Profil komandéra Keyman26 > Deník

Jméno komandéra:
Současná loď:
The Locksmith [KE-29K]
(Krait Mk II)
Členem od:
9. 10. 2017
Vzdáleností potvrzeno:
Navštíveno systémů:
3 306
Systémů objevených jako první:

Finally got there - made rear admiral a few days back, but decided to push on and get to full admiral. All done now - $350M in the bank - time to go visit some of the places i unlocked, and check in with the 2 new engineers I've gained access to. just 2 more to go now - palin and jaimeson.

flying through ranks

Well the reputation is well earned - sothis ceos is the place to go to get fed rank up - now sitting at Lieutenant and just need another mission to get to Lieutenant commander. Feels like it might be slightly bugged as I'm going up a level and starting the next level at rather high level -sometimes even as much as 100%. i think I'm earning the rank but maybe when I hit 100%, it keeps incrementing in the background in stead of stopping til i complete the mission to rank up?

Last session was frustrating - logged on, mission to rank up was there - easy one - pick up 4 canisters of rare artworks. fly off, collect 3... but got cocky and rammed the last one - doh! mission over. then do a couple of loops between sothis ceos, just to earn money -then get an almost identical mission to rank up again. great. this time - drop in, cargo door open... and then a wing of 6 arrives, mostly sidewinders, but one anaconda. I'm in my type6. they scan me, find nothing and complain... but dont leave. its a tense standoff for a while. I guess as soon as I load my cargo on, they'll be after me. I wait, they wait... not much happens. no police etc. I take the risk - all pips to shields, high wake exit point ready, chaff button thumb hovering... and i scoop up the first of 4 cargo. Nothing happens - ok, scoop 2 and then 3... still nothing. if its gong to happen, it'll be number 4. I wonder if i can gently bump into the artwork - and then push it away from the wing? I dont want to risk breaking another rare artwork - i scoop it up, close my cargo door, and boost it away with FSD charging... suddenly lasers are firing, incoming missile alerts are blaring, my shields take a few hits... I'm boosting again - come on FSD charge up.. I have chaff, but no point defense... come on...... shields gone - armour taking a percentage off now... finally - I jump out, hull mostly intact... and make it to the base and rank up.
exciting stuff.

Petty Officer

Got there today - had to shoot down 24 very low level smugglers to do it - but was pretty easy - ranked up about 10min before the servers went down to install 3.0 Beyond. nice timing :) hopefully don't lose that progress in the update.

wondering what 3rd party tools are going to break with the update.

Rankin' up

So finally got a combat mission I could do - very low ranked cobra that didn't try to do much other than run away. lucky though - worked out my viper was too power hungry on all beams - had to keep waiting - even with 4 pips in weapons to charge up again.

but got my guy, and now ranked midship man. not sure if its a bug or a side effect of clocking up so many missions, but I was instantly 100% ranked midshipman, so immediately waiting on a mission to rank up again. first one was unfair - was on sothis mining and needed to move 60T of gold. I was in my viper.. so no cargo space. no space port to summon my type 7.. and it couldn't land there anyway. need a type 6 for that sort of mission. not to mention, there was only 1T of gold in the market, and no other way to get gold nearby.

so skip that one, and fly back to ceos - mission there was another kill, but recommended rank was elite. no thanks. so - will see what tomorrow brings.

ambitious feds

So here I am down in ceos/sothis. first thing i did was buy myself a little Mark IV viper and kitted it out a little. I was already 100% recruit - so naval jobs were there straight away. I grabbed a job to kill some pirate.. then flew to the far end of sothis's system to take it on. now, I'm a recruit, hoping to make cadet in a non engineer not overly well spec'd out viper. who do i have to kill? why a dangerous pirate lord in a federal corvette with friends!
I gave it a shot, but wow - couldnt do much damage to him at all.. after I lost my sheilds for the 2nd time, I legged it and cancelled the deal. if that gets you cadet, hate to see what the higher ranks require. now doing a much easier retrieval of some blueprints. still way out 100000Ls in sothis. long slow flight times. ugh.

but - as they say, many many missions back n forth available between the two systems.

