CMDR BUTTON PUSHER profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
Loki [D9-THC]
Member since:
Dec 28, 2017
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:
24,118,404,720 Cr
FormadingRifting O_o

Decided to mosey out to the Rift, then up to Colonia browsing some class O stars on the way, nailed a few Wolf Rayets that had been discovered already, nothing special just cruising around and looking at some of the new updated lighting effects and some new stellar phenomena in Colonia space.

Colonia to Sag A, to Styx, Beagle, Semotus Beacon, back to Colonia

Traveled from Bubble to Colonia, across Sag A*, to the Styx area between the galactic arms, up to Beagle Point and Semotus Beacon, then back to Colonia. Found a ringed earthlike and a black hole, many unexplored systems during the voyage.

Omega Nebula and Traikoa Nebula

Toured Omega Nebula and the surrounding B class starfield with PW and 2MASS stars. Visited Traikoa nebula for some awesome screenies.

heading out of the void

rose a few hundred light years heading towards Omega nebula for some screenshots before heading back to the bubble vicinity

journey down into the void

went down deep beneath a few high payout systems near Mjolnir's Wrath, visited the megaship, bouncing around down below the galaxy gives nice sights

all journals uploaded

as of now all my journal logs have been uploaded, and i am currently running EDMC now full time