Профіль пілоту Merlin McLaughlin > Щоденник

Ім'я командира:
Поточний корабель:
Зареєстровано з:
22 січ. 2019
Внесено відстаней:
Відвідано систем:
21 251
Першовідкривач систем:
14 129
331 140 056 Кр
Black hole hunting

"Mors et Vitae" turned out to be less interesting than advertised. Nevertheless a lot of nice sights on the way. And now that I had my first run-in with a black hole, I decided to go into the black and hunt for some more.

In one of them, Screakao CB-W e2-5406, I found a weird constellation of Gas giants and dwarf stars. The second star in orbit around the black hole is a T-Dwarf with a ring that surrounds four of its planetoids orbiting it. It has a huge width as well with an inner radius of 39,97ls and an outer radius of 63,45ls. It is just not very dense at "only" about 19 Moon masses.

Well, nothing else to see here, carry on.

Towards Sag A* - continued

Priapus' Heaven was a nice sight. Lots to explore, interesting trinary ELW constellation. Sadly not close enough to each other to get a nice shot of them all together. So I move on to new sights.

My next stop should be "Mors et Vitae". This will take a while, let's see if I find some other interesting systems in between.

Towards Sag A*

I finally arrived at "Uvhash" and as this is my first black hole I must say, it is scary. I need to check other Commanders experiences when getting too near to one of these. I tried taking a couple of shots from a safe distance, but I still need to go through the data.

Now I will slowly make my way to Sagittarius A*, next up will be Priapus' Heaven

Sightseeing around Colonia - Part 2

Moving on from the Six Sisters taking the next Explorer suggestions and going to map out "Posideon's Playground" and "Nereus' Gift".

Next stop after that will be "Uvhash"

Sightseeing around Colonia - Part 1

Dutifully following the tourist route from Colonia towards the Core I am visiting the "Six sisters"

Finding my first "Notable Stellar Phenomena" - Eol Prou RS-T D3-613

After Colonia I started planning a bit of a sightseeing tour. I looked up the POIs on EDSM and decided to first go to "The Phare". Interesting place, but I didn't get to make very good pictures. So I moved on to the "Glow Bug Giant".

And then, just one hop away from the Glow Bug Giant (Eol Prou KW-L c8-32) I stumbled upon two Notable Stellar Phenomena in Eol Prou RS-T D3-613. They were Croceum Lagrange Clouds full of clumps of Solid Mineral Spheres, Luteolum Umbrella Molluscs and Rubeum and Flavum Metallic Crystals.

But what was especially astonishing was that part of the first Lagrange Cloud looked like a huge Mantis. So I'll probably propose something along the lines of Yellow Mantis to the Mapping project as a POI near Colonia.

"The Yellow Mantis"

Going to Colonia

After visiting a couple of more Nebulas I decided my ship is banged-up enough to get some fresh paint and I hope to find that on Colonia. So instead of heading straight to Sag A* I am headed to Colonia instead.

Continuing into the unknown

I reached my first long distance goal at the Traikaae Nebula. Looks amazing close up, I'll try and get a nice shot from a planetary surface some place near. Then the next target will be the Bleae Aewsy Nebula, around 7200LY away, meaning this will be an even longer trip than what I did so far. Next stop: Bleae Aewsy CG-C B2-1