CMDR Amxshawnathan profile > Logbook

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future endeavours [DF-162]
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3 235
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finishing what i started.

well now, its been a while since i stepped into my ship's cockpit. i almost forgot how uncomfortable those seats are. im back from exploring the emptiness of space to doing common jobs for materials to once again, take to people who have no business on or around my ships. but its what i have to pay to be the best. i didnt graduate from the Pilots Federation just to become a merc... well maybe a little, if i didnt, i wouldnt of met Sam. and i wouldnt have my beautiful daughter. Anyway, i have a long list of materials i need to die. and, once again, people need to die in order for me to get those materials. ive killed before and i won't let my nerves get the better of me..... this time


CMDR Alexis "AMXshawnathan" Xavi

a Wolf Rayet? Undiscovered?

Man, oh man, boy i lost track of how far i was going. anyway i guess i should catch up on whats happened so far. well, since my last entry, this has been a very alone trip. my stowaway of a daughter surprisingly did not show on this trip. even though i was very upset with her, i feel even more alone without her. she made that last trip special. now that she isnt here with me on the second round it's, well, lonely. My husband called the other day while i was on some random moon i traveled to so i could stretch the legs. these magnet boots, though very useful, arent the most confortable. anyway, i made it to colonia a few days ago. it was nice being there once again. though i got into some trouble. i went to visit the colonian engineers i heard about and they were quite nice and helpful, i even got some of their blueprints to work once im back home. Mr. Mel Brandon was kinda weird, not going to lie, but he was nice regardless. about the trouble... well, there was this guy who was stuck in the middle of space. i thought he had what i needed and so i tried to open his cargo hold.... he didn't like that at all long story short, i just hope he didnt have a family to go back to, because little jimmy isnt gonna see his dad if thats the case. i bought a couple ships out there. one is gonna stay there, the python i bought (maybe ill sell it since i dont have a specific use for it, but i havent decided yet.) i also got a good picture of the galactic plain, a site i wish i saw when i first started the trip but i was afraid of my ship's damaged hull not making it, so i skipped it. i havent ran into any serious trouble. no hull damage so far and a couple damaged modules, but nothing the AFMU cant handle. i made it to my next two sites that i wanted to revisit, the great annihilator black hole and Sagittarius A*, the super massive black hole in the center of the galaxy. i did, yet didnt expect fleet carriers to be there but it was nice to get a minor repair on my paint job for a good picture with the hole itself. anyway i made it to my 35% point of the trip. The rare to find Wolf Rayet star. Oh, but not just any wolf rayet, An undiscovered wolf rayet! i cant believe it!! a WCO star with no ones name on it. this is pretty great! i bookmarked it on my galaxy panel to make sure i can prove that i charted out that system so no one can steal that find from me. but im not done yet. i still got the last portion of my trip, and in fact, my half way point. my trip to beagle point. im 32k LY away from it and i think i can make it there within the next two days. this journey has been long and exciting but i think i might go enjoy my family for a few more months after this trip is all said and done. kinda like the last time.... but well see.


CMDR Alexis (AMXshawnathan) Xavi

An old journey. revisited.

well, it has surely been a while since i've flown. i started back about a month ago and golly things have changed. fleet carriers, new ships avaiable to purchase, and much more! it was a bit overwelming but i maintain. theres also this codex thing that i remember was rumoured during the update to COVAS, which is pretty cool and pretty useful. and with that, the pilot's federation has somehow, someway lost a lot of my previous exploration data, which is a surefire disappointment, but, a new opportunity. so the last time i started my trip around the bubble. i had about four main locations i wanted to visit. and surely they were pretty great however, that entire trip was under-planned and it almost cost me my life. so with that. i am once again making a trip to beagle point, again. Now with new check points! this will take, once again a few months. but i have a better plan, and im doing it in a new ship which is pretty cool! so last time i did it in my anaconda, the future endeavours has served me well, and i surely do love that ship. however its a very large ship and slow to roll, it did have all the things i needed plus a lot more. however i wanted to be in a more enjoyable ship. so i went out and bought Delacy's newest ship: the Krait Phantom. with a class 5 FSD, weighing almost half the weight of the conda, i thought it would be delightful and it is! with a jump range of over 67 light years unladen, it gets me to where i want fast! well i started this trip in a few minutes. ill continue to write as my journey goes forth. though, there is one thing i feel is missing. my daughter, she typically stows away during these dangerous trips but i dont think she did, or shes just that good at hiding. if so, these is going to be a really long trip.

signed CMDR Alexis "AMXshawnathan" Xavi