CMDR KolaKattz profile > Logbook

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LS3 Log - Week 1 [A long way from home.]

Before we start, I just wanted to say that if you have slow internet this log may be a teeny tiny bit slow. There's a lot of screenshots in here, even my notetaking application is starting to stutter!

Home. Well, my home anyways. It looks incredibly small from here, hell it makes me feel tiny in comparason, but it is home.

Why do I bring this up? Well, I have quite the explaination to give! If you want to know whats happened beforehand, before all this, please have a quick glance over my previous log.

So yes! Lost Souls 3! That one big expedition people seem to be talking about, I'm in it! Out of the 200+ people that've joined, I was one of the early ones! #38 to be exact, I think. And wow, what a first experience! If you haven't join in yet, and really enjoy exploration, god forbid please join me & the others with space madness who've decided to leave the "safety" of the bubble in search of all things west!

Where should I start? Ah yea, the start! Mass Jumps; never been in one myself. I've gotta admit, I don't know why I hadn't joined into one sooner! Everyone in The Fatherhood is honestly amazing, I don't think I've met a more chill community of galaxy surfers! And to think they're more than happy to put up with my nonesense. I brought a Sidewinder to a mass jump; it also had NO SHEILDS!!! Here are a few photos of the chaos that ensued:

(Photos courtesy of CMDRs Drazkul & Randalph)

Trust me when I say I felt rather small amongst all the Anacondas and Kraits.

Though nothing is better than heading to the Space Bar after driving around in your Space Car.

(Photo courtesy of CMDR XpressioN)

Kind of a shame there's no gravity on carriers, or I would definitely use my Spacebar... Right, Fine. Enough of the terrible jokes, lets see where I managed to get myself!

Each week, The Fatherhood releases a Waypoint, and a couple of POI's for people to visit! I've decided to take some initiative and make some of my own points of interest.

First up on the list of places; The LBN 623 Nebula! I really don't have much to say about it, other than that it's purple!

Up next on my ToDO list was the one & only Veil Nebula West! Yknow, I never thought blue & pink could go so well together!

What's next? Oh- right. this random black hole I found! Nothing particularly special about this one mind, but honestly don't they look cool!

Admitly, I took a little bit of a detour here. This photo is of the North America Nebula!

Ok, sure, this one may be a bit of a stretch to call a "detour", but can you blame me? It looks awesome! This is the BD+22 3878 system, also known as the Dumbbell Nebula! (I acutally found this system due to an IRL photo, thanks twitter!)

Next up on the grill, or rather the log, is NGC 7822, also known as The Cupids Arrow Nebula! This star cluster can be seen for ages away, so its nice to see it up close for once!

Next up, and my personal favourite, is the Elephant's Trunk Sector KS-T c3-6 system! Might seem a bit random at first, but I'm gonna be real with you folks for a second; this photo is my new desktop background!

Second til last, but one of the nicest nebulas I've been in; system CSI+19-20201, or more commonly known as the Blue Flash Nebula! This is the first waypoint for LS3, and man does it look awesome!

And finally, I've saved you all the best til last. One of many stops on this massive expedition, and the final image I have to show you all today; Planet A 2 from the Sifi EW-W d1-3 system:

Looks familiar, yet so different. So rare, yet not unique. A visage of something we used to call home. But yet it's not home, is it? If not, then at least it's a good reminder of the things before, and the things still yet to come.

If you haven't fallen asleep yet, or have even made it to the bottom at all, I just wanted to say thanks! As a little bit of a writing challenge, or at least a challenge to stay somewhat consistant, I'm going to try to write one of these every week until the end of LS3! Emphasis on the word try. Cya then, folks!

Log - 4 [A Moment's Rest]

I keep forgetting to write these logs. Maybe its for the best, at least I'll have more to talk about when I do write them! Alright, lets go through everything:

I wanted to start off by mentioning what I'm doing currently! Lost Souls 3 is the name & exploration is the game! Well, no, Elite Dangerous is the game... Anyways- Lost Souls 3! My first proper expedition and my first real interaction with a big community. Want my first impressions? Well, The Fatherhood is extremely welcoming, the drinks are free & the mass jump was incredible!

(The photo below is courtesy of CMDR Drazkul, I'm the one in the sidewinder!) Mass Jump

What else..? Well, I managed to tick one of the locations off of my list from last time! Though unfortunately nowhere in the Formidine Rift have I been able to find what I'm looking for... Note to self for next time; it's very unlikely a haunted megaship would contain space-liquor.

Oh, one more thing! I took some time to rifle through this place called a "Guardian Structure." It just so happens that if you shoot some pillars you can get yourself an FSD Booster! Where was this thing like a year ago when I went to Colonia with 30ly of jump range??? Anywho, I have it now and holy moly, 72ly of jump range in my DBX is astounding!

A bit of a shorter log compared to the others, but thats for good reason! If you're willing to sit through another of my terrible journals, then please go take a look at my log for Lost Souls 3! I'm going to try and put out one a week with a whole heap of screenshots to feast your visors on. Lets just hope I don't go too mad before I find myself back in the bubble...

Log - 3 [Lost & Found]

Usually I start these off with a screenshot, but I don't really have one for you folks this time. Fortunately, or not depending on your internet speeds, here's a rare shot I was able to get of my DBX parked!


Before I get onto my main topic for today, I have a few things I though were mildy interesting (to me anyways) and I thought I'd share them! After gwtting back to the Bubble (read on for more info about that) I decided it was high-time to upgrade my DBX. Yknow, replacing all that tape with actual welding & making the thing not prone to stalling while scooping a star. Here was my plan: Get that pre-engineered FSD I heard about while looking at the markets on inara. Somehow, and if you've read my previous logs you'll realise how much of a feat this actually was for me, I acutally managed to get all the materials together & get the damn thing! 60ly of jump range is amazing to have, and honestly makes me wonder how long it would take me if I decided to go back to Colonia.

