Profil komandéra r-sassman > Deník

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Členem od:
14. 1. 2019
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Navštíveno systémů:
2 880
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2 192 155 581 Cr
The Search for Life #1

Captain's Log star date 11-1-3306 18:44 first entry created late and will cover the first few days of this mission.

This is the first entry of the Starship Piper Maru. We are on a mission to find and catalog life in the galaxy. and there is a lot of life out there. It ranges from Spacefaring to planetary organism's. On this mission scheduled to last just about 2 months we will be searching for and cataloging the biological and geological finding.

Not only will we be getting updated codex entries along the way, but will be adding them to an ever growing catalog which will maintain a log of findings Such as:

species tests preformed location both at waypoints and any findings along the way.

I will also be creating graphs of life and biological finding measuring for spacefaring

ls from star type of anomaly

for planetary findings

planetary gravity planetary distance from star temperature ranges etc.

Before starting out on the expedition, several weeks went into the building of the anaconda registration Piper Maru #007 getting it equipped and engineered. Once the ship was ready, work started on preparing the science log for the trip. unfortunately the log was not completely ready by the time we departed for the first waypoint so it will be developed as we go.

October 26, 3306 6 days prior to mission start, the Piper Maru departed Ray Gateway in the Diaguandri system for the first waypoint and to meet up with the Victory class carrier B.P.R.V. FOR SCIENCE in the Trifid sector DL-Y D157. for the start of the expedition on October 31, 3306.

The trip out was uneventful, just honking and ffs scanning systems as we went. We did detail surface scan any high value planets we came across, and arrived at the waypoint on October 29 3306 06:00

October 29 3306 14:00 After arriving at the carrier, and selling collected data, we refueled and made some minor repairs and a few refits to the ship. we spent the rest of this day and the next day testing out the changes by exploring Waypoint 1 as well as a few Canonn patrol systems near by. once we were happy with the results we hunkered down aboard the carrier on the eve of departure.

October 31, 3306 02:00 The next morning was spent mostly in communication with the rest of the team on the expedition and making final preparations for the departure.

October 31, 3306 19:00 Final preparation's are complete and the day's plan and course to waypoint 2 has been set. The full route for the Piper Maru is as follows:

Waypoint 1 (Start): Trifid Sector DL-Y d157 Trifid Sector FW-W d1-233 Trifid Sector BQ-Y d244 Omega Sector VE-Q b5-15 eagle sector IR-W D1-105 Omega Sector VE-Q b5-15 HD 160167 Waypoint 2: Praea Euq LQ-L b22-1

October 31, 3306 20:00 We started out together as a group exploring the first 2 systems, recording data on

Trifid Sector DL-Y d157 Solid Mineral Spheres Purpureum Metallic Crystals Prasinum Metallic Crystals Albidum Collared Pods Rubicundum Collared Pods as well as Flavium Metallic Crystals

From here we moved on to Trifid Sector FW-W d1-233 where we found and recorded data on Lividum Collard pods and more flavium metallic crystals

From there it was a short jump to Trifid Sector BQ-Y d244 where we found Blathium collard pods and yet again flavium metallic crystals.

At this point the real exploration begins as we all break apart and take different rotes to Waypoint 2.

October 31, 3306 22:00

After completing our research here in Trifid Sector BQ-Y d244 that an issue with the Piper Maru Trip recording EDMC had occurred and it it took 4 jumps between Trifid Sector BQ-Y d244 and Trifid Sector DL-Y d157 to find the typo in the programing and correct it. This was a setback costing us over 2 hours to fix.

November 1, 3306 00:35 With the issues sorted out we set course from Trifid Sector BQ-Y d244 to Omega Sector VE-Q b5-15. on this leg of the trip we didn't find any bio or geo signals worth noting here, we did however end up discovering several unrecorded planets and mapping them along the way.

November 1, 3306 02:22 We arrived at November 1, 3306 00:35 and set down at the mining station here located in a large asteroid for some rest before heading back out. while here we did resupply and sell some data as well.

November 1, 3306 10:30 We headed on the loop from Omega Sector VE-Q b5-15 to eagle sector IR-W D1-105 and back. this leg did proved dome amazing sites and a few more undiscovered planets and managed to even score a few unmapped planets as well. eagle sector IR-W D1-105 also contained an asteroid base that we stopped at and repaired and did a data sell before heading back. When we arrived back at Omega Sector VE-Q b5-15 asteroid base we docked and resupplied the ship and will be stopping here for some well needed sleep before heading out.....

End Of File