CMDR MinAlex profile > Logbook

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(Beluga Liner)
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2 269
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HAHAHA I did it! Finally, after a week of endless material grinding and dealing with engineers I... almost finished fully upgrading my Python. I mean, all is left to do is hull, shield boosters and lightweight limpets, but I think I'm done for now. My mining Python, appropriately named "Crossbow", is ready for mining expeditions and trading. This ship is a bliss and I mean it - after piloting AspX with it's surprisingly weak forward thrusters, Python is a beast. I need to get around upgrading Asp and collect some MORE materials to outfit "Crossbow" for combat. Right now, I'm drifting in the rings, collecting everything that my pockets can fit.

Home sweet home...?

Home sweet home - I'm back from the void, right stationed at Farseer's outpost in Deciad system. I guess I'll have to wait a little before finding me a home station and dedicate some time to engineering my AspX. This task is going to be really time-consuming, I'm sure of it, but it will allow me to upgrade my future ships mush faster. Oh, yeah I already forgot that I've been to Lagoon Nebula, although I decided to head to the Bubble right away without sightseeing, only stopping at Amundsen Terminal to sell my exploration data. What interesting is, on my way I stumbled upon Notable stellar phenomena, which has already been discovered by someone, nonetheless it was fascinating to finally found one. Anyways, after a short brake, I'll start my search across the Bubble for the engineers for my ships.

I'm back.

Well, uh... it's been a while. Not actually, but I had to take a break from exploring. After spending some time in the Black, I have decided I had enough jumping for now and that the time has come to return to civilization. Right now I'm on my way back to the Bubble, but with a little twist: my first destination is Amundson Terminal in Lagoon Nebula. Since it is really close to the Bubble, I decided it would be a nice idea to visit such place, considering the fact that the nebulas I've been before were kind of underwhelming. But I digress... after my arrival the changes to my usual activities will come - it's time to find me a home station and add a new ship to my fleet.

Lesson about Exclusion zone

Never seen anything like this before! Not only did the EULAIL HB-O d6-735 has a class M star orbiting so close to the Neutron star, but also a Metal-Rich world INSIDE White Dwarf's exclusion zone! Learned it the hard way when I tried to reach the damn thing. Almost burned alive out there... but what a sight!

On the way to the Nebula.

Well, this voyage is a little bit less exciting. A lot of system with stars only, but still managed to find some water worlds. But a couple of jumps were interesting since I managed to find some pretty gas giants. Nothing to brag about: dark and slightly less dark purple giants, and one blue in a system with 4 stars. Can't wait to reach the Nebula, I hope to see some pretty sights and maybe, just maybe to find something I've never seen before (hope it won't be a Thargoid).

After the beginning and towards new Horizons.

After my successful (minus the shattered canopy after I disengaged supercruise while inside Neutron star's cone) voyage to Colonia, I explored close-by systems and visited some stations around core and border regions of the New Bubble. It's amazing how close Colonia is to one of the Nebulas, so close, just a couple of jumps and a ton of screenshots guaranteed... except I went completely different way towards EULAIL AA-A H2 Nebula, that is closer to the Main Bubble. I'll keep track of my Voyage and write some notes if I spot something worth mentioning.