CMDR Pirate Captain X 资料 > 航行日志

Alcyonia [explor]
(Diamondback Explorer)
2,972,239,461 Cr
More exploring

Found a few more systems for my tritium system list, have added them to my earlier tritium system list post.

Had a bit of a mishap with a geyser.. so may have lost some system data.. but its recorded on edsm so I wont lose any sleep over it.

Flyiedgiae OQ-N b39-9 is a system full of ringed objects, and many planets with geological points of interest. Probably to close to my last tritium system, but with this many rings it probably has tritium, so I will check. (edit: yup first one i checked had tritium, and the outer ones have a pile of ores in 2 rings including diamonds, opal and more tritium )

Working my way to a previously explored system to finish surface scanning before moving on towards my mystery unexplored neutron highway near the system I found an earthlike planet in. I suspect these neutrons are artificial and lead somewhere, but I guess time will tell.

That's one big ass crater on Flyiedgiae BX-I d10-92 AB 2 big crater 1 big crater 2

Also there are still aliens out there.. t was aliens

Opals. Diamonds, Tritium. Waterworld Nyeajaae RI-X b48-7

So found a good stopover system for a carrier.

All the good gems, and tritium, even has a water world.

Flyiedgiae EE-N b12-4 has some opals and diamonds too

Lost in space? Found more tritium.

Not really lost, but located Tritium in one of the three the rings of Drojeae KN-M c10-11 6.

Tritium isn't as rare as it was but I'll still record systems when I find some. One day I may have a fleet carrier and knowing good places to stop on my "Tritium highway" isn't going to hurt profits.

Also found Void Opals, Bromelite, Platinum, Aleandrite, Low temp diamonds, as well as tritium. Looks like a good place to park a fleet carrier to top up the fuel, and mine some goodies.

Still a way out from my suspected lost bubble of earth like planets. Not really in a hurry TBH. Luckily I installed a basic rescue controller - had to repair my hull. Scanning life on planets can be hazardous it seems.

Not encountered any crashed ships, life pods or lost probes this time so far. I am likely still too close the the Colonia highway route.

Stay safe out there people. o7

The search for the lost bubble resumes.

Just a short note, which may have more details added later, I am resuming the search for the lost bubble near highguard ( Crookoa UX-B c13-257 )

I've previously discovered a new neutron highway into the region, and steadily increasing numbers of earthlikes, high metal, terraformables, ammonias and water worlds in the region.

This will not be a short mission. I intend to survey previously noted systems along the way.

Alcyonia flies again: Ammonia world list

After making the acquaintance of several engineers I have been able to upgrade my original exploration ship to have the ability to repair, rescue, and jump up to 50 lightyears making it the superior of my AspX presently.

Since prior to this current demand for Ammonia world data, I had myself been already looking for the same thing anyway, I have a major advantage over everyone.

So I have pulled open my local database, and created a list of worlds, to systematically check and scan within a radius of 100 light years of Kuwemaki.

For the benefit of other commanders i shall recreate this list below, although some systems are already aligned with the initiative and will be unmappable there is more than enough to get most people to 50%. Beyond that you are on your own commanders. Also beware numerous NPCs are interdicting at these sites too.

