Profil komandéra Coruin > Deník

Jméno komandéra:
Současná loď:
-IX- Serenity [CO-13D]
(Diamondback Explorer)
Členem od:
24. 12. 2015
Vzdáleností potvrzeno:
Navštíveno systémů:
9 740
Systémů objevených jako první:
2 503
On the road through the black - Conflux and Hakwins Gap

After a short stop at one of my waypoints (discovered twin water worlds!) I moved on. I visited the Conflux sites and just at the Hawkins Gap Delta site.

Now I fulfilled all my goals if this first real long range exploration trip. So it is time to head back home. I can't wait to see civilization again.

On the road through the black - Sagittarius A* and Explorer's Anchorage


Can't wait to reach the bubble...civilization... Hell, I'm so unused to docking my ship, I almost crashed into the new station next to Sagi. I bet, if someone would destroy the station by accident, a bunch of people would be a lot more than just upset...

I'm taking a break before continuing to my next space...

On the road through the black - Beagle Point

Eventually I made it to the famous Beagle Point. After having some issues with the nav computer (again!), I was able to touch down on the second planet. Time for a short break and enjoying the view.

I'm exhausted, yet I'm proud of myself. I managed to not become space mad. Even my co-pawlot (yes, I got a cat with me) is purrfectly fine.

So, where do I fly to next? I heard something about a new space station in the center of the galaxy. Guess I'll have a look at it.

On the road through the black - Colonia

Colonia, or how some commander call it: The second bubble.

It is the furthest location which has been colonized by the humankind. At least as far as we know. Thinking about all those generation ships, the stories about the Formidine Rift and who knows what...maybe there is another bubble out there and we just don't know about it, yet.

Well, for now I head for the famous Beagle Point while keeping in mind to return to Colonia one day.

On the road through the black - Seashell Nebulae

Today I reached the Seashell Nebulae in the Temple region. Quite a view to behold.

Unfortunately I don't have much time for sightseeing. Colonia is "close" (12k ly) and I suddenly feel the urge to get there as fast as possible.

Still, I will do the occasional landfall like on an ice moon in Dehoae XO-N c8-1 which has some water geysers and some materials I need.

On the road through the black - The Zurara

It has to be a scary death, dieing (or better getting murdered) thousands of lightyears away from home. I'm glad I wasn't a crew member of the Zurara.

I'm now leaving the drifting ship and head towards Colonia. On my way I spotted a small nebulae I intend to have a closer look at.

On the road through the black - Formidine Rift

I reached the Formidine Rift and visited all 4 bases. You may wonder if I didn't fly towards Alpha Cygni...I did fly towards it. But while getting myself a cup of tea, my nav computer decided to repair itself and plot the route towards the so called Alpha Base.

While en route I did a short trip into the NGC 7822 Nebula, enjoying the view and then continuing as planned.

Next stop will be the Zurara.

On the road through the black - First Waypoint

Made it already to the first waypoint. There isn't much to report. The system was already visited by other explorers and I just decided to move on.

My nav computer encountered an error while plotting a route to the Formidine Rift. For now I plotted a route to Alpha Cygni while hoping I can fix the nav computer...

Out into the black

Finally...I managed to fix the broken logbook of my exploration vessel Serenity!

So, what should the first entry include... Well...

Prior to fixing the logbook I did some asteroid cracking. Although it gives a lot of credits, I believe the blackness of deep space is calling. That's why I decided to swap to my Diamondback Explorer and started plotting a route.

Right now I don't have a "plan", but as first step I fly as far below the galactic plane as my ship can handle. After that I'll head towards the (in)famous Formidine Rift - you can only believe the things you saw on your own, can't you?

Maybe I'll head to Hawkin's Gap and the Conflux afterwards...

If nothing odd/bad happens, I'll add another entry to the logbook when I reach my first waypoint. Hopefully I got a plan for my exploration run by then...