CMDR Forth profile > Logbook

Commander name:
Current ship:
(Diamondback Explorer)
Member since:
Distances submitted:
Systems visited:
9 329
Systems discovered first:
3 749
4 072 923 841 Cr
Heading home?

So the time has finally come to turn my thoughts to the previously unthinkable, the journey home.

It seems almost too much to imagine, just flipping the ship round and heading straight back. I know I rushed towards the end, missed some of the waypoints on the route. I had thought about lazily heading back the way I'd come and checking out what I had missed the first time round. However, seems I wouldn't be doing EDSM much of a service there - we need to get out and find more stuff, not just re-tread the same old routes.

Even so, I am tempted by the guided tour home, I think I will at least attempt the 20Kly treck over to Voyagers Reach -- I've always wanted to visit and I can re-evaluate the rest of the journey from there.

Beagle point

I finally made it here, all the way out to beagle point. I am weary, and must sleep - I shall examine my position in the morning, take some scans and see about the Journey Home.

Terrific views, whole galaxy in one.

Maiden entry, nearing the end of a long voyage... or the start of another?

It seems strange to write my first log entry, as I come towards the final straight of the longest journey I have ever to venture on. I suppose it might have made more sense to start writing at the beginning. Allthough, perhaps now really is an opportune time to start this journal, after all, I am about to embark on another epic journey: the long sojurn home.

Like many other independent pilots, I signed up for the galaxy-wide famous, Distant Worlds 2 expedition. Along the way I have seen many fantastic sights, met many brave and entertaining souls, and discovered many woundrous things. Things about the galaxy, my ship, and even myself.

I fear I have fallen slightly behind "the fleet" such at it is at this late stage of the expedition, spread out across the long stretch from SAG A* to Beagle Point, or scattered across the stars on their journeys home. Some have made it back to the bubble already, whilst I, mind weary and ship battered, plod mercilessly on, star by winking star, to the finishing line.

I am still discovering new things even here, crossing into the void late last night, but as I get closer to the edge, I find myself less inclined to meander, and am cutting a more direct path towards the final waypoint.

The inside of my vessel, and travelling companian, Dorca the Explorca, is still as sleek and plush as when I set out. The Saud Kruger interiors are just built for a trip like this, and save for the few scattered empty bottles of Lavian Brandy, looks very similar to when I departed Sol for the first waypoint. The exterior however is another matter. Pockmarked, corroded, eroded, it has certainly seen better days, still, it will make for a fitting galacic "selfie" once I reach the horizon.

I shall never reach that aforemention horizon however, if I remain forever writing this log entry, so for now I shall sign off, and endeavour to log any future momentus occasions here, for all to see.