CMDR Bartizan 资料 > 航行日志

richard feynman [app f]
Adventure to the Rift.

Hurt my back today. In a great deal of pain. Managed to pass briefly through the Heart Nubula region. I am currently in EAFOTS RX-T D3-3, Solame's World. Scanned the system, found nothing interesting although I really didn't expect to. It is a lovely system, but no reason to linger. I intend to steer the SOD back towards my intended goal, deep inside the rift. There I will look for a suitable system to operate from as I explore.

The pain and discomfort is inconvenient and I wish my commanders chair was heated to offer some relief. Not eating, the trip to the galley might be too much. Maybe I'll try to move about later.


Adventure to the Rift.

I have long wanted to explore the Formidine Rift. My Fleet Carrier, Sword of Damocles, is nearly prepared. My staging area is the Cibola system. This is where I will depart for deep into the rift, Approximately 18,000ly from Cibola.I have transferred the remaining ships I own, consolidating my modest fleet to the carrier. I also purchased and kitted a number of new ships I thought might be fun to take along. I have loaded the carrier with more than 24,000 tons of Tritium and 16 Hutton Mugs.

My target destination is DRYO AIRG VD-Z C27-6. No particular reason beyond rough geometry, my gut, and somewhere to shoot for. Once there I will locate a more suitable base system to operate from. I have no expectations, only a desire to explore. I have embarked on many personal explorations over the years, but none quite like this.

I am topping off the tanks, so to speak as I type this, and will make my first 2 jumps tonight before sleep.


Somewhere to start

On board the Fleet Carrier Sword of Damocles, in the Wolf 922 system. Making an attempt at logging my experiences. So much exploration to this point, seems i should have started long ago. better late than never I suppose.

Well on with it I suppose. Preparing to jump the carrier to Betelgeuse 2. Although it is 517 ly from my current position, so a quick hop through HIP 28261.