Fed Grind

So - messed about with the filters and finally found myself an outbreak system. sure enough, plenty of convoy beacons and dropping into one i found a dozen type 9s and was quickly able to scan them all and get the stuff i needed for Ram Tah. got him up to level 3, then decided to head to the famous ceos to grind fed rank a bit ceos sothis on arrival here, hoped to sell my cartographic data, but they are closed due to some thargoid interference. hope I haven't come into a war zone?

more ranks

Having been bit of a tourist in Achenar and visiting capitol (and that strange transmitter floating above the planet that doesn't react to scans), and landing on Dawes Hub - I flew back to Kamocan, picked up my type 7 - and got back into moving fujin tea again. only 20 needed and was able to get 15 on my first landing. quick trip to muang and back and got another 15. so unlocked Broo and got up to the 3rd rank with him before heading off. now - to get Ram Tah. I still need 3 more Classified scan databanks. I read if you flew to outbreak systems and drop into convoy dispersals and scan the type 9s and type 7s, there was a better chance of getting them - I can't see any in the galaxy map for some reason - so head to meene and hope that there might be some up that way. nope - not a bean - maybe my filters were set wrong - I toggle everything on again and then still no outbreak systems. oh well, doing the hard way - just flying around, scanning ships, dropping into convoy USS and hoping for the best. land at a station and low n behold, there's a federation recruitment agent job. wanna join the federation son? Just deliver us 10T of beer and we'll enlist you. Deal! seemed to be having some problems, so try using filters to locate somewhere nearby selling beer. had really mixed results again. wonder if my filters are generally broken? seemed I could see liquor moving about, but not beer. thankfully, after one bad run, used inara to locate a beer vendor and the army soon had their beer, and I'm now a recruit in the federation. Few more ranks til I get to visit Sol and some familiar territory.

5 more engineers to go with Ram Tah virtually there. if I rank up in federation, should get the sarge and Bris pretty quickly. then its just Palin and Lori - which should be doable after a jaunt to Sag A and some serious planetary scanning along the way.

level up

So I suddenly realised if I got to the rank of squire with the empire, it unlocked Achenar, and therefore unlocks access to Tiana Fortune. Nice - checking my datastore - I had 49 of the 50 Decoded Emission Data on hand... so I wrap up moving Fujin tea for a bit (Also got a job to sell 30T of tea to Futen - ice to eskimo's (or inuits these days I guess)) head back to my hangout of Kamacan and hit 100% master with the empire... and waited and waited for a empire rank job to appear.. and of course, its a combat job. I've only got non-combat oriented ships down here, so summon my FDL from 70 Virginis - 38 min and 980K. oh well. Fill in time making cash hauling goods around... and low and behold, another rank mission comes up, and its a simple delivery job. nice - accept that.. head off once I wrap my other deliveries... and job done - rank of squire bestowed, and permit for Achenar bestowed... at least, thats what came up in my messages. But sadly, on the night, that permit didn't come. I flew around a bit, did a couple more missions - but still no access to Achenar. once my FDL arrived, tried to complete the attack mission, but time had flown and the mission expired - but still no permit was issued. Gave up for the night. Hopped back online briefly during a lunch break today, and was going to grab some screen shots to send off to support - but turns out the permit finally showed up. So quick trip to Achenar - and then to Tiana and scanned all the ships during the flight and picked up the last of the Decoded Emission Data's I needed - boom - new engineer ready to roll.. bumped up to level 3 before heading back to work. Next up, fed grind, and deliver the last 20tones of fujin tea brew to broo

6 engineers to go, and I'm very close to wrapping at least 2 of them this week.


Just aimlessly collating money slowly at the moment. hoping to move past master with the empire today / tomorrow, and need to deliver a bit of fujin tea and get Broo onboard. Also need those last couple of data banks to get Ram Tah onboard too. only 3 to go.

Empire rank grind

doing a bit of empire rank grind... made it to master so far. combining with a few passengers missions to keep the credits rolling in. passenger missions are still pretty lucrative.