CMDR Gumster1001 profile > Flight Log

Commander name:
Current ship:
Paper chaser [MONEY]
(Imperial Cutter)
Member since:
Aug 17, 2018
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:
6,771 systems visited.
  • 21.56 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 21.56 ly

    Distance to Sol: 118.08 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,042.39 ly

    Estimated value: 46,668 cr

  • 13.60 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 13.60 ly

    Distance to Sol: 106.38 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,047.89 ly

    Estimated value: 441,093 cr

  • 25.88 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 25.88 ly

    Distance to Sol: 110.74 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,038.78 ly

    Estimated value: 10,419 cr

  • 17.76 ly

    Ship: Imperial Rescue 42 (Python)
    Jump distance: 17.76 ly

    Distance to Sol: 114.69 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,019.14 ly

    Estimated value: 290,865 cr

  • 53.48 ly

    Jump distance: 53.48 ly

    Distance to Sol: 115.38 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,012.23 ly

    Estimated value: 1,007,994 cr

  • 8.48 ly

    Ship: Chainsaw (Fer-de-Lance)
    Jump distance: 8.48 ly

    Distance to Sol: 113.52 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,047.83 ly

    Estimated value: 39,728 cr

  • 10.96 ly

    Ship: Chainsaw (Fer-de-Lance)
    Jump distance: 10.96 ly

    Distance to Sol: 119.99 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,055.55 ly

    Estimated value: 2,414 cr

  • 11.16 ly

    Ship: Chainsaw (Fer-de-Lance)
    Jump distance: 11.16 ly

    Distance to Sol: 128.63 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,055.24 ly

    Estimated value: 32,901 cr

  • 14.54 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 14.54 ly

    Distance to Sol: 125.52 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,047.09 ly

    Estimated value: 67,500 cr

  • 7.21 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 7.21 ly

    Distance to Sol: 114.98 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,050.67 ly

    Estimated value: 525,442 cr

  • 10.52 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 10.52 ly

    Distance to Sol: 115.88 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,056.69 ly

    Estimated value: 2,131 cr

  • 16.21 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 16.21 ly

    Distance to Sol: 118.56 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,060.74 ly

    Estimated value: 12,908 cr

  • 16.92 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 16.92 ly

    Distance to Sol: 116.70 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,051.01 ly

    Estimated value: 38,398 cr

  • 16.31 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 16.31 ly

    Distance to Sol: 115.79 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,047.97 ly

    Estimated value: 6,207 cr

  • 5.74 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 5.74 ly

    Distance to Sol: 110.21 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,048.19 ly

    Estimated value: 1,358,224 cr

  • 5.74 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 5.74 ly

    Distance to Sol: 113.52 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,047.83 ly

    Estimated value: 39,728 cr

  • 8.58 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 8.58 ly

    Distance to Sol: 110.21 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,048.19 ly

    Estimated value: 1,358,224 cr

  • 8.58 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 8.58 ly

    Distance to Sol: 112.17 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,056.32 ly

    Estimated value: 28,852 cr

  • 12.15 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 12.15 ly

    Distance to Sol: 110.21 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,048.19 ly

    Estimated value: 1,358,224 cr

  • 12.15 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 12.15 ly

    Distance to Sol: 115.39 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,056.49 ly

    Estimated value: 28,936 cr

  • 8.58 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 8.58 ly

    Distance to Sol: 110.21 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,048.19 ly

    Estimated value: 1,358,224 cr

  • 10.37 ly

    Ship: Reaper (Fer-de-Lance)
    Jump distance: 10.37 ly

    Distance to Sol: 112.17 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,056.32 ly

    Estimated value: 28,852 cr

  • 9,070.47 ly

    Jump distance: 9,070.47 ly

    Distance to Sol: 112.08 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,061.29 ly

    Estimated value: 116,754 cr

  • 2,826.34 ly

    Jump distance: 2,826.34 ly

    Distance to Sol: 9,053.79 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 19,118.85 ly

    Estimated value: 182,607 cr

  • 11,028.99 ly

    Jump distance: 11,028.99 ly

    Distance to Sol: 10,892.61 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,351.34 ly