  1. HIP 13514 BCD 2 / Ammonia world 26.58 ly
  2. HIP 11859 3 / Ammonia world 43.74 ly
  3. Lopo Vuh 3 / Ammonia world 46.92 ly
  4. Medui 2 / Ammonia world 51.07 ly
  5. Synuefe FC-L c24-2 C 2 / Ammonia world 53.48 ly
  6. Yab Camalo A 4 / Ammonia world 56.85 ly
  7. Giras B 1 / Ammonia world 57.84 ly
  8. HR 853 B 10 a / Ammonia world 59.26 ly
  9. Loko Oh 2 / Ammonia world 59.48 ly
  10. HIP 6418 ABC 7 / Ammonia world 60.57 ly
  11. Col 285 Sector AE-A b14-0 5 / Ammonia world 62.02 ly
  12. Grovicho 7 / Ammonia world 62.69 ly
  13. Njemar 2 / Ammonia world 63.60 ly
  14. HIP 17164 A 5/ Ammonia world 66.24 ly
  15. HIP 13569 A 8 a / Ammonia world 69.73 ly
  16. Synuefe UL-S b50-1 A 7 / Ammonia world 70.46 ly
  17. Synuefe UG-R b51-3 B 1 / Ammonia world 71.25 ly
  18. Mabon 4 / Ammonia world 71.39 ly
  19. Synuefe XL-B b46-2 B 2 / Ammonia world 73.21 ly
  20. Synuefe TV-B b46-0 B 2 / Ammonia world 74.32 ly
  21. Adachit A 7 / Ammonia world 74.84 ly
  22. HIP 6780 7 / Ammonia world 75.34 ly
  23. HIP 9713 5 / Ammonia world 75.94 ly
  24. Shilluk 2 / Ammonia world 77.32 ly
  25. Synuefe ZH-H d11-59 AB 2 / Ammonia world 78.00 ly
  26. Synuefe VP-O c22-3 AB 7 / Ammonia world 79.09 ly
  27. Bhrites A 5 / Ammonia world 80.11 ly
  28. Synuefe DJ-F d12-60 A 8 / Ammonia world 80.48 ly
  29. Synuefe DO-F d12-63 8 / Ammonia world 82.47 ly
  30. Synuefe HX-K c24-6 B 3 / Ammonia world 83.09 ly
  31. Tubalith B 8 Tubalith / Ammonia world 87.00 ly
  32. Col 285 Sector JB-O c6-5 3 / Ammonia world 87.59 ly
  33. Synuefe CR-M c23-6 3 / Ammonia world 87.86 ly
  34. Miquitagat 4 / Ammonia world 88.73 ly
  35. Khwarakan 6 / Ammonia world 89.51 ly
  36. Lumbawetiac 3 / Ammonia world 89.84 ly
  37. Jimatch 4 / Ammonia world 90.33 ly
  38. Synuefe QK-D b45-2 2 / Ammonia world 92.87 ly
  39. Synuefe PZ-V b48-1 2 / Ammonia world 93.90 ly
  40. HIP 16855 5 / Ammonia world 95.33 ly
  41. Badjalang 1 / Ammonia world 95.53 ly
  42. Synuefe EN-Y b47-0 2 / Ammonia world 95.88 ly

Other random systems found exploring: Blae Drye SW-L c24-45

Not a lot happening here...

I've been avoiding the conflict zones of late, after early sucess pushing back the thargoids, the war in part can be described as one great stalemate at the moment, so i have been focusing my efforts on making the aquaintance of engineers and upgrading my fleet of ships, the idea of either cutting and running, or turning and fighting the main focus of my current ship configurations.

On the one side i have exploration ships with as much jump range and possible squeezed out of them, with quality of life upgrades that increase my chances of survival in deep space on the one hand, and in the other the most heavily armoured and armed battleship i can assemble for the purposes of fighting off thargoids should the need arise. I also have some middle ground ships specialised in payload, or speed as well should i need to run blockades.

Galactic War Updates HERE.

I have been tied up in major anti xeno, evacuation and enemy scouting efforts in the thargoid galactic war.

Regular updates can be found here: News from the front

Kingfisher Black Box Missing

I am starting to think the Thargoids are not in fact behind the attack on the Kingfisher.

I went to investigate and a few odd things stood out.

Firstly these thargoids seem to be equipped with.. odd technology. My first encounter with them in Hyades Sector YO-Q b5-1 was while examining a signal source, and collecting materials. A frameshift anomaly caused all my computers to malfunction, followed shortly by a shutdown wave that immediately disabled my ship and then destroyed most of it.

This was unusual as this particular ship, an ASP explorer - was equipped with shields and systems that can normally survive a shut down and escape if barely. In this case the ship was immediately disabled and immediately damaged beyond repair by a "Scout HQ". I was able to survive in my EV suit in the wreckage until the rescue rangers located my beacon..

Curious I returned again with another ASP explorer and located the Kingfisher. On arrival there was numerous debris - including a black box and some active uplinks. I scanned one of the uplinks - the first one.

Kingfisher Log 1

I went to grab the black box, which would have contained key sensor scan data, however several frameship anomalies appeared followed by thargoid ships before I had a chance. I escaped and returned a few more times to scan out the remaining uplinks -

Kingfisher Log 2 Kingfisher Log 3

I then returned to Lovaroju where I switched to my Federal Corvette, a ship much more suited to butting heads with thargoids.. (or station defences for that matter.. since I can comfortably wander off at my leisure from them in that ship without so much as a scatach on my hull) in hope of grabbing the black box.

This encounter oddly enough did not go any better. I arrived at the Kingfisher, where I launched a fighter as a decoy and several limpets while attempted to locate the blackbox and fend off the thargoids, but it was now nowhere to be found - here is where things get strange and why I am suspicious if these are even Thargoids at all -

They started firing missiles at me? plain and simple missiles.

My shields managed to hold long enough to flee the wreck, my fighter pilot was caught by surprise as he had never seen these type of thargoid ships before. "I've seen some things in my time Commander, but never anything like this!?"

