CMDR Allex_Mason profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
(Federal Corvette)
Member since:
3 Dec 2017
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New Fighter Pilot

We are still shaken by the loss of our fighter pilot Ariel, but since everything in life is not flowers, we have to move on, yesterday afternoon I went to the Ebor pilot academy to see if I could hire someone and a person stood out among all others, a 17-year-old girl named Aaliyah Pittman, I think her mother wanted a name that no one else in the galaxy had (and she did), as I was saying, the girl stood out from all the others young pilots, not for her ability but for her determination and self-confidence, "put me in one of those fighters and I'll show you what I'm capable of," she reminds me a lot of myself in my youth, so I hired her , today she will have the proof of fire, since I was contracted by the Cobra Wing to take care of a gang of pirates that is attacking all the cargo vessels in the region.

The mission for de Empress

Today I introduced myself to the Empress Arissa Lavigny-Duval, to receive the mission she wanted to give me before the start of the Ebor war, I think I am getting famous, after all, it is not every day that we receive an official mission directly from the Empress. The mission was to recover two stolen statuettes from inside the imperial palace on Capitol. After an investigation into the neighboring systems I discovered that the thieves were hiding in an illegal facility on LTT 874, I arrived at the destination and headed straight for it, when I arrived I received a beautiful hostile reception, bad for the thieves, I recovered the figurines along with two capsules of escape, one of the leader and another of the comparsa, I returned to Achenar, I handed the statuettes and the two thieves to Arissa and she did exactly what she had planned, she ordered that I execute the two right there in front of all the people and local press, without a second thought I took out my pistol and shot every thief in the head. The empress then smiled at me and said loudly, "let this be an example to all who think of breaking the laws in the empire," then she turned to me and said she would like to talk to me the next day. Now is wait to see.

The War in Ebor

My new home is being attacked by the federation, despite having received direct orders from the Empress to go to Capitol in Achenar, I was able to get them released to help defend my house, after all, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

The beginning

Allex Mason always stood out in the Federation Navy, very young at the age of 22, already a pilot of a Federal Gunship, a ship in which he won the Silver Star after risking his life in a suicide assault against a Majestic Interdictor to save his squadron of the imminent defeat, but the story changed after his whole family was murdered by a division of secret operations of the federation, at first he did not suspect anything, after all everything was made to look like an accident, but after he discovered that his younger sister had survived, and worse being accused of treason and being arrested, he left in search of truth, discovering that everything was just a frame, he then devised a plan and in a surprise assault to a federation base he stole a Federal Corvette and rescued his sister from prison, since then he works as special agent for the empire.