CMDR MAD DOG MACD profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
TFS Steltzner [ADST01]
Member since:
Sep 17, 2020
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:
30,156,887,529 Cr
The Longer Voyage Home - Day 8, Jan 1, 3307

Finally arrived at Waypoint 2 Hidden Treasures.

Located in Newton's Vault, this is a colorful pink and purple planetary nebula with a neutron star at the center. Three landable high-metal planets allow for good views. The craters on planet A 2 are shrouded in a thick fog.

Neutron Reflection Neutron Star reflecting off Messier

I did not land on any of the Planets. I did check out the large Crater on Planet A 2, while the fog was impressive, not as deep as some of the other places I have ventured before or ran across. I decided other than the Neutron Star reflecting off Messier, no real major Photo Op in this system.

  • Distance from Beagle Point: 21054.98Ly
  • Distance Traveled: 27528.5Ly
  • Extra Distance Traveled: 6473.52Ly
  • Time (total incl. Stops): 7 Days, 11 hours, 3 minutes

Filled up quite a bit of the codex entries but still a bit to go. Ran into some patches where it was obviously a former route but for the most part undiscovered. Finding out how common Water Worlds (3 per system) were. The frequency is surprising, then again, I am slowly making my way back into deeper Star density and the route less traveled.

Plotted course to Waypoint 3, 150 Jumps. I was considering Neutron Jumping, but you miss a lot of stuff doing that. So I plan to exit the system normally. Overall, I am making good progress. Bunking down for the evening will begin in earnest again tomorrow.


The Longer Voyage Home - Day 7, Dec 3`, 3306

The last entry of the year and it only seems fitting it is a good one!

It seemed after all, a discovery was indeed just a detour away. A chance course deviation payed off, big time.

I found a system with the following; Three Water Worlds. 2 are a binary pair, so close you can see the other one from the other.

Binary Water Worlds Binary Water Worlds

To add to the fun a few Geographic Codex entries also are available in the system. So I spent most of the day (quite a lot of planets), mapping and doing planetary recon by flying about 3km from the surface of all Planets that can be explored via SRV as well.

I also plan to add this to my GMP list. Calling the system Tri Aquari to highlight the three water worlds in close proximity of each other.

59 Jumps to go (after another small detour) before hitting Waypoint 2. I did hit a batch of discovered/mapped systems and then nothing again. Must have intersected a route.

Oh, Happy New Year! 3307 already!


The Longer Voyage Home - Day 6, Dec 30, 3306

96 Jumps to go towards Waypoint 2 I officially entered Newton's Vault, leaving the Formorian Frontier behind me.

Nothing noteworthy of photos on this stretch of the journey so far, but I never know what is around the next jump. The Galactic Core is starting to loom in the background, ever closer.


The Longer Voyage Home - Day 5, Dec 29, 3306

Finally made it to Waypoint 1, Luna's Shadow.

Situated on the galactic prime meridian, and 1 LY above the galactic plane z-line, some 25,898 LYs from Sagittarius A* on the far side of the galaxy, this system is the physically located antithesis of Sol.

Remarkably the star system also has 8 major planets, the third one being a Water World orbited by a moon that is strikingly similar in both appearance, size, and composition to that of the Earth's moon, Luna, on the opposite side of the galaxy from this location.

Luna's Shadow Original photo in top left corner, NASA, C.1969, United States of America

This moon, nicknamed Luna's Shadow, was also Waypoint 11 on the Distant Worlds 2 Expedition of 3305.

  • Distance from Beagle Point: 13517.92Ly
  • Distance Traveled: 18738.20Ly
  • Extra Distance Traveled: 5220.28Ly
  • Time (total incl. Stops): 3 Days, 7 hours, 34 minutes

After logging the Tourist Beacon and getting snapping that photo I replotted my course to Waypoint 2. 165 Jumps away, 8045.78 Ly


The Longer Voyage Home - Day 4, Dec 28, 3306

Ever have one of those nights where sleep just did not come? I have barely slept a wink in the past 24 hours.

I have a raging headache and I am getting sloppy at Fuel Scooping and missing scanning systems (had to go back twice).

With 50 Jumps to go to Waypoint 1, I am calling it a night before I do something I will regret. I am still a long way from any kind of help.

Tomorrow I will hopefully be refreshed and start anew. I do wish to make Waypoint 1 before the end of the week.


The Longer Voyage Home - Day 3, Dec 27, 3306

Wow, loads of discoveries. It is amazing what you can find when you are not pressed to return quickly.

Unlike the end of Distant Worlds 2, I am taking my time. It has taken me 3 hours to do 40 jumps. Each system holds a new surprise or something to add to my list. Been doing surface exploration along with system recon. Overall, this is an enjoyable experience.

I realize that I will not capture all Codex Entries but as stated, the TFS Sagan will be making the return voyage to fill up each region with Codex Entries. Sounds like another grand adventure planned even before I hit my first Waypoint on the way home.

Camping by Starlight All that is missing is some S'mores on a stick and it looks like I am camping by starlight

Green Gas Giant (Sorta) Green Gas Giant. Not as wild as some of the other ones out there, but it is a Codex entry for the region

Notice the luminous bands in the clouds? I have replotted my course now to Waypoint 1 which is a mere 75 jumps away... Time to call it a night here folks, until tomorrow.


The Longer Voyage Home - Day 2, Dec 26, 3306

Apparently there are permit locked systems that are causing an unexpected detour to my first Waypoint. About 3 jumps in, I officially entered the Formorian Frontier and exited The Abyss.

While replotting a route around the permit systems, I managed to find a really cool POI on the way. Not one to shy away from a little side trip, I replotted a course to the POI. Once I get there I will be able to replot to Waypoint 1 without issue.

