CMDR Robert de Bruce profile > Logbook

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Systems visited:
11 723
Systems discovered first:
5 109
254 681 102 Cr
Hello again!

Bonjour! I'm sorry it has been so long since my last log, I went on a bit of a hiatus. A lot has happened, mostly in my personal life which I wont be talking about, but there are some developments in my travels, I am making good progress gettin' back home, I am already half way there! as well once I do get back home, My siblings will be waiting for me. I'm so excited! oh the adventures we will get up to, oh the high jinks, what fun we will no doubt have. And now, I just have to get there.

well, I can't think of anything else to write about so I guess I better get goin', bye bye!

Back on the road

Hello, it's been a while (7 months to be specific) but I am back on the road now, I have decided to travel to the Galactic centre and from there go to the Errant marches, circle around the galactic edge to Mare somnia, go up in to the Vails, then go through the Arcadian stream in to Ryker hope, get one last look at Sagittarius A* then go home, sounds simple enough I think, but these are just the regions, there are specific systems inside those regions I plan to visit, this should take quite a long time, so I better get goin' bye bye!

I made it to Colonia... again.

After a long, and quite frankly boring trip from the SgrA, to Colonia I reached my destination, it was thrilling getting back it had been so long since I had been in civilised space. one of the first things I did was sell my trusty auld Krait MKII, for an Anaconda, which I am now in love with, I think it's a pretty good ship and it gets the job done, though I do somewhat miss my Krait, I had it for so long and it got me half way across the galaxy, it too was a pretty good ship but not quite as good (in my opinion) as the Anaconda. so that's about it for now, I will be staying in Colonia for a awhile, mainly bounty hunting so I may het some interesting stories from that. Well thanks for reading, bye bye! PS auld is Scots for old

Back to Colonia.

Hi I'm back with another irregular log entry, so after a wee bit of exploring in the galactic centre, Ryker's hope and Odin's hold I have decided to head back to Colonia I'll talk a bit more about my trip back to Colonia in a moment, first let's talk a bit about my time in the aforementioned regions, a notable star I visited was Myriesly HR-N E6-4354 housed inside a lovely wee nebula of the same name, other then the beautiful purple nebula there was a wonderful viride lagrange storm cloud with awesome thunder and lightning which look cool and sounded even cooler! and of course there was Sgr A I don't thinkI need to tell you haw cool it was, and lastly Stuemeae FG-y D7561 which is notable for being next to SgrA and the location of Explorer's anchorage a space station with an adorable wee gift shop. unfortunately after I did the exploring I mentioned earlier and before I left for Colonia I took a bit of a break so I can't remember a most of the places I visited. now earlier I said I would talk about trip back to Colonia, so firstly on my way back I decided to use neutron stars to boost me to my destination which will take a lot less time then if I went directly to Colonia, unfortunately I didn't ken about FSD Supercharging when I was traveling to Sgr A*, so at this rate I should be back to Colonia in a about maybe 3-4 days. well I can't think of anything else I want write, so guess I better get goin' bye-bye! PS ken is Scots for know

The centre

I did, i finely made it to the galactic centre and more importantly Sagittarius A. It was a long and arduous journey and it's still not over i plan to make it to the edge of the galaxy, so i'm only about half way through. Christ this is going to take a long time, but it will probably be worth it, if i see anything half a beautiful as Sagittarius A then it will have definitely been worth it. Well i better get goin' bye bye

I made it to Colonia.

I finally made it, after about 4-6 days(i didn't keep track) i got to Colonia, it was awesome, Colonia always felt so far away and unreachable i didn't think i could make it there, i'm so happy to have reached it. I went down to Colonia landing first, then colonia orbital, it was so cool being so far from Achenar. i didn't stay long though just long enough to get repairs and sell my cartographic data. Now i am on my way to Sgr A*, then home. But before that i think i'll head back to Colonia and visit Jaques station, i can't believe i forgot to visit that historic place. Well i better get goin' bye bye!

Exploring is awesome... but REALLY BORING

It has been a wee bit since i have made a log entry, this is due the the fact that nothing of note has happened on my way to Sgr a. though i did find and map an earth like planet and was the first to discover it! Still it may be a bit boring but i am still have fun and that's what really matter now isn't it?guess i better get goin' i have a long way to go before i get to Colonia and a vary long way before a get to Sgr A.Oh and before i forget, i know my log entry's are bit short i think this is because i am not a very good writer nor a confident one but hopefully the more i write the better and longer my entry's become. Well bye bye and stay safe CMDRs!

Bad experience.

my ship blow up, i left it in supercruise idling infront of a star, and went to have a bath. when i got back... well yeah. so not the best experience but a learning one. i'm currently docked in Amundsen terminal, not too far from where it happend so a minor set back, still a miserable situation, but life as they say goes on. guess i better get goin' it was fun writing this i think i will start keeping a regular to semi-regular log. Note the idle speed in supercruise is 30.0KM/s