Profil komandéra Shinooks > Deník

Jméno komandéra:
Současná loď:
Členem od:
30. 3. 2018
Vzdáleností potvrzeno:
Navštíveno systémů:
11 393
Systémů objevených jako první:
6 312
4 471 461 147 Cr
Preparing for Distant Worlds 2

Decided a week ago, first week of 2019 or 3305, that I'm going to go all in on the Diatant Worlds 2 expedition. Such a great idea and I figured it gives a purpose that I'm motivated to contribute to.

I've been a gamer for 34 years, and it's been a while since I've been involved in an actual memorable activity in games. No matter the medium, how often do you get to say you went on a months long journey across the Milky Way.

I decided against my Krait Phantom even though its engineered for exploration and decided to go all in on the Type 10 mining build to contribute to the CGs.

I've unlocked upwards of 10 engineers and my Type 10 is almost fully engineered. Just debating whether to bring a fighter bay and limpets.

The Never-ending Journey

Started Elite Dangerous again. Enjoying Horizons. So much to learn. Hope I do.