CMDR bampeanut 资料 > 航行日志

2012 Ford Flex [bigblu]
(Type-9 Heavy)
984,275,918 Cr
NYND 3308: Entry 3

13:42: Thanks to a fellow explorer i was informed of a system that has a planet with some rare life on it, it is a large detour considering i need to go away from the next waypoint then turn around to go back to it, but i believe it will be worth it, both because of the value of it, the value of the systems i find on the way, and the experience of seeing it. Although i am concerned because i only have a few more days to get to the next waypoint and i'm still around 10kly away from it. enter image description here 13:59: So i just found a system with 3 notable stellar phenomenas, something strange is that whoever was in this system first used their discovery scanner as the stars are labeled with their name, but not their full system scanner, so i have no clue if i am the first to discover these phoenomena or not. I'm traveling to them to scan them and see what they have. I hope that they are different than the ones i visted the other day...

enter image description here 14:06: Arriving at the first one i am told it is a proto Lagrange cloud... flying up to one of the crystal like structures i see and scanning it reveals that the first of the 2 types of crystals is the same as the ones i found last time but just a different color. Flying up to the second one reveals, the same thing, different color same crystal. a little bit more flying around confirms that there is nothing else unique here... enter image description here 14:22: The second phoenomena appears to be inside of planetary rings, aproaching the signal now... enter image description here enter image description here 14:24: This appears to be a small cluser of albulum gourd molluscs. my codex informs me that these are technically animals although they use a similar process to photosynthesis to absorb starlight, strange... enter image description here 14:31: Arriving at the 3rd signal source it looks almost identical to the first one, it has the same red crystals but none of the green ones that were at the first signal. I spent a bit more time searching around the moved on... enter image description here 15:23: My navigation computer has put me in the path of several neutron stars, this will greatly speed up travel time but it is still around 60 jumps to the destination... 15:32: The system i'm in currently appears to have a planet with one species of life. i think i'll check it out, i know i'm short on time but after a while jumping gets boring, 'tis the life of an explorer... enter image description here 15:35: Approaching the planet i see a crater that looks like a good landing spot, the argon atmosphere makes the planet glow as i approach.

Artemis Suit Transcript: CMDR Bampeanut

15:41: "i'm on foot now, going to wander for a bit until i find some life, the scanners showed fonticula scattered around the crater. My computer also tells me that this is first footfall so yay me..." enter image description here 15:43: "i found the first sample of the day, its smaller than the ones around it. Genetic sampler is telling me it is Fonticula Campestris Emerald..." enter image description here 15:48: "I'm far enough away now that my ship automatically dissmissed, i'll have to call it back later..." enter image description here 15:53: "i've aquired the last sample of the Fonticula, calling back my ship and boarding now."

Ship Text Log: CMDR Bampeanut

15:55: This log is a little bit shorter than the normal ones but for today it was just uneventful travel i've had enough of flying for today, i've done around 50-60 jumps i need to get to my waypoint, i will get there tomorrow. CMDR Bampeanut signing off.

NYND 3308: Entry 2

After a breakfast of grilled cheese and coffee i set out again, takeoff was smooth, i'm back on course for the PW2010 star cluster. Had a mishap after a few jumps, me still being tired and not really paying attention means i almost ran my fuel tank dry, had enough fuel left to jump to a scoopable star, if not for the density of the region i am in i would have had to call the fuel rats. This planet is where i stayed the night Shortly after the fuel debacle i came across a system with 4 terraformable worlds and an undiscovered water world, I wonder if anyone will ever terraform these worlds, considering we are a few thousand light years away from the bubble. I wonder if i even should map these worlds considering we wont terraform them for probably a few thousand years, yet again universal cartographics always pays well for these worlds. Flyby of the terraformable world After around an hour of jumping i can start to see the star cluster in the distance, i'm not too far away now, i think i'll do some exobiology once i get there. PW2010 supercluster I've arrived at the main star in the super cluster, it seems that this system is absolutely filled with metal-rich planets, it also appears to have 2 ringed stars and lots of life. Planetary approach i'm on planetary approach now, this planet seems barren but my scanner is telling me that there is some form of life here, alongside that i think i can get a few nice pictures of the sky with my handheld camera. enter image description here my landing computer appears to have been damaged so i'll have to land manually, this might take a while... i found a suitable landing spot after a minute or so of searching, my temperature readouts are telling me it is too hot to stay on the surface for long so i'll have to get these photos quickly. enter image description here CMDR Bampeanut has disembarked the ship

Artemis suit audio log: CMDR Bampeanut:

