Profil komandéra Arcanic > Deník

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Oressa [ARC-33]
Členem od:
8. 1. 2018
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140 537
Systémů objevených jako první:
125 110
26 756 480 031 Cr
Mare Somnia Calls

For some reason, the region I like the most is one of the outermost ones, on the rim of the galaxy. Mare Somnia, latin for "Sea of Dreams". Perhaps this is where I should go to search for my own Green Gas Giant, as I have been dreaming about them an unusual amount. There has to be one out here. If there is one in Acheron, there is one here. I won't leave until I find it.


Weird Dreams

Now I have been a part of the At The Eldritch Gate expedition since before its fruition. The tall tale of the first ever discovered green gas giant, lost to time, has sent me on a frenzy. I've been dreaming of these strange celestial objects for months, starting at the beginning of 3308. Green gas giant moons, GGGs in the FSS, even dreaming of me looking at the codex and seeing my dreamt up discovered GGG in there. What is going on?


o7 CMDRs, hope all of you are well. I'm currently nestled in a storm lagrange cloud, and lost my shields to a type P-03 anomaly. Made me think. I've been exploring for the better part of 5 years now. What crazy things have I seen? What marks have I left on the Milky Way galaxy? Let's explore them together, shall we? In no particular order, we have...

1 Sag A* and Beagle Point

Sag A* Early on in my career, I've already visited these two significant landmarks that every explorer should see. Sure, I started after the updates to the routing system, but a significant achievement then nonetheless.

2 Sol

Earth It's my home. It isn't far away, but it birthed humanity. I had an awe-inspiring trip visiting the 8 classic planets that ancient humans pondered about from the surface of Earth.

3 CLOOMEIA IM-W E-142 (Dragon's Soul Nebula)

Dragon's Soul Nebula That's right! I'm lucky enough to have stumbled upon my own stellar remnant nebula! The reason no one has gotten to it before me this long is because of its size and not-so-obviousness on the galaxy map. The gas cloud is so INCREDIBLY tiny, it is less than a quarter of a light year across. Commanders passing by would never have spotted it. I discovered it on complete accident. I was browsing the galaxy map for waypoints in the Arcadian Stream—and saw a fuzzy thing. It never crossed my mind that it could be a nebula until after jumping into it. Unfortunately there aren't any planets within it, but still a rare find nonetheless!

4 XOTHAEI WR-A D14-49 (Dancing Rings of Atabey)

System Map Without a doubt the most rarest system configuration I've ever discovered. Only a handful of these kinds of systems have been discovered so far. I remember being confused in the FSS Scanner when seeing 5 water worlds being concentrated in the same spot. This is a truly magnificent system and I am so proud to have my name on it.

5 LYAISAE GN-S E4-234 (Demon of Lyaisae)

Although these so-called "death spiral" systems are becoming increasingly more common throughout the galaxy, they are impressive and impossible to look at and not be completely taken aback by its beauty. This Class V gas giant orbits its parent white dwarf in just 27 minutes, and as of writing this, is the #106 fastest orbiting planet found in the galaxy. It is near a black hole which can make for some fancy pictures!

6 PHRAA HYPAI YZ-P E5-1 (Noble Shield)

This slick helium-rich gas giant orbits its parent ringed brown dwarf every 1.5 days. Thing is, its orbit is highly inclined—around 80°. That means the planet loops in front of and behind the rings, instead of travelling edge-on, appearing somewhat reminiscent of a shield.

7 Storm Lagrange Clouds

Never before have I been so in-awe yet so fearful at the same time. These electrifying gas clouds and their strange inhabitants really set a strange, yet comforting mood in such a tumultuous area. I've been thrown around, my ship struck by lightning. An amazing experience!

8 AUCOSLY TI-T E3-0 (The Gingerbread Trio)

A peculiar set of 2 helium-rich giants and a HMC world, this is where the Christmas meetup took place for the Magellan Experience expedition I took part in near the tail-end of 3307. I had a ton of fun exploring with you guys and I'm looking forward to scouting for you in the future! party picture!

9 OOCH CHREA US-U D2-21 (Helium White Rhino)

Visiting probably the rarest planet in the entire Milky Way, this Helium Giant is the only known of its type outside of the bubble. In the nearly 70 million systems discovered so far already, this is the ONLY one known to exist beyond human-occupied space. What are its secrets? Why is it so rare? And why does it have an atmosphere of 99% Nitrogen? We may never know... I hope to discover my own one day. That is my ultimate explorer goal.

