Profil komandéra Hexpress > Deník

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Současná loď:
(Asp Explorer)
Členem od:
3. 1. 2019
Vzdáleností potvrzeno:
Navštíveno systémů:
2 034
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So I think my overarching plan from here on out is stay at rohini for a while, putter around while grinding exploration rank + trade rank via core mining. that way, once I get to the bubble I can focus almost entirely on Gitting Gud(tm) at combat

Jan 12 3306

New PC up and running! hiking back to the bubble by way of Rohini, while trying to choke down some alka-seltzer. sick and tired of being sick and tired, frankly.


Made it to Conflux Delta. Odd thing is, every time I pull up to the landing site, roughly 5 minutes after i start goofing around, something happens and I die and end up back in Rohini. First incident was me being an idiot, I shot at an adder, then realized my framerate was absolute garbage so I could NOT hold up in combat. Died. Second time, a windows update notification came on while I was approaching the site. Lost control while pointed straight down at full throttle, scrambling to reselect the game window. Heard an explosion. Died. Third time (weirdest time), I pulled up, was goofing around in MY slf when I noticed a Courier repeatedly boosting into and ramming the mountain near the site, possibly in an attempt to hyperspace away? No idea. It blew itself up, and I guess since I had it targeted to see its hull wear down, I was immediately swooped on by an as-of-yet unidentified enemy (definitely human, i saw beam lasers) who killed me (in my paper Krait) near-instantly. Died. I think I'm going to wait until the actual festivities start on the 2nd to venture over there again, to be quite truthful.

CMDR Hexpress [5PK-DW], signing off.

Noticed that my last entry was last week. Might do this every Monday, I don't know though.


Honestly? Just doing this to get an achievement. Currently sitting bored + pretty at the Omega waypoint for dw2. Hopefully I'll be able to get out of the door quickly and safely when wp3 is revealed. (Also, I hope they keep that mining base operational for when I inevitably pop my canopy on the way to Colonia... ugh.)

CMDR Hexpress, signing off.

Does anyone even read these things?