CMDR John Allbright 资料 > 航行日志

Apostis [JO-04A]
7,325,651,343 Cr
Commanders Log July 26, 3304 (Point Decision)

Day 32 of my exploration of the outer arm has brought me to Point Decision slightly ahead of schedule. After spending several hours on various moons in the system collecting needed materials and conducting a visual inspection of my ship's outer hull the SRV is now secure. A slight malfunction of one port-side thruster facilitated an impromptu repair, but it appears to be functioning normally now.

After a brief rest period I had an opportunity to review the cartographic data around my current position. There are several large areas of untraversed space near Vigs' Beacon that are ripe for an exhaustive survey, In light of this information I have decided to forgo my plan to continue along the galactic edge to Arms End and plot a course inward towards Vigs' Beacon. With any luck I'll make some amazing new discoveries there.

Commanders Log July 25, 3304 (Slow Day)

It's now day 30 of my exploration trip to the outer arm of the galaxy. Despite initial discoveries of two class four gas giants earlier today, as a whole, the day proved to be rather lackluster. The thin stellar density and heavily traversed nature of this area leaves a paltry few systems available for first discovery.

After 100 jumps through the the void today I am now tired and preparing for a sleep cycle.

Diagnostics have been completed. All systems functioning normally. Thrusters are offline and all non-essential systems in sleep mode.

I have plotted a route to Point Decision and should arrive there in two days. I'll decide then weather to continue along the edge of the galaxy or head inward.