10 DEHE PP-V D3-57 (Three's Company)

Trinary Moons This is a configuration that I have never seen before, and have never seen since. A triplet set of moons orbiting a common center of mass around a ringed Helium-Rich Gas Giant. I discovered this during a helium-rich masscode search.

Well folks, that does it. My top 10 coolest things I've experienced as an explorer. My adventures are far from over, there's still plenty of things to discover, and I am excited to see what the future holds for me.

Fly Dangerously, CMDR Arcanic o7

Vulcan Gate survey

I'm currently going back and forth about the Vulcan Gate region looking for interesting POIs for future explorers. What is really captivating are the clumps of helium-rich systems that have an overwhelming amount of Helium-Rich GGs. Still on the hunt for glowing green giants and Helium giants, though.


Hello again, CMDRs. Been a while since I posted. I've been off on what you could say the explorer's endgame. Submitting to a sector and going around scanning all of the H-mass systems, hopefully finding a ringed remnant or some crazy planetary phenomena. Currently I'm taking a timelapse of a few moons that have been known to periodically collide.

Back at GD 219

I'm finally back after a relatively long outing, in the GD 219 system. I got nearly 600,000,000 credits from my voyage, putting me upwards of 2.8 billion credits total. I discovered 3 Earth-likes, a tidal playground of a gas giant, and a planet .88 lightseconds away from a white dwarf. To be honest, I saw the coolest things on my return trip from Sag A* than the trip out to the Sagittarius-Carina Arm. Anyways, I'm glad to be back, and I won't be taking another long distance voyage for a long time. I'll try flying my sidewinder into the white dwarf at the center of GD 219 now, o7 CMDRs.


II All of the ringed HMC binaries have life!


V Did I mention that this gas giant orbits a black hole offscreen?

VI Spot the planet!

I might want to go back now

So I have been out in the black for a very long time now, I think the longest I have ever been on a trek. I visited a nebula well above the galactic plane and got a few nice shots of it. Then I discovered everyone's favorite space pumpkins, failing to notice that the surface gravity was 2 G. I did a little bounce with my Anaconda, and bruised it up a bit. It was then that I decided to head to the galactic center to have my hull repaired, and go off towards Odin's Hold again to see some more stars in the later stages of their lives. So! My hull is at 85%, I'm starting to feel lonely, and my sleeping schedule is whacked up. Fly safe, CMDR Arcanic out.




A little check-in

Salutations, fellow CMDRs. It's been a hot minute since I last visited the Dragon's Soul Planetary Nebula. I have been booking it eastward from Sag A*, and am currently in the Sagittarius-Carina Arm Sector. I have encountered some fascinating things along the way, so here we go.

Earth-like world orbiting a binary binary system

The colors within these planetary nebulae are amazing!

Now here comes the strange part. As I entered the Sagittarius-Carina Arm Sector, I began to encounter well over 20 systems that had at least one Notable Stellar Phenomena Signal. Before today, I only ever encountered TWO, and they were well spread out and far apart. I have no idea why this area of the spiral arm is so prone to have Lagrange clouds! Here are some highlights:

First signal I stumbled upon


Lagrange Cloud within an asteroid belt! Very pretty

Finally, my first waypoint in the expedition was reached: A system with an Earth Like and a LOT of binary celestial bodies: That's a lot of binaries

I will update the log book in a few days—my journey in the Sagittarius-Carina arm has just begun. I'm looking forward to all of the crazy stuff I will find!

Wishing you all safe jumps, CMDR Arcanic o7

I arrived at the Dragon Soul Nebula

The Dragon's Soul Nebula from 1.08 LY away

I was astonished at its beauty, and was definitely worth the quick and grueling trip over to it. I'm on my way to nebula hunt some more :)

I Might Be Making A Mistake

I'm about to down an entire can of Monster and will set off once again to my nebula that I found to take pictures of it around and within it. This will be a big journey, but I will not be stopping to scan anything except from TWW's, ELW's and AW's. This is so I can submit it to the Nebulae POI for EDSM's Galactic Mapping Project. From there, I am going to go up and right to see what lies in the far reaches of the Milky Way. Wish me luck.