CMDR Micha Maverick profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
MSS Tecumseh [MI-08T]
(Type-8 Transporter)
Member since:
Jan 18, 2020
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:
6,760,144,499 Cr
The way back home - part I

Statistics (since last logbook entry)

  • systems visited 102
  • systems first discovered 33
  • hyperspace distance 6.878 ly
  • direct distance to start 4.733,01 ly
  • hyperspace jumps 102

Heart Sector IR-V b2-0 (Farsight Expedition Base)

I've got a patrol from Canonn Research to scan fumeroles or geysers at crystalline shards in Syreadiae RQ-Y c3-1. There is only one planet with bio-signals (14 of them) on it. The first seven I investigated all had Carbon Dioxide Ice Fumarole and so I stopped furhter investigations.

After that I plotted a course for NGC 7822 and made my way. It was so boring, because really every system was discovered before and completely scanned and my desire to visit NGC 7822 vanished more and more. So I decided to change the direction a little bit and head out directly to the bubble. I plotted a course to HIP 17403. There is a known Thargoid Crash Site on planet A4a and I hope to find some sensor fragments there, to fullfil the requirements of Professor Palin and Chloe Sedesi to regain access to their services. And after about 10 to 15 hyperjumps, I found an undiscovered system and scanned it with FSS. The further I travelled the more undiscoverd systems I reached. Nice.

At Phrio Phoe HQ-X a14-0 I made a short stop and looked at the galmap. Would be nice to have a cold one this evening and I noticed not be too far away from Heart & Soul Nebulae. This time I selected the asteroid station within the Heart Nebula at Heart Sector IR-V b2-0. 11 jumps later I arrived there, refilled my ship, sold my cartographics data and got a cold one at the bar.

Mega Ship Zurara

Statistic of the day (so far)

  • systems visited 78
  • systems first discovered 0
  • hyperspace distance 4.537 ly
  • direct distance to start 3.993,56 ly
  • hyperspace jumps 78

Syreadiae JX-F c0 (Zurara)

This was a very boring travel to Syreadiae JX-F c0. Obviously because of the very low density of stars, every commander who went there before used the very same route. 78 jumps, every system discovered and fully scanned.

Anyway, now I am here and approaching the Zurara.

There she is. This majestic megaship drifting in orbit of planet 1

The Zurara has seven ship log uplinks, four of them are the last log entry from the dying captain. Three of them were added three years later by Rebecca.

Scanning one of the ship log uplinks:

Formidine Rift Abandoned Settlements

Statistic of the day

  • systems visited 4
  • systems first discovered 0
  • hyperspace distance 125 ly
  • hyperspace jumps 4

Eafots GL-Y e2 (Settlement Delta)

Two jumps needed to get here. A bright class A (blue-white) star welcomes me at arrival. FSS shows settlement on planet 6. Descending to it I recognized a Sidewinder flying circles above it. A sidewinder! How the hell did this ship come here? I was so surprised that I forgot to read the gravity of this planet, which is 1,3g and was happy about having shields .... ended up with 73% hull, no damage to modules. Needed three repair limpets to repair.

This settlement does not have a nice entry gate as the other three, but again I found six comms uplinks. After having read message 3, I was aware how the first explores find out the key EXODUS for keyed Caesar cipher. And message 6 revealed the mystery of the sidewinder ;-)

Eafots RA-G b11-0 (Settlement Gamma)

Only short jump of 24ly. FSS reveals settlement on planet 3. I scanned the six comms log uplinks and gathered some manufactured materials.

Eafots LZ-H b10-0 (Settlement Beta)

Since this next waypoint was only about 17ly away, I jumped to it with the intention to jump back (at full hour) to investigate the two unregistered comms beacons. But a full spectrum scan revealed, that this system also has two of them and I decided to investigate these. The first one was broadcasting at full hour and I recorded it. It was the same message, which was already known. The second one is only 30 kilometers away, so I boosted to it and prepared myself for waiting nearly one hour. I was surprised, when a few minutes later (15 mins after full hour) the broadcast began. Dissapointingly it was the very same message, as the first one.

So I made my way to planet D1 to visit the beta settlement. It's another style than alpha, but also has six comms log uplinks, which I scanned. No material could be found here.

Eafots EU-R c4-1 (Settlement Alpha)

The sun has rised, but it's still nearly dark. It's just a orange spot on the sky and does not give much light. I inspected the settlement, found and collected some manufactured materials and scanned 6 stations comms. The messages reveal how different voyages to this place were in those years (3270). The crew must have gone crazy and in the end they all died and the ship systems engaged standby mode and a distress signal. I would like to know how this story continued, someone must have built this settlement?

enter image description here

Unregistered comms beacons

Since I wasn't too tired, I did some studies about unregistered comms beacons. I had seen them before, but could not scan or interact in any way. So I asked myself, what are they for?

I learned, that you cannot scan them, neither with a data link scanner nor with a composition scanner. But if you are within a range of 500 meters at the right time (most often full hour) you can hear a ciphered broadcast. The deciphering is not always done in the same way. This one here can be deciphered with a key caesar cipher and the key is EXODUS.

