Profil komandéra CMDR Scott Fleming > Deník

Jméno komandéra:
Současná loď:
Snake Bite [scg-sb]
(Cobra Mk III)
Členem od:
6. 12. 2022
Vzdáleností potvrzeno:
Navštíveno systémů:
4 416
Systémů objevených jako první:
2 560
12 267 385 619 Cr
The return to Great Annhilator

Post West-Points journey


I was impressed with the region surrounding Great Annhilator, so we're heading out there to spend our Spring time months finding undiscovered sectors, systems and perhaps a new GEC POI candidate.

The recent Titan explosion was an amazing event to witness, although I couldn't physically attend the event, I was able to watch the stream on Discord and it was amazing indeed.

HR 6265

HR 6265 - I decided to add this side route to view this POI, which is aptly named Wolf's Vegetarian Delight

Four gas giants and a high metal content planet orbit that white dwarf, and between those five bodies, they have 20 moons, 11 of which support life on the surface. We visited several bodies, and collected a few more Codex entries we needed for our bio sample roster.

Due to the recent FDev update, FC jump times were about 1:15:00 for Xanadu, which gave us plenty of time to scour the surface for bio samples. As of this writing, FC jump times have reduced to 00:45:00 roughly, and I'm hoping to see that number continue to reduce as the players return to normal activity.

We have 41 jumps remaining to arrive at Great Annhilator, and since we're on an exploration journey, each system (hopefully) will be scanned, and when appropriate we'll map/visit what nice opportunities that present.

Points West Expedition Victory Class Carrier SCG Xanadu

Long journey west to the farthest point in the known galaxy. A part of the Points west Expedition with other FC's and commanders.

Our route progress from EDSM

Route Sheet on Google Docs

So far, relavitely uneventful trip. However, we did get some nice screenshots of close orbit landings, as well as a space tater which has a radius of only 199km.

Drojaea JU-M d8-1

Drojaea JU-M d8-1

Estimated values in EDDiscovery shows this system's HMC and ELW bodies have already been mapped, but two bodies are unmapped, 8 and 9.

Body 8 has 2 (Metallic/Metal Rich) rings with 2 hotspots:

  • Serendibite
  • Painite(2)

Body 9 icy ring:

  • Bromellite: 2
  • Grandidierite: 1
  • Low Temp. Diamonds: 1

The ELW body 5 (already mapped) still has a value of 1.5m cr so I'm going to map it just because it's an easy 1.5m cr.

The Return to the black

EHAM expedition completed

The EHAM expedition has concluded, and Xanadu made her way back to T'U TU from which we started back in July 3038. 4 months in the black, exploring new systems, new worlds, and new codex entries. I saw amazing things, experienced some fear-induced times, and while I was primarily alone in a universe vast and never-ending, I knew I wasn't totally alone because I had the support of my squadron and some key members experience to guide my actions.

Refitting Stryder, Cave Troll, Really Curious

Cave Troll got the bulk of the upgrades. Better mining lasers, and a better power plant/distributor gives her more effiecent mining capabilities. I tried the abrasion blaster and sub-surface missiles, but because I am new, didn't find much succeess. I stored them on Xanadu, and we may revisit that option another time. Stryder received a better power distributor, and we lightened her up and gave her an SRV for doing planetary exploration, for use in places where Really Curious may have trouble landing, or maneuvering. Like canyon runs, and stuff.

The run to SagA

I've decided 3 days in the bubble was enough for me, just too busy with all the comings and goings of ships, and stuff being already visited. I set my target on Juenae AC-B d1-10264 which is in the heart of SagA, and began our expedition there. In this run, we'll do a more methodical series of boxel surveys and hope to discover some really cool shit.

Winter Expedition

In December, I'll be departing for another expedition, named "The Winter Expedition" where I'll be spending time discovering another amazing area of space.

Hypio Ploe GA-Y d1-30 - My largest system discovery

Hypio Ploe GA-Y d1-30 - My largest system discovery to date. I discovered this system while using the EDJP boxel survey of the d1 sector, beginning on d1-1 and ending on d1-30. It was there that this system popped in my scan, and reported 95 bodies.

I gasped, and began the DSS scan routines. Then, I slowly realized what was happening - I was in a system of great wealth and awesome opportunities for both fame and Codex credit.

Today, I am a 6 time billionaire because of Hypio Ploe GA-Y d1-30.