"that really is a sight to see, i've stepped out of the airlock now and am greeted by an amazing view of the gas giant that this moon orbits. my suit temperature readouts are telling me the surface temperature is... 1394K HOLY CRAP, i gotta go quick, i landed in a valley because it was the flattest landing spot, but it doesn't make for the best photos... alright i've got my photos heading back onboard now." CMDR Bampeanut has boarded the ship

Ship Text log: CMDR Bampeanut

Now that i've got my photos i'm going to start to look for the life my computer reported, i think i will just fly around until i spot some... While flying around i spotted something inside of a crater, entering it and activating my ships night vision reveals it is fumaroles of some sort, i decided to land and am going to try and scan them with my SRV planetary fumaroles

SRV Text Log: CMDR Bampeanut

Driving up to them, i notice that these are much larger than they appeared in the ship, a quick composition scan indicates that these are silicate vapor fumaroles. Something i noticed is that these fumaroles have crystalline structures growing on them. crystalline structure

Ship Text log: CMDR Bampeanut

Back onboard now, going to continue the search for life... strange thought, early 21st century earth would have freaked out if they found extraterrestrial life, and yet modern day explorers treat it like its a normal day, i'm surprised it took humanity so long to find it. return to ship HAHA FOUND IT, took me 20 minutes of flying and searching and i found it in a crater, it seems to grow around the fumaroles which surprises me because i didn't see anything near the other fumaroles I visted, i do not know if this is enough variety to get a genetic sample but we are about to find out. approaching life

SRV Text Log: CMDR Bampeanut

Driving up to one and activating my composition scanner reveals that they are rubeum bioluminescent anemones, visually they look like little cocoons or maybe watermelons with holes in them, the holes look like little windows almost, sort of like a little colony of life is inside, which there is! these life forms tolerate huge temperatures and absorb energy from nearby stars to keep themselves alive. genetic sampling I forgot to log it but i disembarked and ran around and got my samples as quickly as i could, this crater did have enough diversity to get my full sample, for some reason my genetic sampler was logging 2 different types of anemones, yet my ship and SRVs compostion scanner were only logging 1 species of life, it might just be a small variant of the same species. i think i will go to sleep on this planet tonight, im too tired to fly somewhere else and flying while tired is an easy way to die. CMDR Bampeanut Signing off

NYND 3308: Entry 1

i've decided to start writing my logs for this expedition incase anything happens to me during it, this expedition is a long trip taking us to several waypoints on our way to the galactic center. Currently i am just past the lagoon nebula and on my way to our next waypoint, the PW2010 star cluster. On my way there i plan to stop at the trifid nebula as it is only a slight detour.enter image description here As i continue my trip i spot a gas giant with water based life and decide to do a flyby. Seeing planets like this make me wonder how anything can live in an environment this hostile, even if it is the most simple form of life it is still amazing that anything can exist like this. enter image description here While doing my routine system scan i spot an undiscovered terraformable water world, I decide i should map it, as i pull into a stable orbit and begin my scan i spot the Trifid nebula in the background.enter image description here Inching closer and closer to the nebula I decided to risk a neutron star boost, I have done plenty of these but they always scare me, as they would anyone. You are willingly flying into the ejection stream of a star that is the second most dense thing in the universe. I suppose this wouldn't scare a seasoned explorer but this being my first long range expedition going through this makes me nervous. enter image description here As i approach my last jump before entering the nebula I spend a few minutes admiring the view. The sheer distance we have come during this expedition is mind boggling, we have explored millions of lightyears and thousands of planets and systems. Some explorers travel to Colonia never to return, among other things the galactic collective is working together to build the Colonia bridge project, a series of stations positioned strategically in-between The Bubble and Colonia. enter image description here As i enter the nebula i pick up 2 signals of notable stellar phenomena, as i approach the signal and disengage my FSD i am greeted by a field of strange crystals. Approaching one of them I activate my composition scanner. After a brief scan it reveals to me that these are huge collections of primordial microorganisms. enter image description here I spent a few minutes here scanning and admiring the view before moving on to the next signal source. enter image description here Arriving at the second signal i am shocked by the completely different color of gas in this region apparently it is a lagrange cloud, approaching the crystals i do the same as before. enter image description here turns out that these are a different color of crystals compared to the last one, but they are still almost identical. enter image description here i also happen to spot a different form of life, it appears to be almost leaf like, in the way that it absorbs energy from the collar around its edge. i spend a bit longer here compared to the last area just admiring the view and colors. After a while i set out again, i find a nearby moon to land on and decide to rest there for the night, i will continue the journey towards the supercluster after some rest. CMDR Bampeanut signing off.