CMDR StormySan profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
The Dream [ST-DRM]
Member since:
Apr 17, 2018
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:
171,228,866 Cr

3304-09-16 14:15

Making good speed on the Neutron Highway back to the Bubble - already a good third of the way along. Have dropped off the highway and diverted to services in the Gandharvi system for some urgent repairs though. Being new to FSD supercharging has left me running the drive too hard and it's begun malfunctioning frequently due to being pushed too much.

I picked up an AFMU to help with the rest of the trek back. Will definitely be planning on hauling one of these along in the future as well, once I manage to stop attempting to repair the FSD whilst in supercruise and dropping the poor thing into an emergency stop, causing even more repairs...

Still, the folk at Caravanserai station seem a friendly bunch at least.

Jacques' Bar

3304-09-16 07:52

Made good time down to Colonia, not least helped by finally figuring out supercharging the FSD. Neutron stars had worried me previously with how they send the ship a bit haywire, but used right they are definitely rating as my new favoured way to get about. I might even attempt to use the Highway to head back Bubblewards - the prospect of settling out here is appealing, but later perhaps.

The Centre

3304-09-10 18:09

Sagittarius A* is an intimidating sight. Like Sauron's eye looming in space. It sends shivers down my spine...

Really quite impressed, and worth the trip. Turning southward for the next leg and the prospect of repair and relaxation at Colonia.


3304-09-05 22:35

Approaching the core region now, and realised that as it's taking a good while to push out this far, I should probably have a quick check of what else may be in the region before turning southwards to Colonia.

Thankfully, it looks like the Great Annihilator is pretty much en-route. Diversion is active and I should be able to see one of the more impressive galactic sights in a few hundred light years' time.

So many stars

3304-09-01 15:35

Pushing out has definitely been a good idea. 10kly out of the Bubble and there are so many more stars lighting up the spaceline.


3304-08-27 23:02

A few months in the Bubble has left me reaching jadedness at the infighting and politicking present. The DBX has been gathering too much dust whilst docked up at Vaka. So it's time to give her a shakedown. I've set a nav point 10k light years towards Sag A, loaded up the hold with supplies, and jetting off on a tour. A visit to Sag A, some R&R at Colonia, and then seeing where the winds feel like pushing me.

Incept T+1

3304-04-18 16:35

Control interface upgraded. Taking some getting used to but starting to feel the benefits. Ran out the cannons on a smuggler passing the nav point and the fine yaw control is definitely a plus. I may need to investigate further policing actions as they do turn a good rate of income.

Inaugural Entry

3304-04-17 23:43

Settling in to life afloat. Loaned Sidewinder has been parked up at LTT 7421 whilst I get a handle on this Adder. Whilst small shipping runs have paid the bills well, I think there may be more luxurious pickings to be had with some of the smuggling rings in the vicinity.

I'm yearning to push off into more uncharted depths, though. My eyes are drawn to the more premium scanners to properly enable this. Potentially a longer term goal, but a feasible one.