    Estimated value: 206,652 cr

  • 11.69 ly

    Ship: India Summer (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 11.69 ly

    Distance to Sol: 259.15 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,833.53 ly

    Estimated value: 1,202 cr

  • 11.69 ly

    Ship: India Summer (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 11.69 ly

    Distance to Sol: 247.99 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,841.74 ly

    Estimated value: 52,089 cr

  • 0.00 ly

    Jump distance: 0.00 ly

    Distance to Sol: 259.15 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,833.53 ly

    Estimated value: 1,202 cr

  • 314.77 ly

    Ship: Reaper (Fer-de-Lance)
    Jump distance: 314.77 ly

    Distance to Sol: 259.15 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,833.53 ly

    Estimated value: 1,202 cr

  • 314.77 ly

    Jump distance: 314.77 ly

    Distance to Sol: 128.63 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,055.24 ly

    Estimated value: 32,901 cr

  • 30.26 ly

    Ship: THunder Chicken (Diamondback Explorer)
    Jump distance: 30.26 ly

    Distance to Sol: 259.15 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,833.53 ly

    Estimated value: 1,202 cr

  • 56.84 ly

    Ship: THunder Chicken (Diamondback Explorer)
    Jump distance: 56.84 ly

    Distance to Sol: 230.70 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,849.54 ly

    Estimated value: 13,662 cr

  • 57.51 ly

    Ship: THunder Chicken (Diamondback Explorer)
    Jump distance: 57.51 ly

    Distance to Sol: 177.30 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,871.96 ly

    Estimated value: 3,200 cr

  • 57.74 ly

    Ship: THunder Chicken (Diamondback Explorer)
    Jump distance: 57.74 ly

    Distance to Sol: 124.11 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,900.94 ly

    Estimated value: 1,201 cr

  • 56.40 ly

    Ship: THunder Chicken (Diamondback Explorer)
    Jump distance: 56.40 ly

    Distance to Sol: 76.39 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,927.62 ly

    Estimated value: 140,006 cr

  • 57.83 ly

    Ship: THunder Chicken (Diamondback Explorer)
    Jump distance: 57.83 ly

    Distance to Sol: 42.85 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,963.61 ly

    Estimated value: 76,847 cr

  • 28.11 ly

    Ship: THunder Chicken (Diamondback Explorer)
    Jump distance: 28.11 ly

    Distance to Sol: 64.43 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,000.98 ly

    Estimated value: 371,310 cr

  • 57.64 ly

    Ship: THunder Chicken (Diamondback Explorer)
    Jump distance: 57.64 ly

    Distance to Sol: 47.24 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,986.35 ly

    Estimated value: 2,425 cr

  • 58.08 ly

    Ship: THunder Chicken (Diamondback Explorer)
    Jump distance: 58.08 ly

    Distance to Sol: 47.19 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,954.93 ly

    Estimated value: 5,905 cr

  • 57.55 ly

    Ship: THunder Chicken (Diamondback Explorer)
    Jump distance: 57.55 ly

    Distance to Sol: 94.57 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,921.45 ly

    Estimated value: 44,386 cr

  • 57.85 ly

    Ship: THunder Chicken (Diamondback Explorer)
    Jump distance: 57.85 ly

    Distance to Sol: 146.66 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,896.05 ly

    Estimated value: 8,607 cr

  • 57.44 ly

    Ship: THunder Chicken (Diamondback Explorer)
    Jump distance: 57.44 ly

    Distance to Sol: 202.61 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,864.58 ly

    Estimated value: 56,686 cr

  • 11.69 ly

    Ship: India Summer (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 11.69 ly

    Distance to Sol: 259.15 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,833.53 ly

    Estimated value: 1,202 cr

  • 11.69 ly

    Ship: India Summer (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 11.69 ly

    Distance to Sol: 247.99 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,841.74 ly

    Estimated value: 52,089 cr

  • 8.81 ly

    Ship: India Summer (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 8.81 ly

    Distance to Sol: 259.15 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,833.53 ly

    Estimated value: 1,202 cr

  • 13.92 ly

    Ship: India Summer (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 13.92 ly

    Distance to Sol: 253.64 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,842.29 ly

