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"One-Way Ticket" Expedition - part 3

System Pyraleau CA-Q d5-4. Our expedition successfully covered the first third of the route. Of course, it was not without excesses, and the ships began the first malfunctions of the engine. But these are trifles compared to the route traveled. It is worth noting that although everyone is focused on the task, emotions left no one. And now, looking at the Milky Way, I feel peace and quiet. There are no more unnecessary emotions, we are face to face with the unknown again, and this is great. The expedition continues. Photo fragment

"One-Way Ticket" Expedition - part 2

sighs Well, here it is. The final countdown. Ahead - huge distances, dozens of jumps and star systems. Ahead - the unknown and the pioneer thirst to achieve something new, something extraordinary. There will be no turning back, this is a one-way ticket. But we are ready. Together, we can do it. I believe in it. Good luck to everyone who stays at home, and doubly good luck to us. Our expedition begins!

"One-Way Ticket" Expedition - part 1

October 02, year 3306. Shinrarta Dezhra system.

Standing on the deck of my "Caledonia", I contemplated the journey ahead. The route is more than 50,000 light years long, in fact, a one-way ticket. Hah, not a bad name for the expedition, need to write it down. I am not afraid of numbers and distances, I have already gone through all this once. It was scary then, then there was a huge responsibility and the fear of making mistakes. Now - nothing, just a cold focus on goals. And our goal is not easy. We fly together along a pre-calculated route. Seemed like what could go wrong? I'm not afraid to make a mistake, the past expedition tempered me. But here is my partner - everything is much more complicated here. Not that I doubt her power, but... Damn it, she could never cover that distance alone! So little experience and so many dangers await us on our way to the Colony. Sometimes, the count will go for seconds, and one slightest delay will cost the life of one of us. Yes, I'm afraid. But not for myself. I believe that we will succeed - it cannot be otherwise, but I am still afraid. And this fear will haunt me all the way. Well, so be it. A good leader takes care of his people. All equipment is packed, the ship is fueled, all hatches are battened down. Only a few hours remain until the final countdown. It won't be a superfast flight in record time. Our goal is to get to the Colony alive, and I will do my best to reach it.