CMDR Aye-Jay 资料 > 航行日志

572,046,445 Cr
27th March 3309

Not much happened the last couple of days. I have taken ill and spent some time in my bunk resting. Thankfully I am out far enough that I haven't encountered pirates or gankers so I have been able to recover enough to continue.

Some really good results on 1 planet with 8 samples collected. Thank god I had the 2 SRV's on board as one got banged up pretty bad. I really must learn to slow down over crests :)

Heading off planet

Codex and mats aquired

25th March 3309

Woke up to a beutiful view, checked everything was in order and working and lifted off to see where the day takes me.

enter image description here

My first footfall planet and what a view I got.

Water Geysers in full flow

I also managed to find a few minerals around to salvage and scanned my first Roseum Brain Tree.

The system contains 5 planets for my first true exobiology mission. Let's see what I get.

ANA Expo to the black and back....

I have been waiting for this. It has been a dream of mine for some time. To travel to places no other human has been. To see the stars. To walk on terra firma 1000's of LY's away from home.

Well, finally, after several months of saving and working like a trooper I have brought the beautiful Anaconda.And then spending a couple of weeks gathering mats for the engineers to work their magic and I now have something I can be proud of.

She has a new coat of paint; she has under 1000 LY's on the dash and she can jump 74ly un-ladened. My god, I seriously did this. I've aptly (or corny, whichever way you look at it) named her ANA-Expo.

I've said good bye to the wife, the kids, the dog (which will probably miss me the most) and I am ready.

Everything is checked. Double checked. And if I've forgotten something, well, it's too late now.

It's 12:25 on the 24th Mar 3309 and I have just departed from Kuwemaki after finishing my last engineering task. Let us see what awaits us. Will it be death and destruction, will it be magnificent and spectacular. Only the stars ahead will know.