Wyrd [#5031654888146]

Black Hide [#128678535]
Wyrd A 2 (9 光秒)
坐标: -62.108 / -85.5756


Contacts, Refuel, Repair, Restock, Search and Rescue, Tuning

Narcotics, Battle Weapons, Combat Stabilisers, Imperial Slaves, Landmines, Personal Weapons, Slaves

最后更新: 24/5/11 上午1:18

Core Internal

Power Coupling Integrity Mass Power Price
1C Power Distributor Distribution system for ENG, SYS and WEP capacitors. 40 1.3 吨 0.4 兆瓦 3,230 cr
1A Power Distributor Distribution system for ENG, SYS and WEP capacitors. 44 1.3 吨 0.48 兆瓦 20,200 cr
2C Power Distributor Distribution system for ENG, SYS and WEP capacitors. 51 2.5 吨 0.45 兆瓦 9,050 cr
2A Power Distributor Distribution system for ENG, SYS and WEP capacitors. 56 2.5 吨 0.54 兆瓦 56,550 cr
3C Power Distributor Distribution system for ENG, SYS and WEP capacitors. 64 5 吨 0.5 兆瓦 25,330 cr
3A Power Distributor Distribution system for ENG, SYS and WEP capacitors. 70 5 吨 0.6 兆瓦 158,330 cr
4C Power Distributor Distribution system for ENG, SYS and WEP capacitors. 80 10 吨 0.56 兆瓦 70,930 cr
4B Power Distributor Distribution system for ENG, SYS and WEP capacitors. 96 16 吨 0.62 兆瓦 177,330 cr
5C Power Distributor Distribution system for ENG, SYS and WEP capacitors. 96 20 吨 0.62 兆瓦 198,610 cr
5B Power Distributor Distribution system for ENG, SYS and WEP capacitors. 115 32 吨 0.68 兆瓦 496,530 cr
6D Power Distributor Distribution system for ENG, SYS and WEP capacitors. 90 16 吨 0.61 兆瓦 222,440 cr
6B Power Distributor Distribution system for ENG, SYS and WEP capacitors. 136 64 吨 0.75 兆瓦 1,390,280 cr
7D Power Distributor Distribution system for ENG, SYS and WEP capacitors. 105 32 吨 0.67 兆瓦 622,840 cr
7B Power Distributor Distribution system for ENG, SYS and WEP capacitors. 157 128 吨 0.81 兆瓦 3,892,770 cr
8D Power Distributor Distribution system for ENG, SYS and WEP capacitors. 120 64 吨 0.72 兆瓦 1,743,960 cr
8C Power Distributor Distribution system for ENG, SYS and WEP capacitors. 150 160 吨 0.8 兆瓦 4,359,900 cr

Weapon Hardpoint

Multi-Cannons Integrity Mass Power Price
4A Multi-Cannon (Gimbal) Rapid fire, small-calibre projectile weapon on gimballed mount, with signature tracking assist. 80 16 吨 1.22 兆瓦 6,377,600 cr
Pulse Lasers Integrity Mass Power Price
1G Pulse Laser (Gimbal) Single-pulse laser weapon on gimballed mount, with signature tracking assist. 40 2 吨 0.39 兆瓦 6,600 cr
1G Pulse Laser (Turret) Single-pulse laser weapon on turret mount, with automatic signature tracking. 40 2 吨 0.38 兆瓦 26,000 cr
2F Pulse Laser (Gimbal) Single-pulse laser weapon on gimballed mount, with signature tracking assist. 51 4 吨 0.6 兆瓦 35,400 cr
2E Pulse Laser (Fixed) Single-pulse laser weapon on fixed mount. 51 4 吨 0.6 兆瓦 17,600 cr
3D Pulse Laser (Fixed) Single-pulse laser weapon on fixed mount. 64 8 吨 0.9 兆瓦 70,400 cr
4A Pulse Laser (Gimbal) Single-pulse laser weapon on gimballed mount, with signature tracking assist. 80 16 吨 1.37 兆瓦 877,600 cr