Profil komandéra totallydead > Deník

Jméno komandéra:
Současná loď:
Wampant Wabbit [TO-14K]
(Krait Phantom)
Členem od:
29. 6. 2017
Vzdáleností potvrzeno:
Navštíveno systémů:
39 486
Systémů objevených jako první:
27 746
3 536 008 796 Cr
It's lonely out here,

Well made it to my second way point at Hypao Airgh EG-Y d1 and all I can say is it's lonely out here. So far not seen much in the way of interest but this is what you get on these long runs.

So now for the next few days, I am just going to jump 1000 ly at max to see how much more I can find. Hopefully there will be some nice worlds and systems to explorer. Also another thing I have found is how many jump-able systems there is showing on my scanner. 1 system is the average within in 57ly is a bit low.

But on another note, I must give the bloody commander I nicked the so called thargoid porn off, a damm good beating. As he or she is one sick person. Not only did the lie by saying it's Thargoid porn, but in fact it was something worse i.e FED porn. Good there are some sick people out there. Anyway till the next time, be careful out there people.

Back for more

Well it's been a long time since I made a new ships log. So I believe it is now time to start again, as I am 2 days into a solo expedition to know where.

This time I do mean know where, currently I am travelling to know where special in my new jump conda. This is doing quiet a good job on jump range. Not the best that it can be, but still 57 light years on a full load is not bad. Also before I left my home station, I ensured I had everything in full working order.

I know the conda is not a lakon made ship. But I still wanted to ensure my toilet was in full working order. As I didn't want to end up 30k from any station with a broken toilet. Also ensured I had enough food to last me for a long trip, and no room for gross out fed navy rations. But one thing I am missing on this trip is the strippers and hookers I normally have some with me. But after the last time I had strippers on my ship. I thought better off it as I didn't want to be stuck out in the middle of know where with only 1% hull.

As of yet I have not found anything of interest expect, just before I launched. I raided another commanders locker in the ready room, and found a box marked up Thargoid porn. Oh well it's worth a try and might be interesting to watch on this cold isolated nights.

Peace out commanders. Will Check in again soon.

Back to reality

Well commanders,

I have just returned from a very profitable journey. 26000 LY round trip to visit a earth like planet with in a neutron star system. Not much really to report on this trip except on little note to myself.

Next time, I must remember to lock the door to the cockpit. As this time unlike in my previous journeys, where the toilet kept breaking down in my Asp Explorer. I had a different issue this time. It seemed when I was taking off, I got distracted by something and this I way I must lock the cockpit door.

For one of the stippers I hired to keep my passenger happy, managed to sneak in to cockpit of my orca and decided to give me a little show. Now normally I would worry about things like this. But what she was doing with the other pilots seat joystick as a bit interesting. So why watching her (big mistake or maybe not). I didn't notice that I was flying a bit low, and when I mean low. The bottom of my orca was scrapping along the floor. Luck for me I noticed just in time and managed to pull out of the ground. But this did leave me with a slight problem. I would have to limp home with 1% hull for over 10000 LY's. So it will either be next time, I will make sure and lock the cockpit door or not hire strippers.

Anyway till my next report

Have fun and stay safe (i.e lock your cockpit door if you have strippers on board).

Time to go back into the vastness.

So after returning and spending a couple of days pottering around my home system. I decided I would try to earn money a different way. Yes I like explorering, as I see the wonders of the universe. But why not earn some extra money in the process.

First off I take a couple of small passenger missions to get use to my new orca (at least on that I won't have to worry about the toilet breaking). Also the food dispenser on this beautiful ship, means I will not have to put up with running out off food. All the best food from the imperial menu are available, so good times.

After doing the first couple of small couple of tourist trips. It was time for me to look for something a bit further out of the bubble. That when I find this science geek, that was paying 30million credits to travel out to a earth like neutron star system. Now that sounds like easy money. So hopefully with the extra cash I will get for exploration data. 50 million credits could easily be added to my bank account with in a week.

So until next time

totallydead signing off.

Got My Toilet Fixed

So time for an update on my journey. After visiting the rosette nebula, I decided to head down towards the Monkey head nebula. Still with the bloody toilet in my Asp Explorer broken. Add to this I was running out of food and really started to get worried, that I would have to start on the Federal Navy Rations. Now there is two things that are bad about this.

  1. Federal Navy Rations taste like your are eatting crap.
  2. Federal Navy Rations are not the sort of things you should eat, if you have a broken toilet.

So I thought the best plan, would be head back to the bubble via the Jelly Fish Nebula and up via the California Sector. At least I know when I reach the California Sector. I can get this bloody toilet fixed or maybe replaced. So once I got into the JellyFish Nebula, I looked for a nice suitable planet to land on. To my surprise I found quite a few.

So found a nice little planet to set down in and while having a little rest and planning my route. I decided to check on the intergalactic mapping site. To see if there was any stations within short distance to me, so maybe I could get my toilet fixed. Yes I was in luck, one system over from where I was landed. Was an astroid base by the name of Beta Site in Jellyfish Sector FB-X C1-5. So took off and head straight over to there. Once docked I was lucky to find an Lakon repair facility and complaints department.

So after making a formal complaint and kicking up a major stink (Not from the toilet i may add). They completely replaced the toilet system for free. Whilst also there I took time to re-supply on decent food so that I will not have to suffer the horrible rations from the federal navy.

So after restock and getting the toilet fixed, I have started to make my way back. Currently stopped over night on Ploi Thua GT-O c20-1 1 a. But instead of getting an early night, I decided to jump into my SRV and go for a little drive. While out exploring this very rocky and mountain cover planet. I stumbled across a crashed ship. Couldn't find the data recorder, so I have no idea what happened or who this poor commander was. I decided to leave the crash site in peace and not disturb it as a matter of respect for a fallen commander.

So until next time commanders this is totally dead signing off

Time to see what's out there

So after a few little trips out from the bubble, I have decieded it's now time to go on a longer sight seeing trip around the galaxy. So after 2 days of travelling. I have finally made it to my first stop off point. The seagull nebula, and setting down on a planet with in the Seagull Sector QO-Q b5-0. I went out for a little drive in my srv and got a nice view of the nebula from the planet. Seeing something like this is what has made the trip worth while.

Now the question is where do I head next. My first thought was to head over towards The wayfarers graveyard, but now I am thinking of moving out towards The Perseus Fade. But what ever happens I am sure, I am going to find some nice things to look at.

Also can someone please supply me with the Galnet contact number for Lakon's complaint department. As once again my on board toilet has broken once again. Even thou I had it fixed before I left for this trip. Now not having a toilet is really causing a problem especially, as I am no where near somewhere to get it fixed.

I am pretty much sure 90% of my repair cost on my Asp Explorer are due to having to get the bloody toilet repaird.

Signing out till my next update.