CMDR Linnunrata profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
Sundance Kid [LI-22K]
(Krait Phantom)
Member since:
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
21 294
Systems discovered first:
14 150
4 676 979 917 Cr
Somewhere in the northern edges of Perseus Crags


First logbook entry in the middle of the voyage that has already taken quarter of a year, mostly due summer spent on Earth-like planet chilling. Now it is time to continue the journey.

Next, planning to first circumvent the permit locked territories of Hyponia, continue to scoot along the Perseus Arm to Orio-Perseus Conflux and probably visit 13 Mu Sagittarii there. Then, who knows, probably to Colonia. The galactic core draws an aspiring sightseer like me like a magnet, but on the other hand there is a new-ship-sized chunk of credits sitting in the databanks, just waiting a freak accident to happen.

Better brew some tea for warping session awaiting after the Asp Explorer firmware update finishes.
