CMDR HChiang profile > Logbook

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Commander's Log: September 4, 3307 | Colonia | Stretching the Space Legs
CMDR HChiang
Aboard The Tonbokiri, docked at Jacques Station
Personal Logbook Entry: September 4, 3307

I spent most of the day trying out some on-foot missions. They were difficult. I had to be saved by the Rescue Rangers several times. I'm worn out.

I also purchased and outfitted a combat ship, a Krait Mk. II, and named it "The Tonbokiri". I plan to use it around the Colonia region.

Tomorrow or the day after, we'll finally be jumping to Waypoint 3 in our expedition. I'm sure there will be more to share then.

Commander HChiang out.

Commander's Log: September 3, 3307 | Eol Prou LW-L c8-127 | The Weight of Eleven Men
CMDR HChiang
Imprisoned aboard "Odin's Crag", somewhere in Eol Prou LW-L c8-127
Personal Logbook Entry: September 3, 3307

Well, the day started off pleasantly enough.

I took a leisurely trip abroad a friendly fleet carrier, the INTV Discovery, to Kyloall CL-Y g1518 D 1, also known as the "Lithobreaker", a planet with eleven times the gravitational pull of Earth.

INTV Discovery

I managed to land on the planet--although not properly. Nothing a little maintenance couldn't fix though. The mountainous views were spectacular. But, with the strong gravity, disembarking the ship was not an option. I even had trouble leaving the planet itself.

Kyloall CL-Y g1518 D 1

Wanting to stretch my space legs, I decided to get some rest at a nearby station. I flew my way to Pheonix Industries on Farwell. That's where the trouble began.

Buying a drink at the bar, a woman named Liz Duffy approached me and explained her predicament. Her friend had disappeared. Liz had hired a private investigator, but he was not making progress. When Liz ran into the investigator a second time, he denied every having met her before. Something fishy was going on.

Liz Duffy

Liz asked me to steal some personal files from the private investigator, so that we could hopefully find her friend and get to the bottom of things. Now, I must say that illegal activities aren't exactly in my comfort zone. But, I imagined that this was a for a good cause and agreed. Plus, she offered to pay me.

I set out for a data facility that Liz knew housed the private investigator's backup data. Unfortunately, being unskilled in breaking in and entering...I was caught by security.

I woke up in a prison cell abroad the megaship "Odin's Crag". And here I am now, still. (Yes, they allow datapads in prison. Don't ask me why.)

Jail cell

I received angry comms from Liz, berating at me for incompetence and for ruining her best lead to find her friend. The guilt weighs heavily on my chest.

Well, what's done is done.

I must also say, with my competitive and perfectionist spirit, I was left most dissatisfied at being...caught. Again, I do not make a habit of indulging in illegal behavior, and I certainly shall avoid writing anything more about them in the future. And yet, something draws me towards proving my worth...

Tomorrow morning, I'll see if I can pay my fine and get out of here. New opportunities await.

Commander's Log: September 2, 3307 | Dryaea Aob IH-V e2-250 | A Fish in the Aquarium
CMDR HChiang
Aboard "Marius Dream" MAR-D1, on Dryaea Aob IH-V e2-250 D 5 a
Personal Logbook Entry: September 2, 3307

As I await our jump to the next waypoint in our expedition, I made a few exploratory stops at some nearby sights.

First, a visit to Eol Prou RH-V d2-2311 (Graveyard's Gate), where "a thick canopy of stars stretches over an entire hemisphere of the sky, unbroken apart from a triangular region, nearly devoid of stars (the "gate"). Adjacent to this system is a large cluster of white dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes (the "graveyard")."

Graveyard's Gate

Then, to Eol Prou AA-A h162 (Tartarus), a large 48 stellar mass black hole roughly 100ly from Jaques Station.


And finally, to Dryaea Aob IH-V e2-250 (The Aquarium). Quoting another explorer, "The Aquarium lives up to it's name. Surrounded by hues of blue, this system's planets and distant other nebula seem to be floating around in water. At the center of the system lies a back hole. It's distortional effects adding to the other-worldly underwater ambiance."

The Aquarium

I made landfall on one The Aquarium's planetary moons, where I await sunset and will rest the night. Until tomorrow!

one The Aquarium's planetary moons

Commander's Log: September 1, 3307 | Spoihaae XE-X d2-9 | Landing on the World of Death
CMDR HChiang
Aboard "IPX Omega Concern" QHF-83B, orbiting Spoihaae XE-X d2-9 A
Personal Logbook Entry: September 1, 3307

I reached Spoihaae XE-X d2-9 (Monde de la Mort (World of Death)) yesterday as the second waypoint in the Wild Wild West Expedition.

After receiving an instructional briefing that I must admit I did not fully grasp, I decided to take the risk and make an attempt to land on Spoihaae XE-X d2-9 A 1, the "World of Death", that orbits a white dwarf.

Somehow--Marius Dream and myself did not burn up as the planet reached just 0.06 ls away from the star. I was able to take a nice photo, and fly away back to the fleet carrier for resupply.

I look forward to Waypoint 3.

Landing on the World of Death