Profil komandéra Dax Angel > Deník

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Členem od:
1. 8. 2021
Vzdáleností potvrzeno:
Navštíveno systémů:
19 518
Systémů objevených jako první:
10 164
6 013 094 670 Cr
Extraordinary Voyages Expedition - Log#8

Cmdr Log Stardate 3308.05.16

During our short trip to visit a class O star, we have an accident at Phrae Pre TT-R e4-7 system and lost a SRV due to high G jump. This is a quite interesting system with multiple high G HMW, the highest is 3.47G. There're also legacy Bio (LUTEOLUM ANEMONE) on several HMW, 7 GG one of them with a beautiful puple/pink color.

We will continue our trip to the class O planet without an SRV since our FC too far away to go back and restock.

HMW with ring

Legacy Bio

Extraordinary Voyages Expedition - Log#7

Cmdr log stardate 3308.05.08

Waypoint 3: Lonely Lanten Nebula

ON our way to waypoint 3 we discovered a system with twin ELW, some new Bio and legacy Bio.

We're leaving for Waypoint 4: Dryaea Broo AA-A g5 (a stella POI called Shepard's Candle)

From this point forward we will travel 2000ly under galactic plan and using mostly Newtron star and only go up when we can't plot the route. The main purpose is to find a ring Newtron star or a system has ELW with Newtron star is the main star.

Lonely lanten nebula

Some of our BIO and & Geo discoveries: new Bio

Extraordinary Voyages Expedition - Log#6

Cmdr log stardate 3308.04.01

We are at Waypoint 2: Thracian Nebula (DSSA Inverness). Our Fleet Carrier currently prepare for the next waypoint and also buying tritium from DSSA Inverness. I take some ships out to expore the system and nearby systems, while the crew enjoy the beauty of this blackhole/planetary nebula.

Thraikoo PS-U e2-4

Black hole

Extraordinary Voyages Expedition - Log#5

Cmdr log stardate 3308.03.27

I'm 2500ly below galactic pan to explore the lowest system below Seashell Nebulae. A lot of Newtron jumps in this area, I have to be careful and make sure I can go back. Worst case, I still have my Fleet Carrier to rescue.

close proximity ring

Extraordinary Voyages Expedition - Log#4

Cmdr log stardate 3308.03.22

We reached Waypoint#1: Dehoae Sector (aka Seashell Nebula) This nebula already fully explored, however we still decided to hangout a while for sightseeing and surface survey.

Within 1000ly to Waypoint#1 Within 1000ly from Seashell Nebula

Sightseeing on planet surface Surface explore near Seachell Nebula

Legacy bio signal founded at this close orbit planet FC arrival at Seashell Nebula

Enjoy the view from the One-Wing Angel FC Commandesk view

Extraordinary Voyages Expedition - Log#3

Cmdr log stardate 3308.03.20

We're getting closer to waypoint#1 and discorver a few more interesting systems. We found our first undiscover Amonia World in the Temple region, a system with two Earth Like World and a first ever Earth Like Moon and a close orbit binary

First Amonia World

Double ELW

First Ever ELM

Close orbit binary

enter image description here

Extraordinary Voyages Expedition - Log#2

Cmdr log stardate 3308.03.18

We found the first undiscovered ELW in the Temple Region, about 11k ly from the human bubble. Our FC temporary station at this ELW for the crew to enjoy the view and take a short rest before we continue our journey. FD-ELW #1 - Temple Region

Extraordinary Voyages Expedition-Log #1

Everything is going according to plan. After FC One-Wing Angel installed the Bar and Vista services, we’re heading to the black and start our expedition. Our first waypoint will be Dehoae nebula in the Temple region, about 18k ly from the bubble. After a few jumps I realized we have not filled up the medkit and energy cell yet, so we stopped by at the Sard Region nebula to visit the asteroid base and buy some consumable goods.

Sard Region nebula

Nothing has been out of the ordinary so far and I decided to get to the pilot bar and enjoy a drink while waiting for our next jump. This log entry ends here.

Extraordinary Voyages Expedition (EV-Log #0)

About the name: To honor Jules Verne, the Father of Science Fiction who was born on Earth in the 18th century. He’s one of the pioneers in Sci-fi, author of some bestselling novels including Journey to the Center of the Earth, Twenty Thousands Leagues Under the Seas and Around the World in 80 Days. His novels were so ahead of time and inspired many people on Earth to love science and the technological advances of the time.

To honor Jules Verne, Fleer Carrier One-Wing Angel will take a long expedition to circumnavigate the Milky Way galaxy, to explore and survey some unvisited galactic regions and boldly go where everyone has gone before.

1.The tentative itinerary: From human bubble = Temple = Vulcan Gate = Perseus Arm = The Conduit = Newton’s Vault = The Veils = Trojan’s Belt = Dryman’s Point = Lyra’s Song = Achilles’s Altar. (might be changed to counterclockwise)

In this expedition, the scout ship will go ahead of the FC and look for an interesting system, then the FC will jump in and stay for a while. Survey ship will explore the local sector 1000 ly bubble around FC and then move on. Route and system selection will be completely random.

2. Support fleet:

  • Scout and long range jump: Mercury Rising (DBX)
  • Surface survey and canyon racing: Victoria (iCourier)
  • Sentimental & Stellar Screenshot hunter: Fearless (Cobra Mk III)
  • Extreme weather and hot surface: Voyages of Sinbad (Dolphin - cold)
  • Xeno sample collector: Red Phoenix (Krait Phantom AX build)
  • Potentially dangerous places: Heartless (heavy armed Crusader)
  • FC fuel transporter: T9 Heavy
  • Tritium mining: Comfortably Numb (iCutter)
  • Core mining: C.M.I.Y.C (iClipper)
  • Emergency bubble shortcut: Starship I, II, III (iEagle, Sidewinder, Keelback)
    • Maximum allow to shortcut back to the bubble 3 times.
  • Bubble jumpers ready to get back to the FC in the black: Forever Young (Anaconda), Jupiter Ascending (AspX), Lost In Space (Orca).

3. Preparation: FC One-Wing Angel currently in the Gamatcho system to fuel up tritium and waiting for FC interior services installation. Some rare good cago to bring for deep space parties: Lavian Brandy, Onionhead gamma, Kamitra Cigars, Fujin Tea, Kongga Ale, Azure Milk, Guardian and Thargoid stuff.

4. FC hyperdrive Engage : March 15 - March 23, 3308 (will update with more info)