Habitable zone:

Metal-rich body (3 to 62 ls), Earth-like world (974 to 1,461 ls), Water world (799 to 3,093 ls), Ammonia world (2,021 to 5,499 ls), Terraformable (759 to 1,514 ls)


By far, the largest and highest density of biological signals yet to be discovered within a single system (to my knowledge).

95 bodies

74 biological signals

Noteworthy bio signals:

Hypio Ploe BM-Q b8-5 AB 2 High metal content world, Stratum Tectonicas -Green value: 19,010,800

Hypio Ploe GA-Y d1-30 A 14 g
Rocky body, Clypeus Speculumi - Mauve, value: 16,202,800

Refitted Cave Troll for mining

Athaiwyg GW-W b1-0 08 AUG 3039 06:12:00 AM

One of the EHAM carriers promoted they were carrying modules for mining on their FC, and I decided to drop by and do some shopping to refit the Cave Troll with mining equipment. I figure the Cave Troll would be a better fit due to it's Type 9 size, and cargo capacity that will give me lots of room for storage of mined materials (tritium mostly).

Cave Troll refitted for mining

My first real mining operation

Body 1 is a nice gas giant, that after I scanned, turned out to be holding a Tritium Hotspot. I lucked out, big time on that, because Tritium hotspots while common, can be hard to find. I parked Xanadu in orbit, returning from purchasing the mining gear and started out to begin the learning curve of mining for tritium.

I soon discovered there's other ways to mine, besides laser mining, but appears to be much more involved than just pulling the trigger and watching the limpets gather shit. I may review these options at a later time, but for right now, I just need enough tritium to get this bathtub back to Mapon in 3 months.

I plan to mix mining with exploring, so things don't seem like such a grind. The earnings from biological scans has been astoundingly good, and I have no doubt I am rich and can buy anything I want at this point, which includes a fully engineered ship that can do whatever I want it to.

And, it's important to note that listening to Hawkwynd Radio while traversing the galaxy is a wonderful thing.

Athaiwyg GW-W b1-0 1 - Mining for Tritium

31 JUN 3039 - Athaiwyg GW-W b1-0 1 I moved Xanadu from Athaiwyg AA-A f0 because we discovered a tritium hotspot.

The mass jump went on like nothing I've ever experienced before. I'll be better prepared for the next one, if there is one to be had. Probably before we head home to end the expedition ritual in October or something like that. More on that later.

Mining for tritium, discovered a hotspot in the rings of this gas giant. Slow, but somewhat satisfying work, I am finding out some cool things while I blast away at big rocks.

The importance of having enough limpets is lesson number one for this commander. The second most important thing is having enough limpets for mining proceedures, and not running out of limpets while you're mining is the 3rd important thing to remember, that I am still learning.

 Athaiwyg GW-W b1-0 1

[EHAM] Ceremonial Mass Jump

30 JUN 3039 - 12:28:12 PM Athaiwyg AA-A f0

In celebration of the start of the EHAM Exploration, it was my pleasure (and thrilled to death) to be present and take part in the mass jump from Athaiwyg AA-A f0 to Athaiwyg FG-Y b1. Several CMDRs were present as well, and it was an epic event this commander has never experienced before.

The Mass Jump gathering

Mass Jump Gathering

Mass Jump Gathering

Here's the Youtube video taken by CMDR CROM:

The Mass Jump Video

Athaiwyg AA-A f0 - The first look about

Athaiwyg AA-A f0 - 28 JUL 3309 12:12:41

After a restful night I was up and ready to begin exploring this new and wild region of Athaiwyg, having heard of amazing discoveries and new frontiers. I grabbed my morning coffee, and climbed aboard Really Curious to take her out for spin around the block, as the say.

My first encounters were several boring systems of icy bodies and uneventful scans. I hit a few nice dark L stars, and some Methane dwarfs. I decided to stretch my legs a bit further and found some white dwarfs, with large inclusion zones. Almost got too close one time, and decided to boost to the next system instead of supercharging my FSD and risk getting roasted.

All in all so far, it's been a fairly typical look about with nothing impressive to write about with the exception of a body that held 8 biologicals, of which, I scanned 5 that I could easily find, and picked up a nice 96mil cred for my work.

I am looking forward to the ceremonial jump planned for today, however I have yet to hear when or where we will be jumping.

Athairk DH-K d9-5308 and the Big Blue Highway

Athairk DH-K d9-5308