CMDR Waldheim profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
Yoda's Steed [WAl-88]
Member since:
15 Jan 2019
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
Systems discovered first:
Mamba Hunting

Trying out the new mamba for bounty hunting in haz res sites. Not the shield tank like the python, but much more manageable.

Distant Worlds 2 Expedition

20/05/3305 At 22:30 local time, I finally arrived back in the bubble, visiting Sol. After 5 months, 170k+ ly, and endless jumps (3700) it has been a long and epic journey. I have seen things I would not have believed, from Black holes to White Dwarfs, Wolf Rayet stars and Lagrange clouds, organic structures, and strange nebula, ruins and utter utter blackness at the furthest point in the Abyss. Received kindness and hospitality in fellow CMDR's that is a refreshing change from the bounty hunters and pirates nearer home. A Big thanks to the DW2 organisers for dreaming up and arranging such a great adventure!

18/05/3305 Now travelled a direct route using Neutron highway from Colonia to Rohini, where I decided to re-do the paintwork on the Asp. In over 165k ly journey, no major system failures experienced which is simply amazing. Now the final leg back to the bubble where I shall enjoy upgrading the Cutter and Anaconda..

10/05/3305 After what seemed ages, I finally arrived at Jaques Station Colonia having discovered my first ringed ELW (and first discovery) in Odin's Hold. The ship had 0% integrity and 90% power plant. I have left the paint as is for now as a memento to the 75k+ ly distance between services!! Will stay here for a while to explore some of the key POI's before returning back to the bubble.

01/05/3305 Now exiting the Abyss into the Formorian Frontier taking a westward approach to the core. The lack of stars has made it difficult to plot a direct route to Nyauthai Beacon.

28/04/3305 Have decided to return to the core via a different route and see some other POI's not done yet.

27/04/3305 Went to the furthest point from SOL today, 65.7k ly from SOL. Had to use the full FSD and engineering to get there in my ASP. A very lonely and empty place.

26/04/3305 After 3 months, finally arrived at Beagle Point and managed to catch a few other fellow CMDR's. Exhausting number of jumps!! The paintwork is looking decidedly worn from all the micro particles.

Finally entered the abyss, and experiencing just how desolate it is. Nothing but black void in all directions, and jump distances getting greater. My ship is looking well and truly worn by cosmic particles and many jumps. The grand rings are a spectacle, and now on my way to the minor poi's in the final stage. Beagle Point is some 4.5k ly away.

Now on Stage 4 travelling to the Abyss and onto Beagle point. Such a long way, and not seeing many other CMDR's or indeed Neutron Stars or Black Holes. Looking forward to reaching the goal and appraising the very very long journey back to the bubble....

While visiting the storms in the Lagrange Cloud during stage 2, a very helpful and kind CMDR who just happened to visit at the same time, warned me the lightning was eating my hull rapidly. Having removed myself from the cloud, they very kindly repaired my hull saving me from having to travel 5000ly back to Explorer's Anchorage.

Now at Explorer's Anchorage at the centre of the galaxy. What a long way! Seen amazing things on the way, with most of the stellar phenomena and stars / bodies. Carbon stars and WR still elude me.

Currently travelling to waypoint 3. Great to explore with so many CMDR's and seeing things I have never before discovered in playing ED since beta! A fantastic idea and greatly appreciate the work that has gone into setting this up.

Took a detour from Rohini to PSR J1901 716 Neutron Star to see if there were any POI's in the area. No ELW's but several water and ammonia worlds. The Neutron Star itself is awesome, if not violent in the cone!

31/01/3305 - Gained Elite Rank in Exploration today!! Now about to leave Rohani to the Quantum World and then WP3. Found an ELW as well, but not the first to do so...