Wow, I am impressed about the commanders, who found out all this. But from where did they know that the key is 'EXODUS'?

Anyway. All available sources only talk about one unregistered comms beacon, but I found two? Is there really a new one, and I am the one, who discovered this? I will do further investigations tomorrow. Sadly, the beacons are about 150.000ls away from my current position (at the arrival star), so I will jump out of and back into the system.

Salomé's World and Formidine Rift Alpha Site

Statistics of the day

Eafots EU-R c4-1 (Settlement Alpha)

I arrived at 21:26, found two unregistered comm beacons near the main star and a human location on planet C2. I landed nearby this Formidine Rift Alpha Site. An Adder was flying circles above the settlement, a scan detected mines launcher, but no other weapons. The pilot did not answer my calls, so I decided to ignore him. On my arrival the settlement was on the night side of the planet and so I decided to investigate it tomorrow.

Eafots RX-T d3-3 (Salomé's World)

First I jumped to this system and was a bit dissapointed, because I could not retrieve any new information.


  • the system was first discovered by Cmdr Salomé (aka Kahina Tijani Loren)
  • it has 33 celestial bodies (3 stars among them)
  • apparantly she was interested in ammonia worlds, the system has two of them (A6 and B5) and both were first discovered by her
  • except of the moons of these two, no other planet was first discovered by Cmdr Salomé, although there is a terraformable high metal world (B1) and a waterworld (B2) in the system

But all these facts are well known and I could not find anything else. What was she seeking?

Reaching Heart & Soul Nebulae

Reached waypoint Hypoae Ain MO-I d9-37 (Heart & Soul Nebulae) at 23:01 and made some pictures (see below). The FSS showed four planets with biological signals. Made a detailed surface scan of two of them (4b and 4c) and landed at some of those. I found bark mounds "only", so nothing special. I was pretty sure the other two planets will show the same, so I decided to go on to next waypoint Soul Sector EL-Y d7 within the Soul Nebula, which was only 4 jumps away.There I docked at the asteroid station "Base Camp". Refilled everything, repaired power plant and AFMU, which had some minor damage from the emergency stop at Altera's Eye. And now I will finish the day with a beer at the stations bar.

Statistics of the day

  • 43 hyperspace jumps
  • 19 systems first discovered
  • 2627,65ly direct distance to start of the day

Impressions of the approach to Heart & Soul Nebulae

Heart Nebula Heart Nebula

Soul Nebula Soul Nebula

Soul & Heart Nebulae Soul & Heart Nebulae

Heart & Soul Nebulae Heart & Soul Nebulae

Emergency Stop in front of Altera's Eye

POW! Shortly before getting a heart atttack ... emrgency stop coming out from hyperjump ...

Altera's Eye

... after calming down, I recognize that this is a cool enviromnet.

Altera's Eye

And the same thing (including Heart & Soul Nebulae) from 2,35ly away (IC 1805 Sector AV-O c6-6):

Altera's Eye

a small change of plan
  • 62 jumps
  • 4.178,88ly (direct not jump distance)
  • 33 systems first discovered

Heart & Soul Nebulae and what's that?

The Heart & Soul Nebulae (I should probably write Soul & Heart, because if the galactic core is at your right hand, the left one is Soul Nebula) can now be seen clearly, but what's that cluster of stars right of them? A look into the galactic map revealed that this is IC 1805 (Altera's Eye), which I had on my list as a possible waypoint on my way back. I made a small change to my plans, decided to go there first and plotted a route to Altera's Eye, 1.468,69ly (23 jumps) away from my current position, before going to my bunk.

Another boring day, collecting raw materials

HIP 36601

  • C3b Tellurium
  • C5a Technetium

Outotz LS-K d8-3

  • B5a Yttrium
  • B5c Antimony
  • (B7b Ruthenium available too, but that was already full)

All these results in the following:

Ready to go! Yes! Tomorrow the real thing is starting. Have a good night ...


Start of Sightseeing / Lore / Exploration Tour to Heart&Soul Nebula and Formidine Rift

After a long period staying in the bubble because of this disaster in January (that's another story to be told later), I decided to head out again. But where to go? Since I am much interested in history and found some clues about the dramatic journey of CMDR Salomé (aka Kahina Tijani Loren) to the Formidine Rift, I worked out a route with some additional and optional enhancements.

There were only litte prearangements necessary: My Asp Explorer (MSS Altair) was ready to go and parked at Jameson Memorial. Looking at my raw materials, I decided to refill them, so I went to Schachner Dock in Fong Wang and exchanged all my remaining high grade to lower grade raw materials to make room for refill and have enough of all needed materials for injecting FSD, refilling the SRV, synthesizing limpets and so on.

I plottet a course to HIP 36601 and arrived there at 22:33 after 14 jumps. After having filled up Plutonium on Planet C1a and Ruthenium on C1d, I was very tired and went to bed.