Profil komandéra Havocon > Deník

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(Asp Explorer)
Členem od:
5. 10. 2021
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4 720 583 Cr
April 19, 3310 On the Road Again

Back in the saddle today. Added some repair limpets, even though I didn't even have time to use them last time, but just in case. But took a bit more time in my travel plans this time so I could dedicate more time to trying to get to Colonia a little faster. I'll still stop and see a couple sights but I need to focus on getting there.

The only excitement is that I got a little too close to more then a couple dwarf stars which caused some over heating on the ship. I've stopped and landed on a planet so I could power down some of my systems to repair the modules. Need to keep my thrusters, life support, and Frame shift alive, otherwise I would be dead in the water. But I did get over a 100 jumps in to my destination. Got to the distance I had before when I crashed. Gonna rest here for a bit, and I will try to log some more jumps before the end of the day.

April 5, 3310

I've been forced to restart my journey due to my own ineptitude. I was attempting a landing, in system HIP 90600, on a small metal content planet. While coming down, I engaged my down thrusters believing it would assist me more then my primaries. Instead what happened is my ship came down to fast and bounced off the surface and damaged the hull beyond repair. The Night Princess exploded, causing me to be ejected. I was rescued and was able to cover the costs of a new ship, but I find myself back at Yang Station. Where I started my journey. I will try again tomorrow, but for now I will rest. I will complete this journey for Lillith. I will get my Night Princess home.

March 25, 3310- 2nd Leg

Spent the last couple days trying to compile my video logs into something a bit more interesting then just me talking to myself while seeing a bunch of empty space. While the trip is interesting, there haven't been too many exciting things for people not living it. So I fell asleep a lot to my own footage. So I decided to take off this morning when I woke up.

This trip was a bit shorter. Saw a couple more interesting signals in the FSS but nothing too exciting. A couple gas planets with life on them forming. But I ended at HIP 175876, Heaven's Lathe, and found a couple more interesting sites. A previous explorer had left behind a beacon that led to a neutron ring around one of the local suns. The primary sun in the system itself was also beautiful, giving off a blue, almost ethereal, glow. I've landed on a plaentoid here to do some exploring and update the logs.

March 22,3310 - Launch Day and First Leg of the Journey

I have just come to a stop at HD 171804, the second waypoint of my trip. Had a rough start and almost flew into a sun in Auserine, the last inhabited system I'm gonna be in for awhile. My nerves kinda got to me to be honest. Those no easy way back from here. I'm already over 1k LY from the nearest port. Granted I've got several thousand more to go before I get to my destination, but its easier for me to go forward from here then turn back.

Had a couple interesting sites along the way. My first waypoint was the Cornet Pulsar. It was simultaneously , beautiful and amusing. Amusing because it reminded me of a blow up sign that people use to get attention, but with arms. Or like an old cartoon character that can't hold their balance.

Then I took a pit stop for fuel in another system, I'll have to replay the video log for the system, but it had a gas giant in it that I tried to explore. Goofy me forgot my ship isn't meant for atmospheric flying. Thankfully the computer did and kept from getting too close.

There were also a couple of white stars that I hadn't seen before that I ooed and awed over for a couple minutes. But the trip so far has ben uneventful. A couple of the way points I have coming up should offer some good scenery and I'm going to be editing down the video and audio logs to share as well. Might even make it a bit more interesting to watch somehow. I'm gonna work on them as I orbit this dwarf star and before I begin the next leg of my trip.