CMDR MAD DOG MACD profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
TFS Steltzner [ADST01]
Member since:
Sep 17, 2020
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:
30,156,887,529 Cr
Distant Return - Day Thirty-Two (A.L.) - Dec 2, 3306

At the 125 Jumps to the Waypoint 22 mark, I decided bunk down for the night. Funny, all the way out here away from Sol and I still follow a schedule.

Water World A Water World, 51K Ly away from Sol

As you can see by the picture above, the Galactic core is becoming much thinner now. At Waypoint 22, I plan to take another shot and compare. Should be interesting to see how things are getting more distant.


Distant Return - Day Thirty-One (A.L.) - Dec 1, 3306

Slowly making my across another region of the galaxy. Close to 200 Jumps towards my next Waypoint I realize, I am only 15K Ly to go before arrive at Beagle Point.

While it may seem quite a bit, in all actuality, it is not considering the distance I have traveled to get to this point.

Decided to bunk down 163 Jumps away from the Waypoint. The Galactic Core is starting to become thinner and thinner and while I was taking a look, I happened upon this photo opportunity:

Space Rocks For an "asteroid belt" is sure more resembles just the buckle.

I ran into a brief area where the Star Class was anything but M or K. It was a nice change.


Distant Return - Day Thirty (A.L.) - Nov 30, 3306

Waypoint 22: 283 Jumps, 8657 Ly. As I stated, each Waypoint distance is becoming larger, but this really puts me on the course for Beagle.

Sitting around talking is not going to get me there faster...

At Jump 235, I officially entered the Formorian Frontier. Discoveries are dwindling down to one or two every so often. At 223 Jumps, I decided to call it an evening. The mega exploration session yesterday may have burned me out a bit.

Still keeping an eye out for good photo opportunities but I fear that I have left a good portion of the really neat ones behind me in the more populous systems with greater stars...


Distant Return - Day Twenty-Nine (A.L.) - Nov 29, 3306

Out here, pointing towards Waypoint 21 and beyond, the inky black is truly that. You can see the stars thin with each jump and the darkness becoming ever more omni-present.

85 Jumps towards Waypoint 21, I officially entered The Veils region of the galaxy. I spent a good part of 6 hours today jumping and actually made Waypoint 21, the Oupailks Furnace.

This is a planet so close to it's primary star, you need heatsinks to land. Since, I do not have Heatsinks, and no SRV, I am not landing but stationed above the Planet until tomorrow.

Discoveries are becoming thin as well, with little or no wiggle room, many systems already bear their Discoverer's name. While I did manage to find a few, it has become quite clear that my journey here on in, may lack in the bountiful discoveries I was making in other systems.

At 47K mark from Sol, I realize just how far I have travelled, and how much more I have to go.

No photographs in this part of the trip. Nothing struck my eye as worthy. Bunking down here for the night. Tomorrow, I will make my replot to Waypoint 22, which is another large chunk of the travels. Only 3 more Waypoints left.

Waypoint 24, being Beagle Point itself where I will rendezvous with the DSSA Distant Worlds Carrier.


Distant Return - Day Twenty-Eight (A.L.) - Nov 28, 3306

On my way to Waypoint 20, ran into this perfect photo opportunity:

Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings

I finally reached Waypoint 20, Rendezvous Point. Here is what the Galactic Core looks like now, from the other side:

enter image description here Center Left, Greeroi Veil Nebula

Now that I have reached Waypoint 20, I replotted my next course to Waypoint 21 which is only 148 Jumps away.

I was planning to continue my travels this evening but I have had too much Vodka and Cranberry Juice (3 Parts Vodka, splash of Cranberry for color) to fly anymore.

Out here, flying tipsy is ok, but also makes for stupid mistakes. I am 42K Ly from Sol, 470 Million Credits in, so good judgement has told me... STOP.


Distant Return - Day Twenty-Seven (A.L.) - Nov 27, 3306

48 Jumps left to Waypoint 20. From what I am hearing from GalNET News, looks like the peace between the Federation and Empire is coming to a dangerous conclusion. I have said it before, and I will say it again, "good to out here than in the Bubble".

Hopefully cooler heads prevail and this ramp up simply will be just that, a ramp up. Time will tell.

Able to plot from my current position to Waypoint 20. 132 Jumps, across the gap towards my next destination. It was the obvious lack of stars that caused a bit of manual intervention.

Looking behind Looking behind, top left is the The Greeroi Veil Nebula, middle almost center (the dark spot) is the Magnus Nebula

At Jump 102 I officially entered the Arcadian Stream.


Distant Return - Day Twenty-Six (A.L.) - Nov 26, 3306

35 Jumps to Waypoint A, which is close to the halfway point to Waypoint 20. I may need to do some more manual plotting but I think I should be good now. Tomorrow, I plan to see if I can replot directly to Waypoint 20 from my current position.

Good news as well, my 20.7 Billion Credits finally transferred over this afternoon. Life is good again, the quest for credits has already ended before it has begun.

I reached Waypoint 19 this morning, The Greeroi Veil Nebula. Quite stunning considering that there is not many stars to block your view.

The Greeroi Veil Nebula Definite lack of stars up here.

The next jump is 4900Ly away in the Arcadian Stream, below the Galactic Plane but I seem to have ran into an issue.. I cannot plot a direct route to Waypoint 20.

I understand I need to go down (I am currently above the Galactic Plane) to where the Stars are. From there, I am going to make some manual plots across the gap between Ryker's Hope and the Arcadian Stream.

Manual Plot Blue X is where I am, Red X is where I need to be. Going out to come back in

Once I cross the gap, I believe that I can then replot a course to Waypoint 20 without too much issue, I think.

This is a nice challenge and I am expecting that the rest of the journey now will require a bit of quick thinking on my part.

My first plot is going straight down below the Galactic Plane so I can at least have stars to plot with. I am calling this point Waypoint A. It is almost the halfway mark and I am heading downwards on a pretty shallow angle.

92 Jumps to Waypoint A.


Distant Return - Day Twenty-Five (A.L.) - Nov 25, 3306

I DID IT! I found a undiscovered Wolf-Rayet Star!

My first Wolf-Rayet Discovery! Can really see the Purple glow this Star gives out

Now, to find that elusive Ringed Earthlike. I know they are out there, I just have to spend the time (and get lucky) to find one but the Wolf-Rayet is a BIG check off the list.

I took a bit of a detour to get that Wolf-Rayet (18 Jumps), which ironically is the amount of jumps left to the next Waypoint.


Distant Return - Day Twenty-Four (A.L.) - Nov 24, 3306

56 Jumps left before the next Waypoint. Loads of systems that are what I like to call "onesie, twosie" which generally are couple of stars and nothing more.

Though I did manage to get a nice picture of a ringed World orbiting 20Ls from it's Primary Star:

Ringed world and Star The contrast is nice

Thanks to the wonderful concept of Telepresence, I had CMDR Corthanus join me for a few jumps. Showing him the Galaxy on the other side of Sag "A".

Noticing that the star density is getting thinner again of course, I am almost at the edge of Ryker's Hope now. Soon I will be departing for another Galactic region.


Distant Return - Day Twenty-Three (A.L.) - Nov 23, 3306

A quick peek back at the Magnus Nebula before I head out deeper into space:

The Magnus Nebula The Magnus Nebula

Down to 96 jumps to the next Waypoint. Unfortunately I am all jumped out for the evening and the lack of variety is adding to my exhaustion. I will continue tomorrow in earnest.