in trading, thanks to the amazingly lucrative ice core mining (even though I bought and A-rated a Python especially for that task). So that's done, maybe I'll go for the extra stretch and try to get a billion credits in cash before Distant Worlds 2 launches.