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Source code for Arduino Thumbstick mod

// // // Core | Everything within this document is proprietary to Core Dynamics.
Dynamics | Any unauthorized duplication will be subject to prosecution. //
Department : (R+D)^2 // Sub Dept: Programming // Location ID: 856-45B // (c) 2856 Core Dynamics //
PROJECTID: (#UNDEFINED) Revision: 00000000.01A
// TEST CODE: QACODE: A565 CENSORCODE: .,.8JFnEg_pnz6( // *
// ***** // Programmer Notes: //
// Coder: Robert Lebowski // Support Coder: Thomas Whatshisname need to look this up later // --- Apnd: // Other Sources: // Based on Comment by Goustoulos //
Purpose: // Microcontroller code for secondary thumb joystick to replace pilots tendencies // to control vertical and horizontal thrust with the HAT controls. Really, a HAT on // a joystick is pathetic. It really is nothing more than 4 buttons. We do not need // a HAT Control on a joystick. 1 HAT control on a joystick is 1 HAT control too // many. We need this thumb joystick instead and in its place. //
// Note about behavior: The joystick has been designed for trust vectoring on a non // certified component. This code is designed to provide fine control of 0 to up to // 45 percent thrust in the joystick's 0 to 90 percent range from center. Exceed the // 90 percent range and thrust will be at 100 percent. These values are configurable. //
L. I was joking. I recieved the wedding invitation. I // ** I can't wait to attend the wedding and I really wish // * the two of you the best. :) //
La de da, de da. Things have been getting slow in this department ever since the // AI programmers have been installed in the system. I want to get up and get a cup // of coffee and just sit back and browse the net, but the coding manager told us to // look busy during our inspection. The Lieutenant is litery 9 meters away so I'm just // sitting here typing stuff. La de da is a reference number. //
To be honest, I kinda like this code. It took a few hours to put up and, although // its dirty, it runs really well. It is also, cleaner, in respects to the AI generated // code. Much more compact and even has a hint of personality that ships for CD had before.
// Not to mention, smaller and can be redundant on multiple systems. //
// ***

include "Joystick.h"

Joystick_ Joystick;

// Vars -----

// Enable Serial Monitor for testing const boolean booTest = false; // Testing Data Collection // These two variables are kinda stupid. Why cant I conditionally scope local vaibles at compile time. // Better to assign them here and not use them, than to create and destroy them with every cycle. int tstxAxis = 0; int tstyAxis = 0;

// give the system a break in miliseconds. const int resttime = 46;

// Inverse Axis const boolean booXInverse = false; const boolean booYInverse = true;

// Dedzone -- nope, let the system handle it. //const int intXdeadzone = 0; //const int intYdeadzone = 0;

// Tuning -- instead. // In futuer, auto tune this on controller start based on first // first read position and distance from 512. const int intXtune = 6; const int intYtune = 7;

// Precision slope and Breakaway Point // Slope is rep by 1/#. eg, Slope 2 = 1/2 = .5, 4 = .25, ... // Break point . 9 represents 90% const int intSlopeTune = 2; const float intBreakTune = .98;

// HARDWARE HACK // Voltage flow offset: 3.3V is 1.5151, 5V is 1 // w 3.3 v range is 0 = 675.84 and mid is 337.92 -note // Calc XYMid = 338, XYMax 0 - 676 -note const float floVOffset = 1.5151;

// Adjust joystick end to end limits value. // doesnt work yet and never finished. //const float floMag = .3;

void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once:

if (booTest == true) { Serial.begin(9600); }

Joystick.begin(); Joystick.setXAxis(0); Joystick.setYAxis(0);

pinMode(6, INPUT_PULLUP);

// Unused Pins // I want more buttons. I really dont have enough buttons on the joystick. // These are placeholders. //pinMode(7, INPUT_PULLUP); //pinMode(8, INPUT_PULLUP); //pinMode(9, INPUT_PULLUP); //pinMode(10, INPUT_PULLUP); //pinMode(11, INPUT_PULLUP); //pinMode(12, INPUT_PULLUP); //pinMode(13, INPUT_PULLUP);

int lastButtonState = 0; }

void loop() { // Grabbing Data ---

int button0Val =digitalRead(6);

//int button1Val =digitalRead(7); //int button2Val =digitalRead(8); //int button3Val =digitalRead(9); //int button4Val =digitalRead(10); //int button5Val =digitalRead(11); //int button6Val =digitalRead(12); //int button7Val =digitalRead(13);

int xAxis = analogRead(A0); int yAxis = analogRead(A1);

// Testing Data Collection if (booTest == true)
{ tstxAxis = xAxis; tstyAxis = yAxis; }

// Calculations --- // should I float these? Yeah, why not. float joyxVal = int(floVOffset xAxis); float joyyVal = int(floVOffset yAxis);

// Inversion with Tuning if (booXInverse == true) { joyxVal = 1024 - joyxVal + intXtune; } else { joyxVal = joyxVal + intXtune; }

if (booYInverse == true) { joyyVal = 1024 - joyyVal + intYtune; } else { joyyVal = joyyVal + intYtune; }

// Deadzone -- not using. Tuning instead. // X //if (joyxVal 512) { if (joyxVal (1024 - (1024 * intBreakTune))) { joyxVal = (((joyxVal - 512) / intSlopeTune) + 512); } else { joyxVal = 0; } }

// Y ***** if (joyyVal 512) { if (joyyVal (1024 - (1024 * intBreakTune))) { joyyVal = (((joyyVal - 512) / intSlopeTune) + 512); } else { joyyVal = 0; } } // Really, I stole this code from Tom, down the hall. I peeked at how he was // handling the Scarab's, servy system thing, steering mechanism. Makes sence.
// If a pilot is pushing the stick to its limit, he wants full power. // Also, this eliminates 2 problems. I dont need to be check for values exceeding // limits being passed. And, I dont' have to worry about that dang x^3 curve. Oh, // the AI thinks its so smart by programming its cool curves and all. I think //

// Execution --- Joystick.setXAxis(int(joyxVal)); Joystick.setYAxis(int(joyyVal)); Joystick.setButton(0, !button0Val);

//Joystick.setButton(1, !button1Val); //Joystick.setButton(2, !button2Val); //Joystick.setButton(3, !button3Val); //Joystick.setButton(4, !button4Val); //Joystick.setButton(5, !button5Val); //Joystick.setButton(6, !button6Val); //Joystick.setButton(7, !button7Val);

// Testing Output if (booTest == true)
{ Serial.print(" X = "); Serial.print(tstxAxis); Serial.print(" Y = "); Serial.print(tstyAxis); Serial.println(); Serial.print("Joy X = "); Serial.print(joyxVal); Serial.print(" Joy Y = "); Serial.print(joyyVal); Serial.println(); Serial.println();

// Serial.print(27,BYTE); // clear screen - Not sure how to print escape sequences.


// Slow delay if in testing mode. if (booTest == true)
{ delay(250); } else { delay(resttime); }


// Closing Notes: Codes a mess but it works. I got another idea while writing it. I // am going to issue a request to the AI Programer System to see if it can read data // from the ship global sensor array system and convert that data into environmental sound. // Its a win win. If it can't, It will prove the AI system as a sham. If it can, I will // impress that cute little test pilot I see from time to time. She is the best.