    Estimated value: 2,403 cr

  • 8.17 ly

    Ship: India Summer (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 8.17 ly

    Distance to Sol: 240.19 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,847.92 ly

    Estimated value: 4,829 cr

  • 8.17 ly

    Ship: India Summer (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 8.17 ly

    Distance to Sol: 247.99 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,841.74 ly

    Estimated value: 52,089 cr

  • 388.86 ly

    Ship: India Summer (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 388.86 ly

    Distance to Sol: 240.19 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,847.92 ly

    Estimated value: 4,829 cr

  • 4.24 ly

    Ship: India Summer (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 4.24 ly

    Distance to Sol: 175.98 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,996.06 ly

    Estimated value: 95,404 cr

  • 4.24 ly

    Ship: India Summer (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 4.24 ly

    Distance to Sol: 174.32 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,992.83 ly

    Estimated value: 22,090 cr

  • 0.00 ly

    Jump distance: 0.00 ly

    Distance to Sol: 175.98 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,996.06 ly

    Estimated value: 95,404 cr

  • 574.51 ly

    Ship: India Summer (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 574.51 ly

    Distance to Sol: 175.98 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,996.06 ly

    Estimated value: 95,404 cr

  • 980.31 ly

    Ship: India Summer (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 980.31 ly

    Distance to Sol: 539.14 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,414.82 ly

    Estimated value: 6,979 cr

  • 412.85 ly

    Jump distance: 412.85 ly

    Distance to Sol: 1,462.78 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 23,378.69 ly

    Estimated value: 69,440 cr

  • 468.08 ly

    Jump distance: 468.08 ly

    Distance to Sol: 1,051.72 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,979.34 ly

    Estimated value: 32,111 cr

  • 494.90 ly

    Ship: Rheinland Kusari (Anaconda)
    Jump distance: 494.90 ly

    Distance to Sol: 588.30 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,532.01 ly

    Estimated value: 70,082 cr

  • 121.31 ly

    Jump distance: 121.31 ly

    Distance to Sol: 130.16 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,055.44 ly

    Estimated value: 270,653 cr

  • 116.29 ly

    Jump distance: 116.29 ly

    Distance to Sol: 34.06 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,979.24 ly

    Estimated value: 40,660 cr

  • 0.00 ly

    Jump distance: 0.00 ly

    Distance to Sol: 125.18 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,039.76 ly

    Estimated value: 65,279 cr

  • 35.81 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 35.81 ly

    Distance to Sol: 125.18 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,039.76 ly

    Estimated value: 65,279 cr

  • 17.67 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 17.67 ly

    Distance to Sol: 125.52 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,047.09 ly

    Estimated value: 67,500 cr

  • 17.67 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 17.67 ly

    Distance to Sol: 142.88 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,050.91 ly

    Estimated value: 63,306 cr

  • 125.41 ly

    Jump distance: 125.41 ly

    Distance to Sol: 125.52 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,047.09 ly

    Estimated value: 67,500 cr

  • 110.51 ly

    Ship: Dan Bilzarian (Federal Corvette)
    Jump distance: 110.51 ly

    Distance to Sol: 4.38 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,998.94 ly

    Estimated value: 60,401 cr

  • 19.02 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 19.02 ly

    Distance to Sol: 110.21 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,048.19 ly

    Estimated value: 1,358,224 cr

  • 17.67 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 17.67 ly

    Distance to Sol: 125.52 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,047.09 ly

    Estimated value: 67,500 cr

  • 17.67 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 17.67 ly

    Distance to Sol: 142.88 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,050.91 ly

    Estimated value: 63,306 cr

  • 17.67 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 17.67 ly

    Distance to Sol: 125.52 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,047.09 ly

    Estimated value: 67,500 cr

  • 24.22 ly

    Jump distance: 24.22 ly

    Distance to Sol: 142.88 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,050.91 ly

    Estimated value: 63,306 cr

  • 8.00 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 8.00 ly

    Distance to Sol: 129.36 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,058.77 ly

    Estimated value: 34,700 cr

  • 45.35 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 45.35 ly

    Distance to Sol: 128.63 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,055.24 ly

