CMDR DeadBeatDoomie 资料 > 航行日志

Moon Cheese Eight [MC-008]
(Krait Mk II)
Back to the bubble..

It's been a little over 6 months since I placed the rest of my fleet in storage, so time to head back into the Bubble. Hope to buy either a Krait or Fer De Lance with the 150+ mill credits earnt in exploration data.

Routing via the 'Colonia Connection Highway' - Kashyapa - Boewnst KS-S c20-959 - Gandharvi - Gru Hypue KS-T d3-31 - Skaudai CH-B d14-34 - Rohini I'll figure the rest out after Rohini.


Home at last

Back in Colonia.

Next stop, Beagle Point

213 jumps & 9,961.98 ly to Beagle Point. Waypoint #13 of the Beagle Point Expedition. Beagle point represents the 'turning around' point.

Syneayoo JH-Y c0 Mar 18, 2018, 5:22:39 PM

Ship: Moon Cheese Four Anaconda Jump distance: 51.46 ly

Distance to Sol: 60,900.33 ly Distance to Colonia: 44,087.89 ly

Space madness is setting in. (Or - how many more jumps left before I get back to Colonia and then back into the bubble. Just want to run some normal cargo missions..)

213 jumps & 9,961.98 ly to Beagle Point

Waypoint 6 of the 3304 Beagle Point Expedition

Eok Gree TO-Q e5-3167 (Green Crystal Stellar Remnant) Feb 3, 2018, 10:22:51 AM

Ship: Moon Cheese Four Anaconda Jump distance: 54.11 ly

Distance to Sol: 30,709.76 ly Distance to Colonia: 13,519.81 ly

Setting down here, admiring the nice views, for short R&R

Black hole in the distance

So many neutron and white dwarf stars!

Schee Flyi BF-A e7011 Jan 27, 2018, 11:20:18 AM

Ship: Moon Cheese Four Anaconda Jump distance: 11.76 ly

Distance to Sol: 22,500.91 ly Distance to Colonia: 5,449.71 ly

Set down for a few to refresh and plan the next leg.

Had my first scare - jump placed me in the middle of a small black hole. Hull down to 97%, so nothing to worry about just yet. Still, this was my first undiscovered black hole; lets hope it remains that way until I get back in 110kly.

Well, it's time

20 mins to go. Ship checked out, cleaned and powered on. Systems checked.

This will be the last launch from a station in sometime.

Onwards into the void we go.

Colonia - Start

Less than 12 hours left.

Having converted Moon Cheese Four back to her exploration fit-out, and a short shakedown run, it's time to get some rest before we head out again.

Almost time to head out again

I've run my last bulk passengers, and taken my last paying sightseeing guest.

Starting Jan 20th, it's time to embark on my greatest hop yet - I'm joining 300+ other commanders on a 110k round trip to Beagle Point; the 'Beagle Point Expedition 2018'

Going on past time & distance, it looks like i'll be out for 3-6 months. Just hoping the old lady Anaconda 'Moon Cheese Four' holds up for the entirety. I sense my two AFMU modules will get some use this time.

But first, a visit to the (newly arrived?) mega ship Dove Enigma - I don't ever remember seeing that over the past 6 weeks.


Dec 21, 2017, 4:31:22 PM

Made it!

57 Jumps left!

Eephaills UX-B d2870 Dec 18, 2017, 11:16:51 AM

Distance to Sol: 19,848.47 ly Distance to Colonia: 3,059.50 ly

Finally, my destination is in sight. Looking forward to spending some time spacestation side, and cash in on my exploration data; including finding three earth like worlds in very quick succession to each another.

I will be there for Christmas!