Even with my powerful ship the enemy managed to disrupt my systems and shield to the point I was down to 10% hull as I attempted to frameshift, but even in my massive ship... SOMETHING was disrupting my FSD, factor 30? it was unable to charge.

The ship at this point was a write off, so I dragged my now unconscious fighter pilot into my partially constructed spare fighter - zipped up our EV suits and played dead in the corvette wreckage until the thargoids left and I was able to signal rescue rangers to pick us up.

I also took MY blackbox with me. I was destroyed by A scout Q ? Interesting.

On further review of my blackbox footage it seems I made a series of embarrasing errors.. I still had 4% shield - but I failed to notice - I could have fired a shield cell!, I was also equipped with hull repair systems.. but in the heat of the moment i was too busy trying to escape for the thought to even occur to me.

Corvette Black box

At this point with nothing to lose on returning to the nearby station - I switched to my Shieldless but fast Python hauler, the aim being to again attempt to grab all the pods and blackbox. I arrived at the Kingfisher, and was rather concerned to discover once again, no sign of the kingfisher blackbox anywhere.

Curiouser still, in my weak and vulnerable shieldless cargo hauler - when the thargoids did eventually turn up. This time they ignored me, and I was able to flee back to Lovaroju without further incident.

My Suspicions are not solely based on the unusually overpowered Thargoids in this instance, and my suspicions are shared by other commanders - previous incidents have disclosed the fact that some factions had access to derelict thargoid ships. Imperials in particular were VERY quick to act and pay for any data relating to these.. including that covert ops incident a while back at the prison and the odd tendancy of late for the "thargoid" ships to collect escape pods... almost like pirates would back in Jamesons time.. to sell as slaves.

Only the imperials collect slaves. It is also strange that in my first encounter with the Kingfisher, the thargoids didn't react until i targeted the blackbox, then all hell breaks lose.. when i return everything BUT the blackbox is still floating around. What use would thargoids have for a blackbox.. unless they are not thargoids at all - and wanted to cover it up by removing the sensor data.

I have to wonder then, if perhaps an imperial affiliated faction is behind this, either flying thatgoid ships themselves, and passing them off as "goids" in order to collect slaves for some hidden super project.. perhaps they found the Raxxla gateway and are attempting to build something there with slave labour? Or perhaps they simply use the captured ships to send out fake signals in order to incite an attack. I can only speculate at this point.

Space trucking

So I have been doing some space trucking out of Yoru, as I am hoping to get some work done by a local engineer 'Nemo' on my plasma cannons. I've had to purchase a Dolphin class ship as the cobra mk iv is not available, and the last contract is with Bargh Research Lab who only maintain a small landing pad. They want nearly 700 units of bertrandite, but the job pays almost 50 million credits which funds almost all of the expenses of cultivating Mr Nemo's acquaintance. These ships sound odd, a cross between a dolphin squeek and something you might hear in a private booth at the bordellos of Gabriel Enterprises. Admit it.. you cannot unhear it now..

It is taking forever with a capacity of just over 80 tons a run, but Caidin Reach and the newly built Jeffries Extraction Exchange have ample supply of the element so I don't even need leave the system.

I've actually met the engineer already and had the work done, after doing a few uuuh.. 'other' missions of questionable ethics for Party of Yoru; who apparently Mr Nemo is a card carrying member of. They have the audacity to call me a pirate.. I should go into politics. Makes me look like a boy scout.

Guy also seems to collect sex bots. What a weirdo.

Apparently there is some crazy rumor's about Thargoid base ships converging on Sol.. well it seemed crazy until my DSS Scanner started locking onto nearly a dozen strange signals with a red shift suggesting they are legging it (legging? tentacling perhaps?) in my direction.

Worrying. Wonder what the space squids want with us now?

enter image description here

Hiatus - command console refitting

So, I have taken a break from exploring the universe to refit my control console for the ship. I have built up three custom control consoles for a space ship cockpit, comprising an overhead control panel for non-combat systems, a control console for targeting, exploration, navigation and flight stick controls. There is also a side panel for ship system screens, and an 42 inch expanded front window screen. I also have a secondary small scale control panel and dual flight stick setup for my daughter's wingman systems, which are to be mounted upstairs in a ship interior. They are currently mostly dismantled to smooth out and finish the surface in preperation for painting.

Since I cannot easily control the ship without these controls hooked up I am unable to operate my ship for the moment until they are complete.

Currently my current ship - an incomplete type 10 project is dry docked in Shinrarta dezhra whilst I work on the custom cockpit controls (IRL) to run them.

In real terms that means I cannot play Elite Dangerous, since I have no way to control the ship until it is all assembled again. Boooo!