    Estimated value: 32,901 cr

  • 8.35 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 8.35 ly

    Distance to Sol: 125.18 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,039.76 ly

    Estimated value: 65,279 cr

  • 8.35 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 8.35 ly

    Distance to Sol: 125.05 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,032.10 ly

    Estimated value: 32,011 cr

  • 14.77 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 14.77 ly

    Distance to Sol: 125.18 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,039.76 ly

    Estimated value: 65,279 cr

  • 21.77 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 21.77 ly

    Distance to Sol: 120.73 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,040.45 ly

    Estimated value: 2,406 cr

  • 145.52 ly

    Jump distance: 145.52 ly

    Distance to Sol: 125.52 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,047.09 ly

    Estimated value: 67,500 cr

  • 26.07 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 26.07 ly

    Distance to Sol: 64.43 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,000.98 ly

    Estimated value: 371,310 cr

  • 24.60 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 24.60 ly

    Distance to Sol: 58.80 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,979.38 ly

    Estimated value: 196,817 cr

  • 14.79 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 14.79 ly

    Distance to Sol: 61.50 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,957.51 ly

    Estimated value: 18,573 cr

  • 22.52 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 22.52 ly

    Distance to Sol: 50.05 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,968.34 ly

    Estimated value: 64,502 cr

  • 24.25 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 24.25 ly

    Distance to Sol: 45.15 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 21,989.13 ly

    Estimated value: 56,491 cr

  • 23.00 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 23.00 ly

    Distance to Sol: 57.42 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,009.44 ly

    Estimated value: 361,914 cr

  • 22.64 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 22.64 ly

    Distance to Sol: 78.13 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,019.29 ly

    Estimated value: 15,762 cr

  • 24.05 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 24.05 ly

    Distance to Sol: 97.01 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,036.72 ly

    Estimated value: 125,645 cr

  • 7.84 ly

    Ship: Grave Digger (Type-9 Heavy)
    Jump distance: 7.84 ly

    Distance to Sol: 118.90 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,054.55 ly

    Estimated value: 20,108 cr

  • 7.84 ly

    Ship: Grave Digger (Type-9 Heavy)
    Jump distance: 7.84 ly

    Distance to Sol: 123.06 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,051.48 ly

    Estimated value: 41,128 cr

  • 16.49 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 16.49 ly

    Distance to Sol: 118.90 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,054.55 ly

    Estimated value: 20,108 cr

  • 27.60 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 27.60 ly

    Distance to Sol: 116.96 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,055.27 ly

    Estimated value: 2,436 cr

  • 27.17 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 27.17 ly

    Distance to Sol: 123.69 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,058.99 ly

    Estimated value: 3,726 cr

  • 27.25 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 27.25 ly

    Distance to Sol: 116.61 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,060.88 ly

    Estimated value: 217,549 cr

  • 26.82 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 26.82 ly

    Distance to Sol: 113.35 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,059.86 ly

    Estimated value: 1,211 cr

  • 28.18 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 28.18 ly

    Distance to Sol: 116.70 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,051.01 ly

    Estimated value: 38,398 cr

  • 14.54 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 14.54 ly

    Distance to Sol: 125.52 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,047.09 ly

    Estimated value: 67,500 cr

  • 10.83 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 10.83 ly

    Distance to Sol: 114.98 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,050.67 ly

    Estimated value: 525,442 cr

  • 18.91 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 18.91 ly

    Distance to Sol: 118.08 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,042.39 ly

    Estimated value: 46,668 cr

  • 27.03 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 27.03 ly

    Distance to Sol: 118.96 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,044.85 ly

    Estimated value: 201,916 cr

  • 21.94 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 21.94 ly

    Distance to Sol: 105.27 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,046.07 ly

    Estimated value: 329,215 cr

  • 27.04 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 27.04 ly

    Distance to Sol: 98.70 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,046.12 ly

    Estimated value: 382,308 cr

  • 26.38 ly

    Ship: Paper chaser (Imperial Cutter)
    Jump distance: 26.38 ly

    Distance to Sol: 101.76 ly
    Distance to Colonia: 22,050.87 ly

    Estimated value: 5,703 cr