CMDR Zekonnd profile > Logbook

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4 333
Back Home

Reached the Bubble today (Vanaharan). After selling my exploration data (156M) and some survey data caches I found, I will continue to Earth and the Founders World. I will need to find a new home station.

Sagittarius A*

Reached Sag A* today.

Back to home

Today I began my way back to Sol, starting by visiting the Blue Whale Geysers. Very nice. Took a bunch of photos and went to sleep between the sparkling mini volcanoes.

Elite Explorer

Today I made Elite. With an 4 kLy roundtrip to the stars highest above the galactic plane nearest to colonia I reached 93%, and - again - using my python blue taxi, I made the missing 7% with only 5 fully loaded passenger trips to the colonia sightseeing points. Surely no one will ever see me as an elite combateer, as I am only mostly harmless still. But I have my Founders World Permit, and grinning.

The highest stars I ever reached during the last exploration trip are Tyrielae EL-Y e1 (2830Ly above the galactic plane) and Tyrielae BA-A f1 (2826Ly), both of which I discovered first.

Python me

Ha, the Python is feasible with all the money I made with my Blue Taxi Dolphin. It has more passenger slots than the Orca, and still can dock at outposts. I already earned the costs for my Blue Taxi Python back with it, this ist just great. Never earned more money and increase Merchant and Explorer ranks at the same time.

Blue Taxis expanding

Today I decided, that my Dolphin is just too small. The Orca, although feasible, needs a large landing pad. Are the missions with larger passenger groups really paying more accordingly? If I need to land on planets all the time or only can use Colonia Dream as a passenger source, does it really pay out? Maybe I have not maxed out the Dolphin yet: More than one 8 Person Economy Cabin seems to fit. Maybe I have shields too big.

Too bad. I want to fly the Orca too.


I made it to Jaques today very much in time. With ~37 hours of flight, I travelled 27649 lightyears in 709 jumps. That's roughly 1800 Ly per hour.

Although someone mentioned something like that, I was surprised, that only 6 ship models are available here. But to improve that situation, that's why we are here, isn't it? Great, that I stored some modules. Those will be of help here. No missions either. So back to exploring once more. I should not have cashed in my exploration data to the waypoint stations!

Far travelling

Today, my plan calls for flying 4000 Ly in one evening, or else I never will make it to the half way celebrations.

Edit: I made 4500 Ly in 103 jumps in 3,5 hours.

Made it

Well, but still I made it to basecamp #3. Not yet, but I am one jump away from that "Star cluster" just before Eagle. And I can reach Eagle by a few jumps, if the need would arise. Which it doesn't, as I said before. Let's explore that cluster first. But it wasn't interesting at all. So I landed at Eagle, sold my Exploration data and gathered with the other ccc pilots somewhere next to the station, and took some photos.

After that, I tried wing flying nav locked with another Asp pilot, and we mastered it. We had to separate, because our jump range was too different.