Profil komandéra Wrongway Mulligan > Deník

Jméno komandéra:
Současná loď:
battle ox [WM-001]
(Federal Corvette)
Členem od:
14. 10. 2017
Vzdáleností potvrzeno:
Navštíveno systémů:
27 820
Systémů objevených jako první:
14 270
DECE destination unlocked! Erickson's Star

Out along the outside rim. Some long jumps to get here. Three suns, a few planets. Very lonely.

DECE destination unlocked! Hypiae Brue DI-D c12-0

After a leisurely cruise through an outer spiral arm and hanging a sharp left at the last waypoint the course has taken me towards the outer rim of the galaxy again. No special jumps were involved to get here but there may be a few to the next waypoint (which is further out still). I seriously doubt Travelin' Man could have gotten even this far into the expedition. The Stellar Cross is doing better with its 61ly year jumps, however I should probably should think about tanking up on jumponium again.

DECE destination unlocked! Hypou Chreou RS-S c17-6

A long ways from the last waypoint but a straight shot. The in-game plotter didn't even balk at mapping a course. From the EDSM map it looks like I skipped my way through one of the spiral arms (which made it easy). However the next waypoint ahead looks to be out in black again, somewhere near the rim. Eh, who's afraid of the dark?

DECE destination unlocked! Lyruewry BK-R d4-12

Well, this puts me at the official 1/3 point of the DEC Expedition. Finally.

Nothing particularly special about this solar system. Everything tagged. On to the next waypoint!

DECE destination unlocked! Star One

Byaa Thoi GC-D d12-0, or Star One, is considered the closest star to the Andromeda Galaxy on the Elite map. Beyond that star is two million light years of complete loneliness. I seriously doubt we'll be able to jump that rift during the lifespan of the game.

Another thing of note is that when you get this close to the galaxy rim stars get few and far between. Most of them have the names of, at most, three different explorers who have also passed this way. They scan a star, any interesting planets, and then move on to the next star. Leaves a lot of other planets that I can pick up in my travels.

I've decided to continue along the Stellar Bypass before dropping down to the galaxy arm on my way to the next waypoint.

DECE destination unlocked! Byaa Thoi EW-E d11-0

Not sure why this star is of particular interest, as Star One - the next waypoint - is only three jumps away. However, it takes Jumponium to reach and a long-legged ExploraConda helped.

DECE destination unlocked! Manifest Destiny - The Western Meridian

With a 60.85ly jumping ExploraConda (121ly with Premium Jumponium) reaching Manifest Destiny isn't that difficult. There were some long jumps involved but I had more than enough materials to achieve them. Probably the worst thing that happened was landing on a heavy gravity world for said materials and bellyflopping. I took some module damage as well as hull damage down to 64%. With the exception of the Power Plant I can repair the module damage but the hull is another problem. As long as I don't do it again I should be okay.

Cyuefoo LC-D d12-0 is a dull system comprising five stars. No planets. It's a reputed waypoint for jumping to the Andromeda Galaxy should the event ever occur. Personally, I think such a jump should be made from a more accessible solar system that something besides an engineered Anaconda can reach. But that would be the Wrongway point of view.

Back at Westpoint Ormand

Only this time I'm flying an engineered ExploraConda, The Stellar Cross. 60.85 light year jump minimum, 63 light year jump on fumes. Double it with Jumponium materials. This should take me pretty much anywhere I want to go on this expedition. I could kick myself for underestimating what was involved when I signed up. I really should have prepared better. But if I did things the right way I wouldn't be called 'Wrongway' now would I?

Heading back to Shinrarta Dezhra

Have decided to go for the ExploraConda. Taking the most direct route back the bubble. Even so I anticipate two weeks (real time) to get there as it's over 30,000 light years away. Have already navigated down the Andromeda Highway and am now in a sea of Class M stars. The dust lanes of the Milky Way are clearly visible again.

Aha! So that's what Westpoint Ormand is

I clicked on the ED Discovery 3D map and could see things in a much better perspective. Better than the online version and significantly better than Elite:Dangerous' own Galaxy Map. What I missed about Westpoint Ormand (Cyuefai BC-D d12-4) is that it is the onramp for a special highway of stars to take you to the next destination, The Western Meridian. Of course, I didn't find this out until I tried to long jump to the waypoint and failed, being short by only a couple of light years. So a 101 light year jump won't cut it when I need a 106.2 light year jump. What to do? I could continue on to the next waypoint or I can return to The Bubble, purchase an Anaconda and engineer it. The resulting ExploraConda would have a range of 60-65 light years (120-130 light years with max jumponium). But it's a long way back.