CMDR Jack Lolet profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
HMS flipper [hot-42]
Member since:
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
4 665
Systems discovered first:
1 702
1 176 601 768 Cr
9 September 3304

They keep coming, we are starting to get sloppy. The Gnosis' Point Defence system was targeting the missiles we were firing at the Thargoids; and we flew an entire sortie with our landing gear deployed. An Inciter made it through our lines, and managed to burn a hole into one of the habitation rings. We got the bastard, but it was too late. Scuttlebutt says that forty people were spaced when that section was hit. The SAR birds only found 7... We're tired. There's no relief. The Thargoids keep coming after us, time after time, after time. When we make mistakes, people die.

The Chief says that it'll be a few hours before the Baba Yaga is combat worthy again, too many ships have been put out of commission by those enzyme missiles (or as Eli calls them, 'that green shit') the Inciters shoot. The deck crew just can't keep up. Aside from the Chief, they're all a bunch of kids who have never seen combat before and were not ready for this. While the Baba Yaga is out of commission the crew and I are going to try and get some rack time. Hopefully we will be fresher for the next sortie.

7 September 3304, The Gnosis

A new canopy has been installed, that green shit the Thargoids spew on us has been neutralised, and the holes have been patched. We are just waiting on the last stack of AX missiles to be loaded. Once more unto the breach, dear friends...

7 September 3304, The Gnosis

It doesn’t end. We destroy them, and another wave drops out of Witch Space. We have performed so many combat landings that I think the starboard bow landing strut is permanently damaged, and I don’t think The Gnosis’s boffins will be getting those dents out of the landing pads in the near future. If there is a future. We have been fighting for over 24 hours, only returning to The Gnosis to rearm and repair. During our last sortie we barely made it back, hull integrity was down to 10% and a lucky shot from a scout took out our canopy.

Hell of a shakedown cruise. We’ve dealt with the occasional pirate, but the crew has never seen sustained combat like this, and it is wearing them down, thankfully one of the trading vessels had a large supply of stims and performance enhancers.

Due to the severity of the damage, we’ve been told it will take about an hour to make the Baba Yaga space worthy, I’ve order the crew to get some rack time, but I doubt they’ll be able to sleep with what’s going on out there...

6 September 3304

It is madness! There are destroyed ships and Thargoids everywhere, scouts are swarming The Gnosis like wasps around a disturbed nest. They’re attacking ships as they launch, the Baba Yaga lost half her shields before the deck clamps had released. Others have not been so lucky. Countless lightly armoured exploration vessels where destroyed before they could even get out of their hangars. To make things worse, The Gnosis hasn’t disabled its no fire zone, causing its IFF to confuse friendly ships with Thargoids, preventing us from engaging any enemy ships within 10 KM of it!

By ejecting meta alloy from their holds several commanders have successfully lured away the larger Thargoid Interceptors, but the scouts are more interested in picking off the poor bastards who are trying to escape. All we can do is try to keep as many of them away from The Gnosis as we can...

The boffins finally found the off switch! We can now engage the scouts that are closure to The Gnosis and keep them off the escaping exploration ships. We finally know where we are, The Gnosis only made it 12 light years from its starting point; to intercept us so quickly, the Thargoids must not want us poking around the Cone Sector.

6 September 3304, The Gnosis, unknown system.

It is early in the morning, we were roused from our sleep by blaring klaxons and a frantic call over The PA ordering all combat capable ships to launch immediately. The jump to the Cone Sector has failed, shortly after jumping Thargoids pulled The Gnosis from Witch Space. We do not know where we are, The Gnosis FSD is inoperative, and we are surrounded by Thargoids. I hope Eli and Vega got those AX weapons up and running.

The Gnosis

Commander’s log, 5 September 3304, Outotz ST-I d9-4

The Baba Yaga is currently docked in bay 7 of The Gnosis awaiting transport to the currently inaccessible Cone sector. The goal of the mission is to attempt to chart this unknown region of space in hopes of allowing for future safe passage.

The Gnosis will be staying within the Cone Sector until 4 October 3304, we will need to make sure that we return to The Gnosis before then, lest we get left behind.

The crew is completing final preparations for tomorrow’s jump; Astra and the Canonn boffins are recalibrating our scanners, Eli and Vega are running final tests on our new AX weapons, and Orion is trying to coax Jones out of the air ducts.

Dead Ends Circumnavigation Expedition 10

12 November 3303 We have come a long way, the stars are getting thinner, they are now spread to far for our FSD to cope. We have no choice but to return to the bubble and attempt to further improve the ship for another crack at a circumnavigation.

Dead Ends Circumnavigation Expedition 9

20:00 16 October 3303

We have discovered a small, rocky moon, FLYOOE EOHN SQ-B b18 1a, that has a high mineral content and an extremely low gravity (0.05G). We landed to do some prospecting and canyon jumping.


Touch the Stars

We suffered a few mishaps, but found more than enough nickel and iron to synthesise all necessary repair modules.

Dead Ends Circumnavigation Expedition 8

18:00 16 October 3303

Smooth sailing so far. We recently entered the FLYOOE EOHN OB-I b28 system. After performing detailed scans Astra reported that the 6th through 10th planets are Jovian gas giants. Our new addition informed us that, 'They're a bit like planets, and a bit like a star. Hit one and you don't go "crunch", more "poof".'

Don't hit planets 6 through 10.  You'll go 'poof'.

He has also managed to access the ship-wide P.A. system and set it to play Hutton Orbital Radio. Some how it's making the journey feel longer.

Dead Ends Circumnavigation Expedition 7

00:53 15 October 3303.

Jump successful.

enter image description here

I have been informed that something has happened to the Gin. The rather slurred call from the lounge was as follows, "I say old boy. There were several mugs, for the mug, of Gin for you lot, but you see, the Gin has gone missing. Quite strange as nobody else has been in here, but now it is just me and these mugs, for the mug. Do you think it was Thargoids?"