CMDR Saberwolve profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
(Asp Explorer)
Member since:
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
7 477
Systems discovered first:
4 302
Guardian Sites & Guardian Beacons

Commander's Log - August 28, 3304:

Upon hearing the news from Ram Tah about mysterious signals out in the IC 2391 Sector, I decided to go meet up with a few commanders to see what we can find. We met up at an Ancient Ruin but promptly headed over to a Guardian Site about 40 light years away to gather up guardian tech.

Having found the correct planet, we began our descent toward the planet. At first I wasn't sure if we had the correct place as there was a dark fog that seemed to settle on the planet. The ruins appeared almost suddenly and it's a good thing I was watching the altimeter, because I probably would have missed the ground with how dark it was at the site.

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After fighting off some sentries, we were able to gather some guardian components. We then received a report from one of our wing mates that he had found "it". After collecting a few more items, we set off toward "it".

We dropped in on it and it was massive. There are no words for how huge this thing is. I only fear what this beacon is actually signalling. There will need to be some more investigating done as there was data provided from the beacon that we were able to translate.

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End Log

Busy, busy, busy...

Commander's Log - August 26, 3304:

I've been busy, busy, busy. To save some time, I booked passage on a ship from Colonia back to the bubble, and I got dropped off in Eravate for my troubles. That large wad of credits that I earned from my trip to Beagle Point and Sagittarius A went right to good use in completing the outfitting of the Persephone, the Krait MkII I purchased prior to my departure over a month ago.

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I also sold a few of my vessels (a Dolphin and an Eagle) and some spare components I had laying around in an effort to bring my Alliance Chieftain back to full fighting force, thus bringing my combat ship strength up to two. A few trips here and there to Felicity Farseer, Juri Ishmaak, Elvira Marttuk and Tod McQuinn with both ships, and they're both as good as I can get them at this point.

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After giving both ships a whirl in some combat scenarios, I decided to do a little more selling and buying and traded in my DB Scout for another DB Explorer, but keeping the same name: Liandra. I fired up the ole engines and did something else that I had never done...visit an ancient ruin.

Talk about creepy... enter image description here

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End Log.

Civilization at last!

Commander's Log - August 21, 3304.

After a long push today, I finally made it back to civilization; even if that civilization is a considerable way from Sol. I finally arrived back in Colonia after almost a month of travel out to Beagle Point, and then to Sagittarius A. Voyager handled the journey incredibly well and is currently in the hands of the repair and maintenance teams at Jaques Station for a well deserved look over of all her parts before making the journey back to the bubble, and our new home in Quikil.

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With Voyager in the capable hands of the maintenance teams, I stopped by the Universal Cartographics office and cashed in on all my scanned data. When it was all said and done, I pulled in almost 122 million credits into my account and now have my name listed on a number of worlds that crossed my path. To top it off, the Pilot's Federation also saw fit to promote my explorer rank to Pioneer, and am 49% of the way to my next rank already.

Now, time for some rest and relaxation aboard the Asimov, the Dolphin I had purchased before setting out to Beagle Point afew weeks ago.

I have to say that it was an amazing journey and an amazing experience to make it out there. However, I don't think I will be doing that again anytime soon.

And note to self: Buy a new air freshener for Voyager.

End Log.

Sagittarius A

Commander's Log - August 18, 3304:

It was a bit of a dogleg path from Beagle Point to Sagittarius A, but, after a number of days' hard journey, Voyager and I finally made it to the center of the galaxy. I didn't stay too long as I am remain anxious to get to Colonia safely for refit and repairs, and so that I can cash in on all of the scan data that I've collected in my long journey out and back again. Just shy of 11,000 light years until I get there!

Super-massive Black hole

End log.

Slight Detour:

Commander's Log - August 13, 3304:

I've been making great progress for my return trip from Beagle Point. Earlier in my flight today, I finally made it out of the Scutum-Centaurus Arm and that's when I made the decision to detour toward Sagittarius A. Given how many light years I have traveled since July 20, and knowing myself, I figured that if I don't go now, I won't go for a long time, if ever. So it became a bit of a no brainer, despite delaying my arrival at Colonia.

So far on my travels today, I've actually encountered a three or four previously undiscovered Earth worlds, and about two handfuls of water worlds, which will pull in a decent number of credits upon making it to port. Also, while lifting off from a moon near a ringed gas giant, I found a beautiful photo opportunity that I was quite proud of.

Hot & Cold: Ringed gas giant with the Milky Way in the distance

End Log.

Back across the Abyss

Commander's Log - August 10, 3304:

After spending some time relaxing, I finally fired up the ole FSD again, and began making my way back toward civilization. The Abyss wasn't so bad this time around as the very long distance view of home is what kept me going. I also decided to deviate my trip home a touch and visited Thomaski's Point to pay my respects to the fallen commander. o7

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I'm going to park here for the night. I'm eager to continue my journey home, so the plan is to make a huge dent in the journey home tomorrow.

End Log.

Beagle Point at last...

Commander's Log - August 7, 3304.

My excitement was palpable as Voyager and I completed the last jumps to Beagle Point. These final light years just flew on by and I lost track of where I was, until that last jump came up on my canopy view screen. enter image description here

I have to say, my initial response was, "that's it?" And then I turned around and I saw it: the beautiful view of the Milky Way spread out before me and the knowledge that I was over 65,000 light years from the home of humankind. enter image description here

I stopped by the memorial beacon and then found a nice, cozy place to land to do an outside inspection of Voyager. I couldn't be happier with how she performed.

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End Log.

Entering "The Abyss"

Commander's Log - August 5, 3304:

I made good progress today, and I finally entered the area of the Milky Way known as the Abyss. I've had to change some of my navigational computer parameters as it was having some difficulties programming my originally planned route.

The darkness is a little disconcerting as there are very few stars filling my canopy window, but I know that my destination is less than 6,000 light years away, and that keeps me going. Plus, I know it's going to be one hell of a view in my canopy as I make my way back to civilized space.

The recalculation of my route did land me in a really interesting system that has four stars within close proximity of each other. I think I'll stay here for a little while and bask in the light before heading back into the Abyss. enter image description here

End Log

On the fringes of the galaxy...

Commander's Log - August 3, 3304:

It's taken a few days, but I've finally made it toward the fringes of the galaxy. Navigational computers are showing that I'm about 29,500+ light years from Colonia and I'm starting to see a definite lack of stars in my canopy view.

Voyager is holding up quite well on her journey, but she's definitely going to need a new paint job once I make it back home.

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I also decided to turn around and look back toward home, and I am definitely feeling the distance I have traveled. I'm a bit in awe of seeing the bulk of the Milky Way spreading out before me.

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Tomorrow, I begin the final 16,000 light year push to Beagle Point. Stay safe out there Commanders!

End Log.

Out in the Black:

Commander's Log - July 26, 3304

I've made it about a third of the way on my journey from Colonia to Beagle Point. To break up some of the monotony, I've stopped and scanned a few systems and managed to find three Earth-like planets and a nifty ringed water world.

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There's even been a few trips down onto some planets here and there for some prospecting and I've managed to come away with components for boosting my FSD should I need it once I hit the Abyss.

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Otherwise, Voyager is handling the journey like a champ. Most systems are at 97% or higher due to a bit of space madness kicking in and flying a bit too close to a star, but I'm not concerned for now. Until next entry, hopefully at the 2/3 mark.

End log.