CMDR ImBlackSheep profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
Titanic III [sunk]
Member since:
Mar 22, 2022
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Systems discovered first:
2,237,999,973 Cr
Log - 02.04.3308 - Planetary documentation

2nd of April 3308

For some reason, today just felt like a good old Friday. A Friday that makes you want to listen to summer songs while you fly by some nice looking planets, or hover below a warm and colorful atmosphere; which both are exactly what I did.


Fooling around, at least 200km above surface- I see someone else on my radar, might be one of my expedition friends; so I ask:

"Are you from the expedition, or a random explorer?"

He told me he's from the expedition too, and was looking for some exobiological signals. I was mostly looking for some more materials in case I need repairs or the usage of some Jumponium, but his plan sounded more intriguing- so I ask if he needs assistance or company; he agrees to both.

For the next hour or so, My newly acquired friend and I, look around while driving our SRVs on the warm planet of EROM PHYLOI KO-W C3-3 B 1 - Or how I would call it: Camo (for its camo-like looking surface, I never said I was good in naming planets) We drive and drive around, find a small amount of material-containing rocks but not what we were looking for.

"Country Road, take me home. To a place, i belong: West Colonia" SRV1

Shortly after, we finally found something.. something with flowerlike shapes on the ground-- Biological signals in them too.. probably exactly what we were looking for.. so we got to work.

"Now we need 2 more to be able to finalize this and sell it on the fleet." exobiology1

Log - 30.03.3308 - Remote Solo Exploration

30th of march 3308

I've been jumping from system to system for the past 6 hours now. can't imagine how it must have been in the old days, to travel by wheel for hours.. at least we have our own autopilot and practically no traffic jam, hell not even traffic. Even better, we have the ability to fuel scoop a neutron star and therefore use the Neutron Highway to travel farther and faster to our destination- I'll never get used to these scary balls of gravity, but with that highway, it will be a lot easier to travel 700Ly faster to that O class Star in a Pitch Black Nebula i'm trying to reach, while i also take my time exploring the planets that had yet to be discovered- and sip on my 40th coffee of the day.

O class Star

(Example of the Neutron Highway

It sure gets lonely out here after a while though- but I've long been used to being by myself, rarely surrounded by people- other than Lilianna, my trusty crew member.

After all that jumping, I still can't fathom how fast we are able to travel through the fabric of space; like my coffee isn't budging but I'm sure we're travelling at least 1000 times the speed of light here or something, I don't know I'm not a scientist anyway, I just love space and flying ships.


Concerning the Expedition, we have currently docked in the system Shrogaae KK-A d983 ; apperently, this is the only system that has these things.. things called Heart Voids. They look pretty from afar, but up close, you can hear them humming through the Canopy, be sure to have a smaller ship if you want to traverse this alien forest- one bump and its bye bye hull protection; these things spew out green corrosive acid that eats through the shield and into the Hull. Definitely not something to play with.

Heart Voids

Log - 29.03.3308 - Day 3 of Expedition

29th of march 3308

3 days ago, I joined an Expedition "To the center of the Galaxy" to face my fears of deep exploration and to feed my curiosity, and because I had nothing else to do frankly.

We left Gebel 3 Days ago, and yet it feels like we've been on a cruise ship for weeks. The Departure was chaotic to say the least; I wanted to take my old pal with me on this long trip, but he kind of screwed up on the day of departure. We planned on arriving in Gebel well before we leave, but of course, he then called me to tell me his ship broke down and I had to go pick him up.

He was 200Ly away and we only had 30minutes left. Why did I even invite this guy?

I flew as fast as I possibly could and picked him up, flew back. 12:57, 3 minutes, 2 jumps left, "we wont make it".

He repeatedly apologizes; knowing its his fault; I don't answer.

WELL FUCK. got to find a solution to this, they jumped 500Ly, if we find another Fleet that could maybe taxi us there... I go to the first fleet i see: "SS SMOLL PP" perfect. I request a taxi transport with a nice bribe, he accepts to take us to the first destination of the expedition.

Thankfully we also get to see a fleet carrier jump 500 Light Years for the first time. fascinating!

Back to today I've already seen a bunch of nice stuff. My friend on the other hand... well let's say he's having a little sea sickness, if you catch my drift.. he's been locked up into his room for the past 2 days, puking his stomach out, poor fella.

Either way, I've been flying around, close to the Fleet first, with the others, then as others started to venture away, i followed a little, i didn't quite know what to do, i was stumped somehow, the first destination didn't have much to show, other than a landable planet, that they used as their little viper Mk3 race competition. wish i had a viper, but the race still was fun to watch, so much more destruction than i thought, thank god medical technology has gone a very far way.. other than that it was a nice view from afar, sitting with my crew member Liliana, next to my Anaconda, drinking my occasional mojito. Afterward most of us flew back to the Fleet, others ventured a bit more outside of the system.

Day 2 we jumped so much, i honestly didn't feel like leaving my ship, i mean no offense to the others, they seem cool and friendly, but if i see another UNO card I'm gonna go mental. So i was chilling in my ship, in my passenger lounge, watching my favorite show "How I Met Your Alien Mother" and enjoying some homemade food.

Day 3 (Today if you didn't follow) I woke up to one of the most beautiful Views i ever seen. We Currently are in GRU HYPAI DL-X E1-20 In the center of this purple-ish blue Nebula, is a Black Hole. A BLACK HOLE!

I didn't see it at first, it blends in more than you'd might expect, it scared me the first time i was directly looking at it; it looked.. so ominous. It took a while before i decided to leave the fleet and check it out from the cockpit of my Krait, which finally arrived today (bc of the lateness of my friend, i had to leave my krait in Gebel when i was readying it up for the expedition to pick him up).

Leaving the Fleet, the black hole is undeniably the scariest thing i've seen in my life. Better stay away from that thing or it'll eat me up like popcorn. I open up my Galactic Map and check for the closest system next to us, Bingo: ![GRU HYPAI IY-X B19-8]; only 3Ly away from here. i'll check for a planet i can land on and find a spot where i can enjoy the view of that Nebula from the neighbourhood.

What a view