CMDR Soda Popinski profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
Dance Like a Butterfly [SO-04A]
(Asp Explorer)
Member since:
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
1 310
Systems discovered first:
Tried new Surface Scanner

Went back to Gippsworld, birth world. Hoping planetary surface scan shed light on missing Gippsworld pigs. No luck. Mystery deepens.

Also, already mapped.

Well, that didn't work out

In last ditch effort to make it to Gnosis, engineered Bug Stomper and added large fuel scoop, so can get to Sefrys lickity-split. Tried swapping Guardian Gauss Cannons to Dance Like a Butterfly, but cannot for legal reasons. Also, forgot to bring Research Limpet Controller - left on T Tauri.

In rush, left for Gnosis using 34 ly range of Butterfly, and tried using Neutron Highway. Bad idea. Yanked into normal space, managed to Super Cruise out. Thought, made it with minimal hull damage. Give 'nother try. Bad, bad idea. After double-backing and super charge FSD, jumped to next neutron star, crashed out again, all systems knocked out. Much spinning with no vodka. Unable to get back to super cruise. Canopy cracked, could not see HUD to line up, and ran out of oxygen. Ejected and emergency transport back here to Sefrys.

Guess I missed boat.

Missed boat

Or will miss boat. Arrived at T Tauri. Engineered FSD to 21 lightyear range, but still cannot bridge gap. Ferrying Dance Like a Butterfly will take 2 hours and 7 minutes. Gnosis departs in 1 hour 50 minutes. No use in doing that. Instead, shuttling Advanced Scanner from Sefrys to get some exploration data while slinking back to Mikunn neighborhood.


Made it to within 985 light-years in Bug Stomper, but couldn't complete route to Outotz ST-I d9-4, current location of Gnosis. Stupid FSD range too short for journey. Closest port is T Tauri. En route to either engineer FSD or call in Dance Like a Butterfly, and re-equip with AX and Guardian Gauss Cannons for trip to Cone.

To Hell with it

Decided to bring Bug Stomper. Equipped second AX Gun Turret along with Research Limpet controller. At this point, about 400 ly from Sefrys, and 1500 ly to go. 16 ly jump range means a lot of jumps and coffee.

Will curiosity kill the cat?

Planning to join expedition to Cone region via The Gnosis. Plot course to Wregoe PN-K c8-1, then Outotz ST-I d9-4 to rendezvous with The Gnosis and dock by Wednesday/Thursday midnight to catch ride to Cone Region and see what insects are up to. Debating if I should bring Bug Stomper or Dance Like a Butteryfly...or both. Don't forget AX scanner.

Made it home

Stayed about 10 minutes at Jim Berjerac, and took off. Went to LHS 20, Ohm Dock to get a new class 2 Guardian Cannon - probably didn't need to. Also found out, since I've unlocked it, I don't think I needed any more blue-print data. Oh well. Upgraded my FSD after collecting some FSD wake data while at the busy port of Ohm Dock.

Headed to Meene to collect rewards from Guardian Decryption Data, making a cool $10 million. Now on my wake back the the Mikunn'inverse to sell ~200 systems worth of exploration data, following instructions.

Half-way home, making plans

Still en route to Gippsworld to visit the old homestead, or at least get a good look at it from Bergerac Station.

Will need to pick up Magnetic Emitter Coils at Virts Dock in Chemaluk. Once I arrive, call in delivery of Bug Stomper, and install a second Guardian Gauss Cannon.

From there, take the Dance Like a Butterfly back to Mikunn area, and sell navigation data at appropriate station.

Heading home

I've successfully retrieved the 4th Guardian Weapons Blueprint to be used for a Guardian Gauss Cannon. In order to maximize discovery data, I've plotted a course to the boonies. Yes, I'm going back home to Gippsworld. Hopefully, family will be willing to meet me up on Jim Berjerac, as heading down to the surface is always depressing. Something about New Vladimir Putingrad without the "pigs" is off-putting.

For a quick summary of decrypted data, I was able to get #14 (Relic + Totem), #20 (Relic + Orb), #27 (Tablet + Urn), #16 (Relic + Urn). Missed at least Casket + Orb, due to lack of Orb at the time. That can be found at the system The Gnosis landed at, I believe.

Driving sucks

Arrived at Col 173 Sector HN-I b26-5 last night. The Guardians Structure was in the middle of a mountainous region. I was unable to find a suitable landing site nearby. Instead, I parked "Dance Like a Butterfly" at the foothills 6km away. On my way to the site now.

Prior to landing, I hovered over the site to make a rudimentary map.

Decrypted 16/28 relic + urn.

Rudimentary Map