Along the way, I have decided to hit any Codex Entry I happen to run across. I love it when a plan comes together.

Very Close Orbit Impossibly close orbit.

My mind says that eventually these two moons will collide and add to the massive ring system around the Gas Giant in the background.

Decided to call it a night. 60 Jumps to my POI. No rush, and starting to load up the Codex with new entries. I will admit, after being in the inky black for so long, it is nice to see stars dot the sky. My eyes are still adjusting to the sight. Give me a couple of days and it will be old hat.


The Longer Voyage Home - Day 1, Dec 25, 3306

Leaving the DSSA Distant Worlds was bittersweet. It was like saying goodbye to an old friend but I know I will be back. Time to look forward, not behind.

Really excited to be back out doing what I enjoy best but I do miss the activity of the Bubble and there is quite a few tasks I need to accomplish (quite a bit actually) when I do return. Ironically, the evening I docked at the DSSA Distant Worlds, I ran into two other CMDRs that recently docked on the Carrier as well. Ha!

63 jumps to my first of my five codex entries before the 1st Waypoint. For the rest of entries I will be back with the TFS Sagan to complete the rest later on and do a proper exploration run into The Abyss..

Codex 1, a Methane Geyser Methane Geyser

18 Jumps later, Codex 2, a rare Black hole in the region: Black Hole

26 Jumps to Codex 3, a Water Gas Giant: Water Gas Giant

A mere 5 jumps to Codex 4 which is a Terraformable Ammonia World: Terraformable Ammonia World

…and finally, 59 Jumps to Codex 5 which is Crystal Shards. Crystal Shards

With the Codex entries out of the way, I have replotted to the end of the Smuggler's Route out of The Abyss, which is a mere 26 jumps. From there, Waypoint 01 is the first target destination. For safety's sake I am stopping here for the evening. I have all the time in the world to accomplish what I need to do.


The Longer Voyage Home, A Day Before Launch - Dec 24, 3306

The DSSA Distant Worlds has been my Base Camp and Home away from Home for the past 10 days while I spent my time in the Abyss, mapping, exploring, jumping to POI's, acquiring Codex Entries and bumbling around before my return voyage home.

I had to Remote Engineer the FSD all the way up to Grade 5 and still use some Jumponium in order to make it out to Salome's Reach and the Carrier "The Black Pearl" so I could purchase;

  • Detailed Surface Scanner
  • SRV Hanger +1 SRV

The Carrier was aptly named, quite literally, nothing but the inky black of Space out there. It was a bit unsettling actually and I was glad to make my way back into places where Stars were visible in the sky.

All exploration data, refit, refuel, repair is done on the DSSA Distant Worlds. The small amount of revenue I have generated in the past ten days is a small token of my appreciation for being a Beacon of Light in a Sea of Darkness out in the deep of Space.

Soon I will be leaving but do plan to return at a later date (with an Anaconda built for Long Range Exploration 'TFS Sagan') so this is not goodbye but a simply, "until next time."

The Ship has been refueled, repaired, paintjob touched up and most importantly, route plotted to exit this region of space. Tomorrow my adventure starts all over again.

Since my Jump Range is vastly larger than the original flight in, plotting a course out of The Abyss is much easier. I have the Waypoints plotted and bookmarked (12 Total, but major distances between them) and on the way out some Codex Entries were purposely plotted on the path.

I have saw some neat sights out here. One system where I named a Planet "Venter ipsum" (Belly button) due to the huge circular impact crater near the planetary South Pole. Also on this Planet, were odd circular mountains that were not impact craters or volcanos. Truly a neat planet to explore and I did quite thoroughly.

Before I leave, here are some photo worthy moments I encountered on my stay/travels in the Abyss:

DSSA Distant Worlds The Fleet Carrier, DSSA Distant Worlds

Ice Moon A ringed Ice Moon in a nearby system

 Lindigoticum Silicate Crystal Lindigoticum Silicate Crystal, Codex Entry

Twin Shadows Twin Shadows in a binary Planet System

K13-Type Anomaly Being checked out by a K13-Type Anomaly, Codex Entry

Beagle Point 1 Before leaving a quick fly past Beagle Point 1 with the Galactic Core in the background


Distant Return - Journey's End

Some statistics from Sag "A" to Beagle Point

  • Sag "A" to Beagle Point : 31 days, 4 hours, 34 minutes (NO DSS, NO SRV)
  • Total Travel Time (no stops): 3 days, 21 hours, 57 minutes
  • Distance from Sag "A" to Beagle Point: 50,700 LY
  • Distance Travelled: 57,000.7 Ly
  • Extra Distance Travelled: 6300.7 Ly
  • Distance to Sol: 65,279.35 Ly
  • Messier Hull Status: 68%

Other Statistics

  • Total Systems Discovered: 736
  • Ammonia Worlds (new): 7
  • Ammonia World Star Classes: F, G, G, F, G, M, K
  • Earthlike Worlds (new): 3
  • Earthlike World Star Classes: G, A, G

Journey Overall Statistics

  • Pallaeni To Beagle Point: 46 days, 7 hours, 31 minutes (NO DSS, NO SRV)
  • Total Travel Time (no stops): 6 days, 6 hours, 45 minutes
  • Distance from Pallaeni to Beagle Point: 93,210.3 Ly (Distant Suns route)
  • Total Systems Discovered: 1,516
  • Total Estimated Scan Value: 570,403,510 cr
  • Actual Scan Value Received: 599,381,650 cr

Messier Comparison

Messier before Launch: Before Launch Sitting at Blakewell Dock

Messier upon arrival at Beagle Point: Beagle Point Arrival On the Deck of the DSSA Distant Worlds