Ever heard of foreshadowing? Me neither! Anyways, yeah, I managed to get back to the Bubble in one piece, and in a short amount of time no less!

How did this happen? Wasn't I in Colonia? How did I manage to get myself back in the bubble? Didn't I say in my last log that I wouldn't be coming back for a while?

Let me answer your question with a rhetorical one; Did you know that fleet carriers run between the Bubble & Colonia fairly frequently?

I've got to be honest, I didn't. I spent so long clawwing my way through neutron stars just to find out that I could've gotten out there in less time, all the while playing Pokémon! Was it worth going out there with around 30ly of jump range? Hell yes it was! Would I do it again, especially knowing what I know now? Well, that actually transitions onto my next topic better than I thought it would.

I've lost somthing very important to me, something so dire to my journeys in space that I really just don't know if I can go on without finding it. What am I going on about? I lost all my Space-Liquor!!! All my stored-up units, gone. I have no idea where I could've left it, if it was stolen or worse... Lucky for me, I think I may have a solution; I asked my computer where it thought I may have dropped them and it gave me a list of Points of Intrerest I should take a look into.

Here's where it thinks I may have dropped them:

  • Syreadiae JX-F c0
  • Eta Carina Sector JH-V c2-7
  • Froarks TO-M c9-143
  • Colonia
  • Sag A *
  • Eock Bluae JQ-Y d1
  • Raxxla (Note to self: Might be a bit hard.)
  • Bleethue KR-A b15-0
  • Pria Chrea IW-N d6-19
  • Beagle Point

Thats a long list of very far away places, huh? Not only am I going to make to crawl my way to all of them, I'm going to have to get there sober! Wish me luck CMDRs, I really think I'm going to need it...

I just hope any thargoids don't get to it before I can find it, or we might have to deal with drunk insects invading the Bubble in the near future...

Log - 2 [Took long enough...]

After a long & tedious voyage, I have finally made it to Colonia.

Finally Here

Even though it took me longer than I initially anticipated, I miraculously managed to make it here in once piece. I have a few interesting stories to tell before I decide what to do next; Skip them if you want!

First thing I should probably mention is that I changed the way I pilot my ship mid-flight. While looking around in the storage room of my DBX for leftover pizza, I found a box with a pink sticky-note labled HOTAS. It included some very fancy looking controls for my console. I thought I'd give them a try, the fact that I was literally in the middle of nowhere & that I was using a botched game controller from the old days to pilot my ship certainly helped with that. I particularly enjoy flying with these controls, and now I really don't think I can go back. Who knew that leftover pizza could lead to such things?

Second, but in no particular order, was my grave mistake of not packing more duct-tape. I'm serious; I was halfway into my journey, trundling along from neutron star to neutron star when my FSD decided its a good moment to malfunction- Right as I'm trying to fuel scoop... Thank god for the copious amount of heat-sinks I managed to pack into my ship while drunk. At that point, my AFMU was pretty much dry, and I had no means of collecting materials for some new juice. (I really just don’t even remember how to...) Desperate, and not wanting to loose all of my data while going through a neutron star thanks to my very considerate FSD, I took a look at Galnet. On the front page was something about a Colonia Bridge, how FU##### lucky am I? Shorty after posting my first log, I rushed over to the nearest station on the bridge and got my stuff patched up. Moral of the story is don't drink & drive, especially in space, especially if your going out to a remote location with no preparation.

Finally, I have something terrifying to tell you all. On the final stretch of my journey, about 5 jumps away from Colonia, I managed to stumble across my first ever White Dwarf- And holy tricycle are they scary as crap. I scurried out of the system as fast as my wimpy space-legs could take me, however not before the thing could set my entire ship ablaze. I guess my fellow commanders call me "Elite at flying into the sun" for a reason, huh...

Anyways, I'm here now, but I have no idea what to do next. I do have quite a few options though.

  • Wait for someone to fly my brick over so I can get some cash doing some major trading.
  • Explore the local area for some awesome sights.
  • Take another expedition, this time to the centre of the galaxy
  • Literally anything I think of.

I guess this is why people say its not about the destination..? All I'm saying is that it just feels odd now that I'm actually here.

I probably won't be going back to the bubble until either I grind out a really awesome ship that can make the trip in about a day, or I blown up by someone without having rebuy. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I just wanna stay a while, or atleast until the thargoids figure out whether they want to kill us or not.

Until then, or at least until I screw up royally, this is CMDR KolaKattz, signing off.

Log - 1 [No idea how I got here.]

This might seem odd, but I don't know how I got here.


The last thing I remember was drinking a few (nondescript) drinks & haphazardly driving my DBX through a neutron star. After that... Well- I'm not sure. One thing I can say, however, is that I know for a fact my systems aren't completely fried, and that I am alive; Even my cactus is fine.

The logs say that I traveled here over a span of a few days; and it only feels like I started out yesterday. In reality, its been over 4 months since the last flight log. I wish I could say what happened, but I truly have no idea. I had a book set aside, probably for the trip, and I've found a few highlighted words beneath a couple pen marks. "ON FOOT DISASTER" is what's spelled out. I have no clue what this could mean, but I assume it's a reason; An obscure and meaningless one at that.

I suppose I should keep going, all the way to Colonia. I got this far without consciousness, I'm sure I can do the rest without going completely insane.

This is CMDR KolaKattz, currently lost in Skaudai GW-D b45-16. Cya soon, if I make it to Colonia alive.